Homebrewed Magnus

By ElricOfMelnibone, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Hi guys! This time I came-up with a few more Magnus. Actually I made a specific Magnus for each and every Blood Pact (including those I created) and for characters with Ancient Blood. I hope you like them and/or release some feedback!

Requirements: 200+ Generic Ki Points, Zen, 250+ Life Points, 1+ Legacy of Solomon Techniques.
Blood Bond: Ancient Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 50
This Magnus greatly improves the use of Nanomachines in combat. Those using the Power-Up burn up some of their own life energy to have their powers work better and with greater permanency.
Empower: When using a Legacy of Solomon Technique, the character may sacrifice 10 Life Points per Technique Level in order to have its predetermined Attack or Defense value go up by one Level or sacrifice 20 Life Points per Technique Level in order to have its predetermined Attack or Defense value go up by two Levels. For example, if using the Offensive Protocol AT-01: Thread of Solomon, a character using this Magnus might spend 10 Life Points to reach an Impossible Attack Level (280) or 20 Life Points to reach an Inhuman Attack Level (320). If the Predetermined Attack or Block Level of a Technique is already at Zen Level, each 10 Life Points sacrificed raise the Attack or Defense value by 50 points.
Permanency: When using a Legacy of Solomon Technique, the character may spend 1 Fatigue Point per Technique Level to prolong its effects. Techniques that aren’t sustained or maintained gain Lesser Sustainment, Maintained Techniques have to pay the Maintenance Cost once every 5 turns, and Techniques with Lesser Sustainment gain Major Sustainment.

Requirements: 300+Attack, 200+Acrobacies, Zen, Dex11+.
Blood Bond: Kagutsuchi’s Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
With this Transformation Magnus, those with Kagutsuchi’s blood turn their shape into that of a mighty Phoenix, whose flames completely surround their body. With a newly acquired greater control over fire, they become a destructive force, bound to consume whatever comes into contact with them.
While using this Transformation, a character gains the Mystical Flight ability with the same speed as their Movement on earth. They gain a bonus to their Initiative, Attack (or Offensive Projection), Base Damage, MA for accumulating Spells from the Fire Path, and Psychic Potential for using Pyrokinesis equal to the sum of their Strength, Dexterity, and Willpower bonuses. The attacks gain Fire as their primary Attack Type or if they are already based on fire, they get an extra +10 Base Damage. The character is immune to the effects of Fire based attacks while keeping this Transformation active and gains +1 to all of his Accumulations while accumulating for techniques that have at least one effect bound to the Fire Element.
Activating this Magnus must be declared before rolling Initiative and has a cost of either 5Ki or 50 Zeon per turn. Abilities from this Magnus can be combined with any other Technique or Ars Magnus, except for those that require a physical transformation.

Requirements: 300+Dodge, 200+Jump, Zen, Agi11+.
Blood Bond: Boreas’ Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
With this Transformation Magnus, those with Boreas’ blood see their body surrounded by coloured feathers and become surrounded by strong winds. Their elemental bound with air makes them completely unaffected by gravity and allows them to turn the air itself into a lethal weapon.
While using this Transformation, a character gains the Mystical Flight ability with the a speed of 16. They gain a bonus of +50 to their Initiative, Dodge, MA for accumulating Spells from the Air Path and Psychic Potential for using Psychokinesis. The character eliminates the ki cost for Weight Elimination and Levitation Ki Abilities and multiplies by 10 the weight that can be moved through Object Motion and Mass Movement. All attacks from this character are considered distance attacks with a maximum range equal to double their Power characteristic in meters. Such attacks are invisible to all but those capable of seeing Magic and can use either Cut, Impact or Pierce primary Attack Type as chosen by the character attacking.
Activating this Magnus must be declared before rolling Initiative and has a cost of either 5Ki or 50 Zeon per turn. Abilities from this Magnus can be combined with any other Technique or Ars Magnus, except for those that require a physical transformation.

Requirements: 300+Block, 200+Composure, Zen, Str11+.
Blood Bond: Niflheim’s Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
The strongest power those with Niflheim’s blood can access to is turning into an Ice Giant. This transformation confers incredible control over cold and incredible resistance to the individual’s body. Also, the crystal structure of a Phurysaz alters reality, reflecting all offensive actions directed against this form.
While using this Transformation, a character gains +3 to all of his Accumulations and +50 to his MA while accumulating Ki and/or Zeon for Ice related Techniques or Spells. His Cryokinesis Psychic Powers automatically achieve one additional difficulty level. Also, all Cold based Phisical Resistance checks caused by a character using this transformation increase their difficulty by +50. The character gains +30 to his Defense (or Defensive Projection), and whenever he manages to block an attack, it’s reflected against the offender with a final attack value equal to the one achieved by the attacker.
Activating this Magnus must be declared before rolling Initiative and has a cost of either 5Ki or 50 Zeon per turn. Abilities from this Magnus can be combined with any other Technique or Ars Magnus, except for those that require a physical transformation.

Requirements: 300+Attack, 200+Athletics, Zen, Pow11+.
Blood Bond: Rudraksha’s Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
Terrifying to behold, the Archon transformation is the utmost manifestation of Rudraksha’s power in a mortal body. The entire figure of the user becomes immediately surrounded by an immense field of Electric energy, while his own body becomes a conduit of pure electric energy. While in this state, the destructive power of those with Rudraksha’s blood borders the divine, allowing them to waste the same devastation of a wandering storm.
While using this Transformation, a character can only be damaged by attacks that can affect the energy. Also their attacks become completely Energy and Electricity based, being unstoppable for all but those able to damage energy. Psychic Potential of Electromagnetism Psychic Powers used by the character while in this form, is automatically increased two level and spells related to Electricity are automatically cast at one Level higher than they would normally be. All melee attacks from a character in Archaon form affect all targets (friendly or foe) within 10m of the character and inflict +50Damage. When defending, the character is considered as using a Supernatural Shield with 3000 Resistance Points that automatically regenerates completely each turn. Anyone coming into contact with the Archon must pass a PhR check against twice the character’s Presence or suffer equivalent Electric Damage.
Activating this Magnus must be declared before rolling Initiative and has a cost of either 5Ki or 50 Zeon per turn. Abilities from this Magnus can be combined with any other Technique or Ars Magnus, except for those that require a physical transformation.

Requirements: 300+Dodge, 200+Swim, Zen, Per11+.
Blood Bond: Ran’s Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
Assuming the shape of the great Sea Serpent, those with Ran’s Blood becomes as flexible as the sea waves themselves. Those imbued with the power of the Sea Serpent have a complete perception of what’s around them and literally “swim” across the battlefield with absolute ease.
While using this Transformation, a character gains +30VR, +30 to MA while accumulating Water Path Spells, and +30 Psychic Potential while using Matrix Powers. While using this Magnus, the character gains the ability to make an unlimited number of penalty-free defenses and applies a penalty of -30 to all damage suffered from any source. The character may also breathe freely underwater and while fighting in such environment, he gains an extra +30 Turn and All Action Bonus.
Activating this Magnus must be declared before rolling Initiative and has a cost of either 5Ki or 50 Zeon per turn. Abilities from this Magnus can be combined with any other Technique or Ars Magnus, except for those that require a physical transformation.

