I recently picked Grimm up at my local shop and have been reading it cover to cover before coming up with our first adventure. As I've been reading it, it has reminded me of a number of different movies. I thought it would be fun to come up with a list of movies people should see to get in the 'Grimm' mood before playing. Here's a short list of what I've thought of so far.
Neverending Story
Little Monsters ( Anyone else remember this totally crazy 80's movie with Fred Savage and Howie Mandel?)
Nightmare Before Christmas (the idea of a Christmas monsters vs Halloween monsters campaign has crossed my mind more than once)
Alice in Wonderland (some versions more than others)
Return to Oz
The 10th Kingdom
Other than movies the first thing I thought of while reading Grimm was Terry Pratchett's Discworld book called Witched Abroad which I also highly recommend to anyone looking for messed up fairytale story ideas. It's also a really funny book anyway.
So what other movies can anyone think of that share the same atmosphere as Grimm?