Unofficial FAQ on the Coral Beach Center

By Coral Beach, in Mutant Chronicles

Yeah, previously it was ruled that the summoning did not count as a move action, but at this point all bets are off with regards to rulings. It really could be anything.

Thanks. we kinda thought that might be the case, but thought we'd ask to be sure.

Thanks for your efforts and delivery on this C.B

Coral Beach said:

Two sources,
- At the 9th post of this thread
- And as a question asked directly to Nate French the 22 january 2009 (by rules question formular).

> Message from:
> Coral Beach
> Rule Question:
> Does the Invoke Frenzy command card (n°6) may be applied to the
> Barrage unit action of the Gommorian Emasculator (n°7) ?
> Some players think that this damage bonus may only be applied to
> normal attacks and others that Barrage may be assimilated to an
> attack (the game text is ambiguous).
> Thanks.
"Play before the chosen unit attacks" refers to the chosen unit taking
an attack action. Using the Barrage action does not interact with this
play restriction.
Nate French
Design and Development
Fantasy Flight Games

Uhm... but in this way, there are two distinctive attacks, "Attack Action", and "Other Attack" like Barrage.

So, if I make an Attack using Wait Order, is still Attack or no?

As precised pg. 23 in the rulebook : "For special abilities and other game purposes, a guard attack counts as taking an attack action, but not as assigning an order." So yes, you can use a damage enhancement with a guard attack.

The corrected version has been put online today. The entries about the Praetorian Behemoth, Golem Ice unit number, Reanimated Ezoghoul, Sniper Ranger, Scion of Ilian, Nepharite of Ilian, Templar of the Wheel and Mercurian Spawn have been added.

Unofficial FAQ Version 1.2

The updated version is now online. It includes errata and questions about Second Set units and command cards.

FAQ english 1.3