Requirements: 300+ Block, 200+ Withstand Pain, Zen, Con11+.
Blood Bond: Toa’s Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
With this Transformation Magnus, those with Toa’s blood synchronize with the Dragon of the Earth and turn into a huge draconic shape made of stone. Not only the character becomes extremely resilient to all forms of damage, but his control over solid matter and surrounding earth raises to exceptional degree making him an unbreakable defensive bastion both for himself and for those standing around him.
While using this Transformation, a character gains +30 to his Physical Resistance, +30 to his MA while accumulating Zeon for casting Spells from the Earth Path, and +30 Psychic Potential while using Telemetry. The character immediately receives a number of additional Life Points equal to his current Level multiplied by 100, and blocks as if he were a creature with Damage Accumulation using a Supernatural Shield with Resistance Points equal to his current Presence multiplied by 50. This shield won’t be effective against Energy Based attacks until the character has either the Presence Extrusion Ki Ability, the Nemesis Extrusion Nemesis Ability or the Energy Control Arcana Sephira Ability, but the character won’t lose his attack action unless he suffers a Critical. The additional Life Points are the firsts removed from the character, whenever he suffers damage and both this bonus Life Points and the shield’s Resistance Points are regenerated at a rate of 100 per turn. Whatever class of AT the character already has cannot be negated, nor reduced. If the character has a Stone Barrier or a Magnetic Shield, he can gain their additional bonuses (Damage Barrier and/or -50 Attack ability to attacks made with metal weapons), although he keeps defending using this Magnus. Finally the character gains the ability to cover others as a passive action, instead of an active action, hence without need for Initiative and without renouncing to his attack action. As a drawback, using this Magnus reduces the Movement value of its user by 1 point and his Initiative by -30.
Activating this Magnus must be declared before rolling Initiative and has a cost of either 5Ki or 50 Zeon per turn. Abilities from this Magnus can be combined with any other Technique or Ars Magnus, except for those that require a physical transformation.

Requirements: 250+Attack, 250+Defense, 200+Hide, Zen, Wil11+, Umbra: Shadow’s Attack Magnus.
Blood Bond: Pandemonium’s Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
Karas, the Great Raven, Lord of Darkness. Summoning this shape enables absolute control over shadows and darkness for those who own Pandemonium’s blood. But the power of this transformation does not only extend the control over shadows of its master. It also grants him quasi-divine powers in the realms of the Wake, making him a real lord of nightmares.
While using this Transformation, a character gains +20 All Action Bonus, Mystical Flight with a Movement of 8, +30MA for casting Spells from Darkness Path, and +30 Psychic Potential while using Energy Discipline. The character becomes completely unaffected from all kind of Darkness based blindness. Also, his Umbra Magnus is greatly enhanced, as described below. Damage is increased to a base of Double the character’s Presence plus his Power Bonus, and it can choose Energy as attack type. The shadow of the character becomes completely independent, thus allowing the character to attack using Umbra once and perform any other action (even an attack action) without suffering any penalty. If he wants to use Umbra more than once in a turn, he has to return his concentration to it, getting all normal penalties. In order to avoid a Surprise Attack against Umbra attacks from a Karas a Notice check of Impossible (280) is required. While attacking with Umbra the character no longer suffers penalties for Area and Trap Attacks or for any class of Paralysis. Use of Umbra from this character is no longer affected from environment and while not fighting the character gains an additional bonus of +50 to his Hide and Stealth checks. Finally, the character is considered a being with Gnosis 35 while in the Wake and using this Transformation. If his Gnosis is already 35 or higher, it is increased by 5 points, up to a maximum of 45.
Activating this Magnus must be declared before rolling Initiative and has a cost of either 5Ki or 50 Zeon per turn. Abilities from this Magnus can be combined with any other Technique or Ars Magnus, except for those that require a physical transformation.

Requirements: 250+Attack, 250+Defense, 200+Notice, Zen, Int11+, Magnum: Power Liberation Magnus.
Blood Bond: Shephirah’s Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
Nova is a transformation possible only to those whose blood is filled with the power of Light. Their body becomes surrounded by a pure light that allows them to see the course of all energy forms with absolute lucidity. While in this state, they can concentrate enormous quantities of power and gain quasi-divine powers while in the wake.
While using this Transformation, a character gains +20 All Action Bonus, Mystical Flight with a Movement of 8, +30MA for casting Spells from Light Path, and +30 Psychic Potential while using powers from Light Discipline. The character becomes completely unaffected from Surprise Attacks, regardless of the source. Also, his Magnum Magnus is greatly enhanced, as described below. The character using Magnum while keeping this Transformation, suffers no Defense penalty, while accumulating power and he gains a cumulative bonus of +1 to all his Ki Accumulations for each turn spent accumulating power as far as he’s accumulating Ki for techniques that have at least one Light based effect. In the turn he releases the accumulated energy, he gains a bonus of +30 to either his Attack or Defense ability for each turn of accumulation to up to three Attacks/Defenses. Such attacks can all use Energy as primary Attack Type. Finally, the character is considered a being with Gnosis 35 while in the Wake and using this Transformation. If his Gnosis is already 35 or higher, it is increased by 5 points, up to a maximum of 45.
Activating this Magnus must be declared before rolling Initiative and has a cost of either 5Ki or 50 Zeon per turn. Abilities from this Magnus can be combined with any other Technique or Ars Magnus, except for those that require a physical transformation.

Requirements: 300+Attack, Zen, Str11+, Dex11+, Con11+, Pow11+.
Blood Bond: Eyes of Death.
Cost: 100 MK: 100
Only people with Eyes of Death can use this Magnus which is their ultimate fighting technique. Temporarily concentrating all their enemy’s in a single point, they are able to strike at it and severe it as if death incarnate. There’s no escape from such attack, not even for the gods, which can be utterly destroyed by it. On the other hand, using Ragnarok is very dangerous because the essence of the user is also concentrated in a single point for a very short time, making him very vulnerable to those who can perceive the supernatural aura of beings. Moreover, using Ragnarok momentarily disables the Eyes of Death, since their power is drained by the Ars Magnus.
Twilight of the Gods: Before rolling for Initiative, the character must declare that he’s using the Twilight of The Gods. During that turn he makes a single attack with +200 Attack Ability and doubled Base Damage. This attack ignores all Armors and Protections and can affect any kind of being regardless of Immunities or Gnosis. It cannot be combined with any Ki Techniques, Magnus except for those that require a Transformation, or Godhand Attack, but automatically benefits from the Eyes of Death bonus of +40 to Critical Level, without suffering the -10Attack Penalty. The Attack is automatically considered as directed to a Vulnerable Point and automatically inflicts a Critical as normal for Eyes of Death. Beings killed from this attack are utterly cancelled from the existence vanishing into nothingness. During the same turn, any enemy able to See the Supernatural, with the Erudition Ki Ability, or other supernatural detections can aim to the character’s essence core, making an attack at -50 to his Ability. If he manages to hit it, double the base damage, ignore Armors, Protections, Immunities and Gnosis and inflict a Critical, although there’s no +40 Critical Level Bonus. After using Ragnarok the Eyes of Death momentarily abandon the character, which will recover them within a variable time of 20-30 hours.

Requirements: Attack180+, Aura Extension, Ki Detection200+.
Blood Bond: Eyes of Soul.
Cost: 30 MK: 80
Mastering this Magnus, those that perceive the world as Ki and Supernatural Energy become able to severe all kind of mystical threads, sealing out access to mystical abilities with the same ease with which they can cut through physical bodies and objects.
To use this Magnus the character must declare it before he rolls the dice for an attack. If the attack manages to inflict damage, reduce all inflicted Damage to 0 and have the target sustain a PhR check against double the same Damage. Choose a specific Supernatural Ability Field: Ki Abilities and Techniques, Nemesis Abilities, Magic, Psychic Powers, Summoning Abilities. If the target fails the check by less than 40 points, he won’t be able to use the chosen Supernatural Ability Field for a number of minutes equal to the failure level. If the target fails the check by 40-100 points, he won’t be able to use the chosen Supernatural Ability Field for a number of hours equal to the failure level. If the target fails the check by more than 100 points, he won’t be able to use the chosen Supernatural Ability Field for a number of days equal to the failure level. This Magnus may be used more than once on a single target to seal-off his access to different Supernatural Ability Fields.

