Most quotable thing you have ever heard thread

By TwilitNothing, in Odds & Ends

Come on, not one person put a Kingdom Hearts quote yet, I just reviewed them all and realized that...time for me too be first...ON A KINGDOM HEARTS TCG FORUM...

"A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory.
A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream.
I want to line a pieces up--
yours and mine."

"Thinking of you, wherever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds, and they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny."

"The heart may be weak. And sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!"

Here's one that I used to have in my old signature from the old forums...

"Walking this road without you to remake forgotten promises and meet you at road's end" Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

"You have to be lost to find the places that can't be found...Or else everyone would know where they are"-Captain Barbosa

Gotta love the Pirates quotes. And on that note, it took me a VERY long time to figure out what Jack was saying in this quote:

"Jack! It be bad luck to wake a man was sleepin'.

Aye. But I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking owes the man who was sleeping a drink.The man who was sleeping drinks it, while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking.

... Aye, that'll do it." ~ conversation between Mr. Gibbs and Captain Jack Sparrow.

A few faves from Yu-gi-oh: the abridged series:

"yugi-o's, apparently they're yugi-licious"

"Screw the rules, I have money!"

"In a few hours, the sun will rise"

And of course, from caboose in red vs Blue: "I see some walls, and some, wait... just one roof"

"I'm totally waving my lighter in the air right now despite the looks I'm getting in the libray"

the pirate quotes continue!

"Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no man look up at the sky with hope! And let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake... the Kraken!"~Davy Jones

Someday you will find a moment, where you can be an honorable person

I love those moments, I like to wave at them as they pass on by

GM: "Jedi is your character class. You're sort of warriors with arcane abilities—"
Qui-Gon: "Like fighter/mages?"
GM: "—fighting for justice."
Obi-Wan: "Ah, paladins."
GM: "No. You draw upon the power of the Force—"
Qui-Gon: "The Force?"
GM: "The Force is an energy field—"
Obi-Wan: "Energy? But energy is force times distance."
Qui-Gon: "And 'power of the force' would be distance times the derivative with respect to time."
GM: <sigh> "You're monks."
Qui-Gon: "Got it."
Obi-Wan: "But monks can't wield—"
Qui-Gon: "Shut up. He'll take away our laser swords!"

Luke: "Your feelings betray you, Ben."
Ben: "Betray me? Do they stab me in the back, or do they just give me a swift kick in the butt?"

Waitress: "Anything else?"
Yoda: "Yes. We would like our meal comped."
Waitress: "Your meal will be comped."
Mace Windu: "Stop that! What happened to only using the Force for knowledge and defense?"
Yoda: "I was. Defending my wallet I was from the evil price hikes."

**will you take the road to light or darkness ** **no im takeing the middle road the road to twilight ? no the road to dawn

** re chain of memories diz and riku**

Little Matrix for ya

Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Yes? No? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. The temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself, although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you persist?

Neo: Because I choose to...

how about two from max payne 2

The past is a puzzle, like a broken mirror. As you peice it together, your image keeps shifting. And you change with it. It could destroy you, drive you mad. It could set you free.

Einstein was right. Time is relative to the observer. When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, time slows down. Your whole life flashes by, heartbreak and scars. Stay with it, and you could live a lifetime in that split second.

"The question is is our children learning" George W. Bush

"i'm a gardener FIRST!, a Hero second" - Steve Forman(A friend of mine), playing Zelda: Link to the past

"And now there is a Monkey in my Trailer Eating all my F***in Eggos" - somthing i wrote for a movie i made

We are only just as happy as everyone else seems to think we are...- jimmy eat world

"I say lets cut him up with a machete"-Bakura

"I have a better idea. Lets team up. With our combine evilness we will defeat Yugi Moto. We should also share beuaty tips. I love what you've done with your Hair."-Marik

"Lo'real, because I'm worth it."

"Soon the mind control will commence!!!"-Marik ( In a demonic Voice )

"What the h*** was that?"-Bakura

"Foreshadowing. It happens"- Marik

open up Douglas Adams's "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" and you will find a page full of funny quotes

[The Guide] says that the best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. It says that the effect of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick.

"Six pints of bitter," said Ford Prefect to the barman of the Horse and Groom. "And quickly please, the world's about to end."

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." ford prefect

Ford: "It's unpleasantly like being drunk."
Arthur: "What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"
Ford: "You ask a glass of water."

"Ford," he said, "you're turning into a penguin. Stop it." –Arthur

those quotes came just from the first 9 chapters. Easily one of the best books ever written.

Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No." They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father or President Truman. Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloodly Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers... and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.

- Rorschach from the movie "Watchman"


Random Charactor-Spoongebob ( Don't really like the show, but that line was priceless) XD partido_risa.gif

"take a step and F*** YOUR FACE !!!!!!!!!" tropic thunder

what's with all the "Pirates of the Caribbean" quotes? I know it's a cool movie but still...

Jay: “Why don’t you tell them? People are smart, they can handle it.”
Kay: “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous creatures.”

Kay: “Fifteen-hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five-hundred years ago everybody knew the world was flat. Just think about what you’ll know tomorrow.”

Einstein: "Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind."

Unknown: "There is no good or evil, just winners and losers."

Lindsy: "Everyone thinks home-schooled kids are super smart or overly religious or something."
Kid #1: “And on the 3rd day God invented the bow-action rifle…so he could battle the dinosaurs…and the homosexuals."
Kid #2: “Amen"

"Can anyone provide me with a decent challenge?"-Lu Bu from Warriors Orochi 2

what happened to dreams and honor! ~Zack final fantasy crisis core~