Heroes and Cover

By Peacekeeper_b, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

So, has anyone ignored or changed this rule? Heroes cant use cover? Can they use it inside a building?

And I dont buy the explanation. "Heroes do not hide!" B.S. Maybe not "HIDE" hide but Ive seen plenty of heroes across the years of comics and tv and novels and movies dive behind cover.

In all my games we have never had a hero without his men in cover, they pretty much always die with the troops.

Major Mishap said:

In all my games we have never had a hero without his men in cover, they pretty much always die with the troops.

Same here, I always have my hero with a squad.

I will sometimes split the hero midway through the game, as sort of a suprise move. Suddenly I gain an extra activation that the adversary wasn't counting on.

Loophole Master said:

I will sometimes split the hero midway through the game, as sort of a suprise move. Suddenly I gain an extra activation that the adversary wasn't counting on.

No offense intended but come on . . . with a name like Loophole Master how can we not expect you to do that? partido_risa.gif

Hehe, yeah well, I am what I am. I love finding little details I can use to my advantage during the game. Not really exploiting the rules, but just using aspects of them in slightly unorthodox ways.

Loophole Master said:

Hehe, yeah well, I am what I am. I love finding little details I can use to my advantage during the game. Not really exploiting the rules, but just using aspects of them in slightly unorthodox ways.

I used to say that kind of stuff back in the day when my nickname was Slimelord, short for Dark Lord of the Slime for finding the dark side of the rules. Now I don't bother, I just point out that I'm exploiting a badly written or (more commonly) badly read rule. Rules are rules after all.

Peacekeeper_b said:

So, has anyone ignored or changed this rule? Heroes cant use cover? Can they use it inside a building?

And I dont buy the explanation. "Heroes do not hide!" B.S. Maybe not "HIDE" hide but Ive seen plenty of heroes across the years of comics and tv and novels and movies dive behind cover.

in my games Heroes and Walkers get cover coming from LOS rules.

Dcal12 said:

Major Mishap said:

In all my games we have never had a hero without his men in cover, they pretty much always die with the troops.

Same here, I always have my hero with a squad.

Actually now that I think of it, I did play a game where I had Rosie by herself following a Walker. So she could use her Tank Head. Realized that was a waste of a hero and never did that again.

I do like the idea of seperating a hero from a squad during the game and will have to try that out. I will refer to it as the "Loophole maneuver." ; )

But I still dont play that hero's or walkers get cover, that is what they have health for. Unless of course the hero is with a squad.

It is frustrating enough playing with my interpretation of the rules and then having Loop or the Master point out I am doing it wrong, without me making up rules as I go along.

Dcal12 said:

I do like the idea of seperating a hero from a squad during the game and will have to try that out. I will refer to it as the "Loophole maneuver." ; )

I'm flattered. It makes even more sense to use such a maneuver after the hero has already soaked some damage from the squad, so he's really of little use to them anymore.

The Loophole Manuever will rise in fame and possibly eclipse The Corbomite Maneuver. Or it may become as notorious as Fizzbin on a Tuesday night. It just works real good. All Glory to Hypno Toad . . . I mean Loophole Master .

Hehe, funny thing is, the latest Hero article by FFG pretty much describes the so-called "Loophole Manuever" in the last paragraph, entitled "Added Surprises".

I also have to say I think the cover rules for heroes are stupid. Surely they should get cover on their own and in some way you could argue they should get the same cover rules as the 2 man squads. They are heroes after all and they may have more health but they cost near enough the same as a squad. Hopefully FFG will look at this rule and revise it in due course.

I just use the cover of the squad they are attached to, and it works fine. You can't tell me that when it goes to the Tabletop that hero figures will still not use cover.

You are supposed to use the cover of the squad they are attached to, only when the heroes are by them selfs they dont get to roll for cover.

I agree that they should of had cover aswell, else they wouldnt have lived long enough to become "Heroes", but at the same time more often then not hte heroes will be attached to a squad making it irrelevant.

I get that Heroes get cover when attached to a squad but I still think they should get cover saves on misses if on their own (yes it's a house rule) like the two man teams. It also gives some incentive to act independently as they adopt the squads cover rules if they are attached to them but on the other hand they have the ability to soak up more hits and share abilities if attached.

The cover rule is a bit like the Hero can only attach to squad at the beginning of a game. It doesn't make sense also. Surely if a Hero ends his move in a square with a squad in it he should be able to declare he is attaching to them (yes another house rule). It just means that squad cannot activate if they haven't activated already but joining a squad who has already activated makes no difference. They can also only join squads of the same armour type.

Ultimately Heroes should have a bit more survivability than currently afforded in my opinion.

Yep, I've not seen a single logical or gameplay reason why lone heroes don't get cover, the only official reason is that they are heroes preocupado.gif This is the same 'hero' who hides amongst his comrades behined cover and throws his mates in front of the bullets so he don't die. I've asked FFG what the rules reason is and they replied that its not a rules question but a rules design question and so refused to answer.

In future I will give them the same cover rules as the Sniper or Observer squads. This makes sense to me.