Requirements: Attack200+, Defense200+, Presence Extrusion, Inhumanity, Pow11+.
Blood Bond: Tsukiyomi’s Blood.
Cost: 40 MK: 40
Mastering this Magnus, heirs Tsukiyomi’s blood learn to bathe in the dark moon’s power to a much higher degree than untrained siblings. Still, this Magnus allows them to do much more, going as far as defying the rules of the skies themselves and causing an artificial eclipse. Although the event will last for a very short time-span and requires a significant tribute in life energies, it grants them full powers from their blood pact.
Bathe In Thy Power: Characters mastering this Magnus gain an Initiative and MA bonus equal to the All Action Bonus they gain from Moon Phases as described in the Tsukiyomi’s Blood Advantage. They also gain +1 to all of their Accumulations for each +10 All Action Bonus they get from it. Finally the character gains Night Vision, as for a Duk’Zarist.
Dark Moon Rising: To summon the false eclipse the character must accumulate 30 Ki points distributed as he wishes, as if using a Technique, after which the Game Master secretly rolls a d10 to determine the number of turns that will pass before the eclipse will actually occur (including the turn in which the Accumulation is completed) and another d10 to determine the number of turns the eclipse will last. During the eclipse, the character will gain all bonuses of an Eclipse as described for Tsukiyomi’s Blood Advantage and considering the Bathe In Thy Power rule above. The area covered by the eclipse has a radius equal to the character’s Power Bonus in km and is centered on his position at the time the Ki Accumulation ends.

Requirements: Attack160+, Defense160+, Inhumanity.
Blood Bond: Uroboros’ Blood.
Cost: 40 MK: 40
Mastering this Magnus, Uroboros’ heirs can gain maximum advantage from their ability to time skip. Activating a time skip is a very self consuming activity, but still allows to gain an edge over the opponent’s movements.
Each turn a character may declare activation of Phasis before rolling for Initiative, by spending 1 Fatigue point and gaining a +30 bonus to Initiative. After Initiative is rolled, the user of Phasis gains a bonus to his Opposed Actions against all characters that rolled lower Initiative equal to half the difference in rolled Initiative rounded down in multiples of 5. A character may use Phasis for two or more consecutive turns, but he has to spend 1 additional point of Fatigue each turn to activate it.

Requirements: Attack200+, Defense200+, Rem: The Eyes of Doom Magnus, Int10+.
Blood Bond: Eyes of Doom.
Cost: 40 MK: 40
Absolute comprehension of combat is the ultimate ability of those with the Eyes of Doom. Mastering this fighting technique they become completely capable of understanding and counteracting each and every move of their opponents practically in no time.
A character using this Magnus divides by 5 the number of turns required for unlocking the Attack and Defense bonuses from the Eyes of Doom advantage. Also, MK cost of Techniques Imitated with the Technique Imitation Ki Ability is reduced by 20, 30, and 50MK respectively for First, Second and Third Level Techniques. Finally, when using Rem, the character gains a +25 Bonus against a Technique, by obtaining with a Notice check a value over the MK cost of the technique he’s trying to counteract, and gains a +50 Bonus against it by obtaining a value over double its MK cost.

Requirements: Attack250+, Inhumanity, Berserk Magnus.
Blood Bond: Orochi’s Blood.
Cost: 50 MK: 50
Upon unleashing this Magnus the whole body of the user is surrounded by the spectral shape of the Devouring Wurm itself and his extremities become appendages of destruction. In this form the user has complete control over the unleashed destruction, becoming capable of unleashing the havoc on selected targets and limit damage to himself and his comrades. In this state the character’s abilities increase with each new death he causes or by the sacrifice of his own life energy.
Upon unleashing the Devouring Wurm Transformation the user automatically gains the combined bonuses of Unleashed Fury and Berserk Magnus (+30Initiative, +40Attack, +10Defense, +30MA, +2 to all Ki accumulations, Immunity to Pain and Fatigue Penalties, enters a Frenzy state), but is fully capable of distinguishing friends from enemies and sacrifices only 3HP per turn. Also the character becomes able to perform Zen Actions while in this state. The character cannot stop the Transformation until all enemies are killed (making them unconscious won’t be enough) or HP reach a number ten times higher than the character’s Constitution under 0. In this case the character becomes unconscious and must immediately pass a check Between Life and Death or die outright. Bonus from this Magnus cannot be combined with Berserk Magnus or with any Magnus requiring a physical Transformation. Also the character gains the two following abilities while transformed.
Chain of Destruction: While using this ability, a character gains a +5 Initiative, Base Damage, All Action Bonus and MA for each opponent he personally kills until the end of combat up to a maximum bonus of +50.
Consume Existence: Before making an attack or using an Offensive spell, the character may sacrifice 5-100 Life Points. The resulting attack gains a Base Damage bonus equal to the number of sacrificed Life Points. Also the attack ignores all class of Immunities (including those due to high Gnosis) and souls of beings with equal or lower Gnosis than the user killed by such attack are utterly destroyed. Damage inflicted by such attack is recovered as if lost Life Points had been sacrificed.

Requirements: Attack250+, Wil10+, Superior Ki Healing, Life Sacrifice.
Blood Bond: Existence Devourer.
Cost: 50 MK: 50
Using this complex Magnus, the Existence Devourers can turn Ki into life and vice-versa, although a certain quantity of energy is always dispersed in the exchange and for some reason this works only while fighting against living beings. Thus using Kiangshi the Essence Devourer can greatly increase his regenerating abilities by consuming the essence of other living beings. When inflicting damage to a living being, instead of draining Ki points the character may choose to temporarily raise his Regeneration. For each 5 Ki points the character renounces to drain, his Regeneration Rate goes up by 1 point. Effects of successive drains are fully cumulative, but the Regeneration Level cannot surpass 18, unless the character has required Gnosis. The bonus to Regeneration lasts for 24 hours, but if the character drains sufficient life energy to surpass the maximum Regeneration Level in the meantime he can prolong the time by one hour for each additional point of Regeneration he would have achieved.

Requirements: 150+Attack, 150+Defense, 150+Poisons.
Blood Bond: Poisonous Blood.
Cost: 40 MK: 40
A great wealth of knowledge about venoms is required to acquire this special combat ability, even if it’s usable only for those whose very own blood is poison. When using this Magnus, the Basilisk’s heir modulates the power of his own blood, giving it special and unique properties, depending on his actual needs. When forcing a target to take a VR check due to his Poisonous Blood advantage, the character may choose to spend any amount of Ki to add one or more of the following effects to the venom, before any die is rolled.
Retarded Effect: For each Ki point spent, multiply by 10 times the time required for the poison to take effect. Hence using 1 Ki point means the poison will not take effect before 10 turns are elapsed, spending 2 Ki points allows to retard the effect by 5 minutes and so on. The VR check is taken in the same turn the poison is administered anyway.
Non Lethality: By spending 1 Ki point, the character using this Magnus may choose his poison not to kill on a difference higher than 40 on the VR check. Instead, it will simply cause the other effects for a prolonged time.
Altered Effect: Instead of causing Extreme Pain, the Poison may cause any other Effect. Changing Effects has a cost of 2 Ki points, except for Total Paralysis, Blindness, Allucinations and Unconsciousness, in which case the cost raises to 5 Ki points.
Defense Destroyer: Instead of causing Extreme Pain, the Poison will cause a penalty to a single selected Resistance equal to half the Failure Level. Using this ability costs 2 Ki points.
Remediation: By spending 1 Ki point, the user of Panacea can heal another character or himself from the effects of a Poison. When using this ability, the target character is entitled to immediately make again the VR check for the poison affecting him, applying a bonus equal to the VR modifier normally caused by the Poisonous Blood, which depends from the level of contact between the user of Panacea and his target.

Requirements: 180+Attack, 180+Defense, Inhumanity.
Blood Bond: Natural Weapons (Blood Bond).
Cost: 50 MK: 50
All those born with Natural Weapons have the potential to use this Magnus that turns them into something completely different and much more powerful. In truth the Final Weapon Transformation does nothing more than enabling a character to use the full capacities that are present in his own heritage, granting him truly inhuman power.
The use of this Magnus cannot be combined with that of other Magnus that require a Physical Transformation.
Additional Powers: The use of this ability can be declared at the start of any turn the Natural Weapons are summoned, before rolling Initiative and can be maintained in the following turns. Each turn the power is active, the character may choose one of the advantages from the Natural Weapons list he doesn’t already have, adding it to the ones he owns at the moment for as long as the power is maintained. The cost for this ability is equal each turn to 1Ki point for each advantage chosen from the list in addition to those the Natural Weapons of this character naturally own.
Final Form: When summoning his Natural Weapons, the character may choose to spend 10Ki points instead of 5 to double the advantages he has on his Natural Weapons (but not those added through the use of this magnus). Following are a few exceptions. The Precise advantage in Final Form reduces the penalty for aimed attacks to a quarter. Improved Trap in Final Form gives +4 to the opposed check for the Trap Maneuver and halves the penalty for such maneuver. Shield Against Projectile in Final Form grants a +20Block/+10Dodge Bonus as if using a Shield. Dual in Final Form gives an additional attack as if made with a secondary weapon.

