Travel Distances in the Empire (and Beyond)

By jackdays, in WFRP House Rules

I did years ago, when WFRP2 was new, list of distances between various places around the Empire in the main routes (land and water). This list found itself also to this forum once (or twice). Now, the list is revised and these distances are calculated again based on the maps we have:

Kalevala Hammer Rule Expansions: Travel Distances in the Empire

This list is for GM's to make their job easier and faster when players need to travel around the Empire. To be used with any travelling rules...

Nice, I will use it for sure!

Downloaded and saved, thanks.

Awesome sauce!

Excellent resource thank you =)


Gitzman said:

Excellent resource thank you =)


Thanks and credits do belong to you too. Thanks for THE map cool.gif

Works pretty well with my Journeys house rules :)

Bumping the link to this great product.