
By Loophole Master, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

If it is official ruling why wasn't it included in FAQ? Unless it's not in FAQ I wouldn't believe any 'official words'.

Look what happened with Reactive Fire - first 'official words' said any number of units can attempt to use Reactive Fire and then with new FAQ release FFG said something completely different.

In my opinion, at this point Grenade Werfer doesn't ignore cover (of course it should but…).

daniello_s said:

If it is official ruling why wasn't it included in FAQ? Unless it's not in FAQ I wouldn't believe any 'official words'.

You're free to take it as you will, but official word is still official word, whether it's from official answers, the FAQ or the rulebooks. Sure, we've had some official answers that were later overruled by the FAQ, but then again, we've also had hard rulebook stuff that was later overruled by the FAQ. So I don't see why you would disregard one and not the other, specially in a case where you clearly agree with the official answer.