Requirements: Attack150+, Defense150+, Zen, Constitution11+, Power11+, Necromancy Path Level 80.
Blood Bond: Blood of The Dead.
Cost: 80 MK: 80
This Magnus greatly improves the ability to control Blood Puppets created through Blood of The Dead. Blood Puppets don’t lose anymore Life Points unless damaged. Also Blood Puppets gain the two following abilities.
Blood Tribute: At its creator’s will, a Blood Puppet may collapse to give back to its creator all the Life Points invested in its creation (without surpassing its creator’s maximum Life Points), as long as its creator is within 1km distance. Triggering a Blood Tribute from a Blood Puppet is a Passive Action.
Blood Bomb: At its creator’s will, a Blood Puppet may explode, inflicting an attack with the Puppet’s own Attack rating on all beings within 10m. The base damage is equal to the Life Points invested in the Blood Puppet’s creation. Triggering a Blood Bomb from a Blood Puppet is a Passive Action and requires its creator to be within 1km distance.

Requirements: Defense200+, Zen, Pow11+.
Blood Bond: Genus Loci Kami’s Blood.
Cost: 40 MK: 40
This Magnus is strictly related to the Genus Loci Kami from Varja. Those with such Kami blood can in fact master it to a double effect. First, they become able to link their soul to their Kami’s original dominion and get power from it even when they’re not supposed to be able to do so, although at a rather high cost of inner energy. Second, when they’re fighting in their proper environment they become especially extremely impervious to damage, thanks to the fact that the environment itself provides to their defense.
Soul Link: By spending 5Ki points per turn, the character can gain bonuses from being in a place akin to his nature (+1 to Physical Attributes, +1 to Ki Accumulations, +15MA), even without he’s not in such a place. If he’s in a place akin to his nature, he can spend 5Ki points per turn to double the bonuses as if he were in his Kami’s original dominion.
Home Shield: While being in an environment akin to the nature of the Character (but not while linking his soul to it, using this Magnus), his defensive capacities are greatly improved. He may defend as if using a Supernatural Shield with Resistance Points equal to his Presence multiplied by 10, that completely regenerates each turn. Also the character increases all his Resistances by +20 and his AT against all kind of attacks by +2 points, which cannot be negated, nor reduced. While in his own Kami’s dominion, double the Resistance Points of his Shield, and bonus to Resistances and AT.

Requirements: Attack200+, Defense200+, Zen, Dex11+, Final Attack Magnus.
Blood Bond: Warlord Kami’s Blood.
Cost: 40 MK: 40
Only those born with the soul of a Warlord Kami can unleash the true power of Muramasa, a fighting technique that transfers even more of the individual’s divine power into his favored weapon, turning it into an object of almost unlimited power and absolute lethality. Anyway, only those who’ve found their utmost attack ability can unlock the true power of this Magnus, allowing Muramasa to deal slashes capable of slaying mortals and gods alike.
This Magnus can be used in combination with the power granted by Warlord Kami’s Blood, by spending additional 2 Ki Points per turn, granting the following bonuses.
Kami’s Aura: In addition to all bonus described in the Warlord’s Kami’s Blood advantage, the weapon of a character employing the Muramasa’s Magnus gains the Energy primary attack type I addition to its own and grants a bonus to all Resistances equal to the final Quality bonus applied.
Muramasa’s Slash: When making a Final Attack employing the Final Attack Magnus while Muramasa is active, the character may choose to spend 1 Ki point, plus one for each Fatigue Point spent to improve the attack roll. For each spent Ki point, the Final Attack inflicts an extra -1AT to the target armor and adds an extra +10 to its Base Damage. The attack will also be able to damage any class of being regardless of Gnosis or special immunities and protections.

Requirements: Attack160+, Str11+, 250+ Life Points.
Blood Bond: Oni’s Blood.
Cost: 30 MK: 30
This terrifying transformation fully manifests the Oni soul inside those that have somehow inherited their blood. Those using it gain great resistance and destructive power as well as Oni’s elemental powers, at the cost of losing their rationality and throwing themselves into battle with selfless fury.
While using this Transformation, the character becomes a Damage Accumulation being with a bonus of +2AT and 600 extra Life Points, which are the first he loses if damaged. The character also gains a bonus of +2Str and +50 to both his base Damage and the effect of any Critical inflicted to opponents. As a side effect, the character becomes subject to the state of Ire. Depending on whether the character has blood from a Red Oni or a Blue Oni, he also gains the Onibi or Onikaminari ability respectively and a +5MA to either Fire or Electricity related effects respectively for the duration of the Magnus. Use of this Magnus has a cost of 3Ki points per turn and can be combined with other Techniques or Magnus that don’t require a Transformation.

Requirements: Attack280+, Defense280+, Pow13+, Zen, Elimination of Necessities, Chaos Meister: Chaos Control Magnus.
Blood Bond: Djinn’s Blood.
Cost: 30 MK: 30
Only those with the power of Djinns inside of them can unlock this superior version of the already impressing Chaos Meister Magnus, and even among those, only very few reached such ability in the course of history (especially since most Djinn blooded mortals tend to be magicians as opposite to fighters). Anyway, this Ars is based on the same principles of Chaos Meister, but brings them to extreme consequences allowing the user a strict control of the flow of combat, that really makes him an absolute combat master.
This Magnus grants its user much better control of Chaos Meister. The cost of all three Chaos Meister abilities is halved for a character using this Magnus. Also, he can use all of his Chaos Meister abilities to influence the dice rolls or actions of anyone involved in the same fight as he is. Both Existential Alteration and Destiny’s Duality can be used to negate a fumble roll and Destiny’s Duality can be used to cause an Open Roll. The character becomes able to use unconsciously Null Tempus to revert actions that caused his death or that made him unconscious, and his body will actually automatically trigger it in case of death or unconsciousness as far as it has enough Ki points. Null Tempus will also cancel any expense of Ki points or sacrifice of Life Points made during the annulated action.

Requirements: Attack150+, Defense150+, Pow11+, 1+ A’arab Zaraq Techniques.
Blood Bond: Demon’s Blood.
Cost: 20 MK: 20
Stygia is a threatening fighting style developed by few people whose blood is tainted by the demon’s influence and who have delved into the demonic combat knowledge of the A’arab Zaraq. Of course, also a few demons hanve mastered this Ars Magnus, granting them optimal use of that unique combat style. The Magnus greatly improves the use of A’arab Zaraq, allowing a user to remove all limits inherent to such fighting techniques.
A character must declare he’s using Stygia the moment he unleashes an A’arab Zaraq technique to obtain one or more of the following effects.
Power from Hell: By spending 3Ki points (which don’t need to be Accumulated) in the moment the character uses a technique, the technique looses any inherent Disadvantage it has.
Prolong Agony: By spending 5Ki points (which don’t need to be Accumulated) in the moment the character uses a maintained technique, it gains Lesser Sustenance instead. By spending 10Ki, the technique may instead gain Major Sustenance.
Suffering and Torment: By spending 3Ki points per technique level (which don’t need to be Accumulated), in the moment the character uses a technique, the technique gains the Combinable ability, although its effect may be combined only with those of another technique from the A’arab Zaraq school, which must also be made combinable by spending the appropriate Ki cost at the time it’s used.

Requirements: Attack200+, Defense200+, 500+Zeon.
Blood Bond: Lim Sidhe’s Blood.
Cost: 40 MK: 40
Laoch Misneach is an Ars Magnus that can only be used by those that naturally synchronize with the Incarnations and allows them to either prolong the time of synchronization or once perfect synchronization is reached, force it to grant even greater power, allowing a character to summon the power the great hero of the past would have had if he had surpassed his own limits.
The first use of this Ars Magnus consists in prolonging the synchronization time, allowing a character to maintain it for longer than 5 turns by spending a cumulative cost of either 1Ki point or 10 Zeon for each extra turn of maintenance. The cost must be fully paid either in Ki points or in Zeon points each turn, but not with a mix of both.
The second use of this Ars Magnus can only be used by characters that are at least one Level higher than the Level required for Real Affinity with their Incarnation. When summoning the Incarnation in its Real Affinity, the character may choose to spend either 2Ki points or 20 Zeon points multiplied by his Level, in order to strengthen the Incarnation. By doing so, it increases all numerals on the incarnation (except for Weapon Quality) by an amount that depends on the difference between the character’s own Level and the Level required for the Real Affinity Incarnation. The increment is equal to +5%/Level for the first 5 Levels of difference and increases to +10%/Level from the sixth Level of difference. This bonus also increments any numeral in Incarnation rules that are independent from the Affinity Level or present in lower level Affinities rules.

whoa, mah gawd. i can't wait to try out heart of a hero and combat comprehension. looking mighty sharp there man!

What is the reason for "Cost: xx" and "MK: xx" ???

Are there two parts to cost? I have not fully read over DE yet.

Ars Magnus are extremely powerful so they Cost xx DP and Mk xx to balance the power they have.

Lia Valenth said:

Ars Magnus are extremely powerful so they Cost xx DP and Mk xx to balance the power they have.

Yesterday (or the day before it...) I posted a few new Blood Bonds.

After a good day of work, here are the new Magnus only for those that have those Blood Bonds.

Requirements: Attack250+, Block250+, Wear Armor 200+, Zen, Str11+, Con11+, Transformation: Physical Power Magnus, Physical Shield, Aura Extension.
Blood Bond: Kshathra’s Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
The Titan Transformation is the ultimate power of those with Kshathra’s Blood, turning them, along with their metal equipment in immense behemoths of pure metal. The effects are somewhat similar to those of the Physical Power Transformation Magnus, but despite what some might think, the Titan Transformation isn’t derived from that, but quite the opposite, since Physical Power Transformation was an adaptation for mortals without Kshathra’s Blood of this one.
The use of this Transformation Magnus changes the effects of Physical Power Transfmormation Magnus. First of all, the size increment of the character using the First State or the Second State is according to the Strength and Constitution Increment. The character becomes respectively Enormous and Giant. The character no longer suffers a Movement Penalty (instead he will get a +1 and +2 Movement bonus respectively) and his Initiative penalty is only equivalent to that caused from the size Increment (-20 when enormous and -30 when Giant). The area of effect of Area attacks made by the character will also increase to 1m and 5m respectively. Metal Weapons and Armors are also affected by the size increment. Weapons get the Damage Bonus due to size increment as described on the core rulebook, but no additional Initiative penalty is applied since the character size is proportioned. Enormous and Giant Armors gain the same fortitude bonus of weapons and an AT bonus respectively of +50% and +100% (rounding down) against all attacks except for Electricity. Finally, while transformed into a Titan the character has no need to breathe and is immune to any pressure or void based damaging effect (or resistance check), thanks to the completely compact nature assumed by his body. As a side effect is a complete and absolute inability to swim or use any levitation or flight effect while in this shape. Such effects won’t affect the character unless they are based on magnetism. Unfortunately, against electro-magnetic effects, the character will suffer +30Damage or apply a -30 to his Resistances, depending on the effect.
The final power of this magnus, anyway, consists in activating a Third State of transformation. In this state, the character benefits from +6Strength and +6Constitution bonus, that will get his size to Colossal, causing an extra -10 Initiative (for a total of -40) and +1Movement Value (for a total of +3), and allowing him to perform Area Attacks covering an area of 20m. The character will also benefit from a +60 Base Damage bonus and a Damage Barrier of 200 (240, including Kshathra’s Blood bonus). Damage from Metal sources is reduced by -10 points for each full 100 points of Damage Barrier the character has and the sheer mass of the character nullifies the aforementioned bonus to magnetic effects used on him (although Electricity will keep working). Metal weapons used by the character will be granted an extra +10Damage on top of aforementioned bonus and Metal Armors will grant an extra +1AT against all attack types but Electricity.
Activating the Third State Transformation granted by Magnus has a cost of either 5Ki or 50 Zeon per turn. Abilities from this Magnus can be combined with any other Technique or Ars Magnus, except for those that require a physical transformation.

Requirements: Attack200+, Block200+, Elan 60+ with each synchronized Beril/Shajad, Use of Ki, Zen, Pow11+.
Blood Bond: Avatar’s Blood.
Cost: 40 MK: 40
More than a real fighting technique, this ability, which can be accessed only by the Chosen of Light and Darkness, is a sort of trick that allows them to concentrate their divine essence by the use of soul energy to temporarily increment their synchronization and powers to unearthly levels.
Use of this Magnus has a cost of 5Ki points per turn and allows a character to temporarily double his Elan Level with all synchronized Berils/Shajads. This extra Elan points do not grant extra powers to the Chosen, but are considered for all those Elan Powers that are based on the Elan Level of the character. To give a simple example. A character with Elan 60 with Michael and Azrael and with the Heavenly Resistances and Immunity powers will get +60 to all Resistances (half of his actual Elan Level of 120) and be Immune to all MR and PsR checks of 160 or less (his Elan value of 120 +40).

Requirements: Attack200+, Defense200+, All Social Secondary Abilities 320+, Supernatural Essence, Divinity in Body and Soul, Int11+, Wil11+, Pow11+.
Blood Bond: Amenothep’s Blood.
Cost: 50 MK: 50
When the absolute perfection and authority of descendants of Amenothep reaches level that transcend humanity in all senses, each of their words becomes an absolute command that can force men to do the unexpected even in the midst of battles. Once this Magnus is mastered, the divine breed no longer needs to raise his weapons, forcing enemies to slay each other by his sheer will, pushing allies to unbelievable feats, and diverting attacks directed to him with the slightest glance.
A character may use this Magnus both for Active and Passive Actions in combat. When used as an Active Action, choose any character involved in the same fight as the user of Sha. That character will have to pass a MR or PsR check against a difficulty equal to the sum of the user’s Elan Levels with both Barakiel and Jedah (if the character does not wish to resist, he can choose not to take any check). If the check is failed, the character using Sha will immediately perform an Active Action with the character which can be also attacking himself or a friend, using any possible maneuver, power or technique he’s capable of, at Sha’s user discretion. Although the Active Action performed by a character affected from Sha is in addition to the any other taken by the same individual in the same turn, the character must still be able to perform such action in normal conditions (for example, if a character has already spent his accumulated Ki or Zeon and is not able to accumulate more in the same turn, he will not be able to cast a spell or use a ki technique, or if the character has already blocked in the same turn, he cannot use a Full Attack Maneuver). If the user of Sha chooses to use it for more than one Active Action, the difficulty of all checks to resist it is reduced by 20 points for each additional use. When used for defending, attacking characters must pass an MR or PsR check as described above or suffer a penalty to their Attack value equal to twice their failure level. Use of Sha for Passive Actions (defense) does not impair in any way its use for Active Actions.
Each use of this Magnus (either for Active or Passive Actions) has a cost of either 1ki point or 10Zeon points for each Level of the Character affected (Level Modifiers are ignored for this purpose). The cost must be fully paid either in ki points or in Zeon each time.

Requirements: Attack200+, Dodge200+, All Subterfuge Secondary Abilities 320+, Supernatural Essence, Forcing Luck, Dex11+, Agi11+, Per11+.
Blood Bond: Ali’s Blood.
Cost: 50 MK: 50
Nothing can stop or restrain the desert wind and so is for those descendants of Ali that reach strong communion with both their patrons. Ghibli is a fighting Magnus designed to move both its user and the other elements fighting on the battlefield. Needless to say the effect is absolutely chaotic and confusing, since fighters are displaced from one opponent to another according to the user’s will.
A character may use this Magnus both for Active and Passive Actions in combat. When used as an Active Action, choose any character involved in the same fight as the user of Ghibli. That character will have to pass a MR or PhR check against a difficulty equal to the sum of the user’s Elan Levels with both Uriel and Eriol (if the character does not wish to resist, he can choose not to take any check). If the check is failed, the character will immediately be displaced in any plausible position within 100m of his current position, facing any direction at Ghibli user’s discretion. Characters displaced in this way that haven’t still taken any Active Action, see their Initiative reduced by -30 points, due to the necessity of understanding their new position. If the user of Ghibli chooses to use it for more than one Active Action, the difficulty of all checks to resist it is reduced by 20 points for each additional use. When used for Passive Actions, the user of Ghibli can instantly gain a bonus of +10 to all his checks for escaping trap effects of any source, and/or to gain a +30Resistance bonus to any effect that would block him or reduce his mobility, and/or displace himself automatically in any plausible position within 100m after a successful Dodge roll, success in a check to resist a trap effect, or success in a Resistance Check to avoid any of the aforementioned effects.
Each use of this Magnus for Active Actions has a cost of either 1ki point or 10Zeon points for each Level of the Character affected (Level Modifiers are ignored for this purpose). Each use of this Magnus for Passive Actions has a cost of either 1ki point from either Agility, Dexterity, or Perception pool, or 10Zeon. The cost must be fully paid either in ki points or in Zeon each time.

Requirements: Attack300+, Block300+, Dark Avatar, Azrael’s Warrior, Str11+, Dex11+, Con11+.
Blood Bond: Gilgamesh’s Blood.
Cost: 100 MK: 100
Very few fighting techniques are as powerful and destructive as Enuma Elish, a fearful combination of the powers granted to the heirs of Gilgamesh by the Dark Warrior and the Queen of Swords. Apart from Gilgamesh himself, only a very small number of people were ever able to use this attack, since it requires amazing fighting skills and an extraordinary synchronization with both the Shajad and the Beril. While using this Magnus the character is able to face even gods fearlessly, as far as he’s fighting for a right cause.
A character must be using the Dark Avatar power and benefit from the Blessed power (he must fight evil enemies or for a very fair cause) in order to be able to use this Magnus, and its effects will disappear immediately if either the Dark Avatar transformation ends or the character commits an unfair action, stopping his Blessed power from working. While using this Magnus, the Blessed power bonus gets to +30 without need of sacrificing any Elan points, and any attack performed by its user will be able to damage any class of being regardless of Gnosis or special immunities and protections. Finally each turn a character uses this Magnus, he can choose one of the following advantages:
Challenge Ender: Choose a single opponent. This character gains an extra All Action Bonus of +40 to all Opposed Actions against that individual, a Base Damage bonus of +100 to all kind of Attacks directed against that opponent and a +50 Resistance Bonus against any check caused by that opponent. The opponent must be something able to fight, an unmovable object (such as a castle wall, or a cart) cannot be chosen as an opponent.
Defender of Innocents: The character can Block attacks directed at anyone within 10m of him without suffering any penalty. Also the character halves all penalties for additional defenses this turn.
Eradicator’s Sweep: This character’s Attacks will affect all opposing enemies within 20m of him in his frontal arc, without affecting friends or any third party.
Using this Magnus has a cost of either 10Ki points per turn or 100 Zeon points per turn.

Requirements: Attack200+, Defense200+, Blood Of Insanity, All Vigor Abilities 280+, Vortex, Pow11+, Str11+, Con11+.
Blood Bond: Bathory’s Blood.
Cost: 50 MK: 50
Sange Gol is one of the most terrifying power manifestations ever witnessed on Gaia…although the only witness alive to this day is the Nightmare Lord Malekith. It’s a fearful combination of Edamiel’s and Zemial’s powers, possible only for those who are extremely close to full synchronization with both entities. As if a dark red vortex empowering the individual at its centre with the essence of those sucked by it wasn’t a tremendous enough thing, the blood that swirls in it makes people completely mad, making them attack each other in an orgy of destruction as they are inevitably sucked toward complete nullification. Lucky enough for the world, the only individual to ever master this unique combat technique was Bathory herself and since then, no-one of her offsprings has ever reached enough Elan to achieve such power…so far…
This Magnus must be used in combination with the Vortex power from Edamiel’s Elan and has a cost of either 10ki points per turn or 100 Zeon per turn. It must be used in the same turn the Vortex is unleashed and must be used for all five turns the Vortex lasts. If the character is ever unable to pay the Ki or Zeon cost of Sange Gol after he’s started using it, the character is immediately sucked by his own vortex and annihilated instantly. While using this Magnus, the Vortex power will act as a Void Spell cast at Intermediate casting level instead of Base casting level. Whenever the Vortex absorbs any Life Points or Zeon Points, these points may be transferred to the user of Sange Gol Magnus (without exceeding his or her maximum). Alternatively, absorbed Zeon Points can be used to further enhance the Vortex: 150 absorbed Zeon points will turn it into a Void spell cast at Advanced casting level and if 300 more Zeon points are absorbed, the casting level with be further enhanced to Arcane. Finally, as an additional effect, all those affected from the Vortex (they don’t need to be in contact with its nucleus) have to pass each turn a VR check against 140 or be affected from the Blood of Insanity power from Zemial as if they drank the user’s blood (which they actually do, due to the fact that drops swirl madly within the vortex inevitably ending in contact with people), and start attacking the nearest target with all their might. The Blood of Insanity effect does not end, even after the Sange Gol stops to work and/or its user is killed.

Elric of Melniboné said:

Requirements: Attack200+, Defense200+, Zen, Dex11+, Final Attack Magnus.
Blood Bond: Warlord Kami’s Blood.
Cost: 40 MK: 40
Only those born with the soul of a Warlord Kami can unleash the true power of Muramasa, a fighting technique that transfers even more of the individual’s divine power into his favored weapon, turning it into an object of almost unlimited power and absolute lethality. Anyway, only those who’ve found their utmost attack ability can unlock the true power of this Magnus, allowing Muramasa to deal slashes capable of slaying mortals and gods alike.
This Magnus can be used in combination with the power granted by Warlord Kami’s Blood, by spending additional 2 Ki Points per turn, granting the following bonuses.
Kami’s Aura: In addition to all bonus described in the Warlord’s Kami’s Blood advantage, the weapon of a character employing the Muramasa’s Magnus gains the Energy primary attack type I addition to its own and grants a bonus to all Resistances equal to the final Quality bonus applied.
Muramasa’s Slash: When making a Final Attack employing the Final Attack Magnus while Muramasa is active, the character may choose to spend 1 Ki point, plus one for each Fatigue Point spent to improve the attack roll. For each spent Ki point, the Final Attack inflicts an extra -1AT to the target armor and adds an extra +10 to its Base Damage. The attack will also be able to damage any class of being regardless of Gnosis or special immunities and protections.

Stylish, what a pity you didn't build this Magnus around the Battojutsu Ars Magnus, but that's your personal taste I guess.

You're imput is interesting. If you like it, you might apply Muramasa Slash to the Yuuse Battojutsu instead of Final Attack (and have Yuuse Battojutsu as requisite instead of Final Attack, of course). I might go as far as saying that since Warlord Kamis are more than a single entity, some might favour the "Final Attack" tipe Muramasa Magnus, while others might favour the Yuuse Battojutsu one (and some others, although more rare, might favor a "Special Maneuver" variant of this Magnus). Kamis are different from one another and war kamis might tend toward different fighting styles.

To be honest both of the two minor Ars Magnus fit. Lets see:

Lightning Strike: For every fatigue point spent, the user of this Magnus can act as if he had sheated his blade for one full round and the maximum bonus from the Battojutsu Ars Magnus is inreased from +30 to +50 if it is used with the power active, altough the character can also go beyond the +30 limit without spending fatigue points. The use of fatigue must be declared at the beginning of the round.

Not yet balanced of course.

Changed Muramasa Magnus.

Requirements: Attack200+, Defense200+, Zen, Dex11+, 1+ Base Magnus.
Blood Bond: Warlord Kami’s Blood.
Cost: 60 MK: 60
Only those born with the soul of a Warlord Kami can unleash the true power of Muramasa, a fighting technique that transfers even more of the individual’s divine power into his favored weapon, turning it into an object of almost unlimited power and absolute lethality. Anyway, only those who’ve mastered the six base Magnus can unlock the true power of this Magnus, allowing Muramasa to fill them with godly power.
This Magnus can be used in combination with the power granted by Warlord Kami’s Blood, by spending an additional Ki Points per turn, granting the Kami’s Aura ability.
In addition, it can be used to increase the effects of any Base Magnus mastered by the user, as described by the following abilities.
Kami’s Aura: In addition to all bonus described in the Warlord’s Kami’s Blood advantage, the weapon of a character employing the Muramasa’s Magnus grants a bonus to all Resistances equal to the final Quality bonus applied.
Muramasa’s Seppuku: When using the Berserker Magnus, while Kami’s Aura is active, the character, may choose to spend 1 Ki point per turn to gain a +10 Initiative bonus and be able to distinguish friends from enemies. Whenever the character wants to get out of the Berserk state, he can spend any number of Ki points to add +1 to his Willpower for each Ki point spent for that test only.
Muramasa’s Sheathe: When releasing an unsheathe attack using Yuuse Batto Jutsu Magnus, while Kami’s Aura is active, the character may choose to spend 1 Ki point, plus 1 Ki point for each Fatigue point spent to improve the attack roll. For each spent Ki point, the Yuuse Batto Jutsu Magnus benefits from an extra +5Initiative and +5Attack bonus.
Muramasa’s Warcry: Muramasa’s Warcry allows its user to use the Kiai Magnus using any weapon which benefits from the Warlord Kami’s Blood bonus, while Kami’s Aura is active, by spending an additional cost of 1 Ki point, plus one Ki point for each Fatigue Point spend to improve the attack roll. The Kiai Attack made with the Muramasa Warcry will benefit from an additional +5Base Damage for each spent Ki point.
Muramasa’s Shield: When covering for others using the Guardian Magnus, while Kami’s Aura is active, the character can choose to spend 1 Ki point, plus one for each Fatigue Point spent to improve the Defense roll. The character will be allowed to ignore up to -20 penalties to the defense roll for each spent Ki point.
Muramasa’s Slash: When making a Final Attack employing the Final Attack Magnus, while Kami’s Aura is active, the character may choose to spend 1 Ki point, plus one for each Fatigue Point spent to improve the attack roll. For each spent Ki point, the Final Attack inflicts an extra -1AT to the target armor and adds an extra +10 to its Base Damage. The attack will also be able to damage any class of being regardless of Gnosis or special immunities and protections.
Muramasa’s Trick: When making a Special Maneuver Attack employing the Special Maneuver Magnus, while Kami’s Aura is active, the character may choose to spend 1 Ki point, plus one for each Fatigue Point spent to improve the attack roll. The defending opponent will have to pass a Notice check against a Base Difficulty of Difficult (120), plus 1 Difficulty Level for each spent Ki point, or suffer from the Surprise penalty to his Defense roll.

Well that's something, but I have a few points:

Why did you raise the DP and MK costs by 20? Beacuse of the incresed versatility? I'd recommend to leave the base cost at 40DP, 40MK and another 10 points of DP and MK for every minor Magnus to benefit from the Muramasa upgrade after the first, not many can afford more than one or two of the minor Magnus anyway.

Spiritual Kami: I also should say that having a 2 point advantage to be able to deal damage on the energy table is VERY VERY powerful. I'd leave that to the Magnus, doing damage on the energy table justifies the Magnuses cost.

Yuuse Battojutsu already is a Magnus that is really difficult to use because of the way it generates bonuses. I agree, potentially cutting away the time to generate these bonuses, even if combined with high costs, seems a bit too powerful, but 1 ki and 1 fatigue for +5 initiative and +5 attack... that's weak. One point of fatigue alone is worth 15 points of attack already.

The +5Initiative and +5Attack for Ki point spent are in addition to the +15Attack bonus per Fatigue spent.

Using the Use of Necessary Energy Ki Ability, a character with a fully charged Yuuse Battojutsu and an mere expenditure of 5Fatigue and 6Ki points (on top of those to maintain active the Kami power), will benefit from +60Initiative and +105Attack...believe it or not, making a technique that grats such power would be much more expensive.

MOREOVER, nothing impedes you to combine base magnus among themselves...of course the cost goes yp, but if you manage to combine Muramasa's Seppuku, Muramasa's Sheathe, Muramasa's Warcry, Muramasas's Slash, and Muramasa's Trick:

Spend (without need for accumulating) 25 Generic Ki and 5 Fatigue (Assuming you have Use of Necessary Energy) -> +70Initiative, +210Attack, -6AT, +100Damage, Complete Elegibility, Disguised Attack (320).

No technique allows you to do something like this! Of course a few conditions must be met (in particular combining Yuuse Battojutsu and Final Attack might not be easy), but the effect is absolutely devastating.

Anyway, I'm going to put the cost back to 40DP and 40MK for the reason that after all, in order to get the best of Muramasa you must possess a number of base magnus...all having a certain cost in DPs and MK, and since all those DPs are taken from the Combat Primaries, there's no reason to further raise the stress on those from this Magnus.

As for the Energy AT thing, I believe it's ok to have a Level1 character attack on that AS FAR AS his attacks don't become automatically intangible. After all, Electricity is far more devastating on my opinion, since it completely bypasses all metal armors (and light armors offer light protection against it), AND can inflict All Action Penalties. Anyway, I might modify the rule over there, making so that the character has to pay 1Ki point PER ATTACK to have it affect the Energy AT, instead of 1Ki point per turn. This makes the ability more costy, at least.

Elric of Melniboné said:

The +5Initiative and +5Attack for Ki point spent are in addition to the +15Attack bonus per Fatigue spent.

That's a different story, you might want to include it in the power's description.

What about the Spiritual Kami thing? You can of course keep it in the advantage, it's your homebrewed Magnus after all, but I really think it's better kept with the Magnus.

Also consider that Eyes of Death is a 2CP and +1Level Advantage...I don't think the Spiritual Kami thing will get a character with Kami's Blood much more powerful than one with Eyes of Death.

Yes, Eyes of Death, in our game that's a 3 point + whipping from the GM advantage, I don't base any arguments on that advantage it's just broken, especially if combined with some Impossible Weapons.

Like say...Capricornius?

Anyway, I have edited my previous post (the one previous to Eyes of Death), and I'd like to point out that a character spending 2CPs on Martial Mastery can make Electric Attacks without spending ki points, so a character spending 1 ki point PER ATTACK to make it an Energy Attack (without the INTANGIBILITY of Enery, mind you!) shouldn't be too broken, especially if you consider the character's already spending at least 1Ki point per turn to maintain the Warlord Kami's Blood weapon bonus.

Ah, I completely forgot, I assume the improved minor Magnuses do not benefit from ki techniques that would furher empower the Magnuses direct benefits, or do they? And can I use a ki technique and strike on the energy table using this Magnus?

Btw, if you have time it would be really nice of you to post an updated version of all your Magnus.

OK finished my first Magnus, my attempt to emulate the use of devil arms and their use in Devil Trigger.....

Spiritus Telum (Devil Arms)

Requirements : Attack Ability 100+, Defense Ability 100+, Legacy: Blood of the Great Beast, Inhumanity
Base Weapon: None
DP Cost : 50 MK Cost: 60

Weapons (Though these items can be anything from armor to jewelry and accessories to actual weapons, for the intent of this magnus they will be referred to as weapons.) of this magnus are crafted from the soul, essence, remains of Great Beast (Devils) that have fallen in battle. These weapon harness a portion of the power of the being they were created from and granting that power to their wielder. Each weapon is unique and supernatural due to being not of this world. No two of these weapons, unless made in a set, grant they same abilities. If a weapon was created as a set, all the pieces must be used to obtain the power of the weapons.
A character must have the Legacy of "Blood of the Great Beast" in order to use the weapon and it's powers. These weapons can be both conventional weapons as well as unconventional ones. If they fall into a category of another type of Impossible Weapons, that Magnus can be purchased at 1/2 price. The conventional weapons impart basic proficiency if the character does not already have it.

Damage : The weapons (those that are actual weapons) use the base damage of the weapon plus bonus damage based on the quality and special abilities of the weapon. Those that are not weapons in shape or form add only their quality and special bonuses to the character's damage.
Quality : Due to their other-worldly origins and uniqueness, these weapons are of +10 quality or higher, depending on the strength of the being they were created from.
Dominance : As these weapons are created from the soul and essence of other-worldly being's a fragment of their conciseness and personality remain in the weapon. A character with that has this Magnus that wants to wield one of these weapons must pass an opposed WP check to master the spirit of the weapon. The weapons WP is a base of 7 with 1 added for each +5 of weapon quality. (So 9 for the +10, 11 for the +15, and so on.) Those without the required Legacy must make the opposed will check or have their spirit consumed by the weapon and their body be a vessel for the being's resurrection.
Special Abilities : The weapons' special properties are pulled from the Essential abilities and creature powers in Chapte26 of the Core book. The weapons have DP equal to their presence for acquiring abilities and powers and are treated like creatures with Gnosis 10.

Spiritus Telum Magister (Devil Trigger)

Requirements : Spiritus Telum (Devil Arms), Attack Ability +175, Defense Ability +175, Transformation: Eliodon
Base Weapon : None
DP Cost : 40 MK Cost: 40

Once a character is able to utilize Transformation: Eliodon, and have mastered the spirit of thier weapon, a character can utilize the full power of the weapon. The weapon grants its powers to the wielder in their transformed state, in addition to the ones they naturally have, as well as altering their appearance to partially reflect the spirit of the weapon.

Special Abilities: The weapon's full capabilities awaken when the character transforms with Transformation: Eliodon and has the weapon equipped. When transformed, the weapon is counted as being a Gnosis 30 Creature for acquiring abilities and powers. Also it has DP equal to 2.5 times it presence to increase the powers already present, once the difference is paid, and to acquire new ones. Also once the form of the transformation is determined, it is set for that character as long as they use that weapon.

Side note : Multiple Spiritus Telum (Devil Arms) can be equipped for increased power. Normal rules apply for duel wilding the traditional "weapons", also a -5 all penalty is applied to the character for each additional Spiritus Telum (Devil Arms) they wield. This penalty is cumulative. (A -5 for 2 Spiritus Telum (Devil Arms), -10 for 3, and so on.)
So What you guys think? As I said, this is my first Magnus work so critiques and thoughts are welcome.

Seems interesting under many aspects but I wouldn't allow multiple wielding of it. Too many extra dps going on a single character is never too good on my opinion.

For Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Lovers: Spiral Warriors are detailed in the "Homebrewed Advantages/Disadvantages" thread, and Tengen Toppa techniques are in the "New Techniques" thread.

Requirements: Attack250+, Defense250+, Dex11+, Con11+, Pow11+, Wil11+, Zen.
Blood Bond: Spiral Warrior.
Cost: 60 MK: 50
The supreme power of Spiral Warriors consists in using the Gattai, with which they combine their soul with someone else in order to obtain supreme power. Although the effects of this Magnus look similar to the Fuse spell from the Creation Path, it’s not a mere fusion and the capacities of both individuals participating in a Gattai are greatly increased, thanks to the spiral power that increases exponentially. The use of this power is considered pure madness by those who witness it, since reality rules seem to bend and somehow matter is generated by the union of the two individuals. Unfortunately, the greatest limit of Gattai resides in the fact that the Spiral Warrior must have a strong bond with anyone he/she’s attempting Gattai with.
In order to use this Magnus, the Spiral Warrior must be within 50m of the character he/she’s attempting Gattai with. Both characters must spend 1 generic Ki point per 5 points of Presence they have in order to perform Gattai, but after its complete it can be maintained indefinitely. Gattai requires an entire turn to complete, during which the two characters won’t be affected by anything around them, since they’re enveloped in an alternate reality. The effects of Gattai are the same as for the Creation Spell Fuse, but with the following differences. Fist, both characters are in control of the Gattai form and choose together its Actions, by sharing a complete telepathic link. Should the two characters be in conflict for any reason, the Willpower check is used each turn to determine who’s in control with the Spiral Warrior applying a +3 to his/her Willpower to the check, but even then, if the difference between the two scores is 5 or lower, the Gattai form will suffer a -20 All Action Penalty that will be further increased to -40 if the difference between the two scores is 1. Should the Willpower check be a draw, the Gattai breaks and the two characters are immediately separated, suffering a -80 All Action Penalty in the same turn they break in this way. The characteristics are equal to the highest among the two characters plus 1 for each +5 bonus conferred from the unused characteristics. Each Primary/Secondary Ability is equal to the highest value among those of the two characters participating in Gattai, plus 25% (round down at multiples of 5) of the corresponding Primary/Secondary Ability of the other character, only if positive. Ki points, Ki Accumulations, Zeon Points, Magic Accumulation, and Free Psychic Points are the sum of those of the two characters participating in Gattai. While using Gattai, sum the Gnosis and Natura of the two participants (with the usual limit of 20 for Natura). Nemesis Abilities cannot be used by the Gattai form (but any technique possessed by the other user can), even if the other character participating in it has learned them, but any technique from the Tengen Toppa tree has all its effects increased by 1 degree. Effects that are already maxed gain an increment of 25%. Finally, the presence of the Gattai form is considered equal to the sum of the Presences of the two characters participating in it. Gattai cannot be combined with any other Transformation Magnus used by either participant.

A little something I had in mind, nothing more than a Lesser Magnus for tanks out there.

Requirements: 50+ Withstand Pain.
Blood Bond: None.
Cost: 40 MK: 10
This Magnus consists in an extended training in withstanding blows without surrendering and maintaining a good level of concentration on the fight.
A character using the Tanker Magnus halves Defense penalties when using a Taking Hits Maneuver (but not a Total Attack Maneuver).

One more tanking tool:

Requirements: 100+ Wear Armor.
Blood Bond: None.
Cost: 30 MK: 10
This Magnus optimizes the use of heavy armors for intercepting and deviating incoming attacks.
A character using this Magnus gains a +5Block Bonus if wearing a Soft Armor and +10Block Bonus if wearing a Hard Armor. The character only applies the bonus from a single armor he’s wearing, regardless of worn armors. The Block Bonus is increased by a further +5 for each quality bonus the armor has beyond +10.

Where are all the new blood bonds from? I can't find them in the books or on the forums.

this is a lofty one, but bear with me here, i figure i may as well toss this one out there. and i will have to post a weapon to go with it, so a double bonus.

this is an addendum to Leo: weapon-pistols; from the book. it involves the combination of a blunderbuss and an ax. but first i will post the stats i have thrown together for the blunderbuss. for those who might not know, the blunderbuss was basically the musket equivalent of a shotgun, it could fire buckshot or just about anything you could cram down the barrel, like rocks, nails, or coins.

blunderbuss: firing type, reload 5, 25 meter range

speed: -25 required str: 8

type: projectile str: 11

special: complex, (area 5)

fortitude: 9 breakage: -3 presence: 20

all attacks made with the blunderbuss are area attacks that can strike up to 5 closely clustered targets, one being blocked does not halt the area attack and all targets are considered hit at the same time.

buckshot: munition for blunderbuss

damage: 60 type: thrust

fortitude: n/a breakage: +0 presence: 10

makeshift shot: munition for blunderbuss (desperate things like coins or rocks)

damage: 50 type: thrust

fortitude: n/a breakage: -3 presence: 5

i'm going to go ahead and put the blunder-axe in another post