Your Ozz looks pretty cool with all the metal although with the glasses and the orange he reminds me of the Supreme Commander from the origional series " V " (not the remake that got cancelled last year) Looks great.
Your Ozz looks pretty cool with all the metal although with the glasses and the orange he reminds me of the Supreme Commander from the origional series " V " (not the remake that got cancelled last year) Looks great.
Hahaha. I never saw the original V (nor the new one for that matter, not beyond the pilot episode), but yeah, I can see the similarity.
Way to ruin my Ozz...
Loophole Master said:
Hahaha. I never saw the original V (nor the new one for that matter, not beyond the pilot episode), but yeah, I can see the similarity.
Way to ruin my Ozz...
^ LOL! That is the real deal.
Maybe Ozz is Vril?
Decided to do washing and highlighting on all heavies together, so I went on withe the base colours for the Tank Busters:
Not much to say here, it's a very simple and straightforward paint scheme.
Here are the Grim Reapers with base colours. With a name like that I knew I just had to paint them black:
Here are the finished models:
OZZ 117 in superhero model. I think it turned out quite well. He doesn't look silly or stands out too much from the other troopers with his metal armour.
Tank Busters. Simple colour scheme makes for a very solid-looking unit.
Grim Reapers. Loved how these guys turned out. By far the most threatening-looking ally squad.
Very nice indeed, your Reapers do look menacing
Grim Reapers are badass, Loop.
And I dig the shiny Ozz armor. I went boltgun metal on every weapon in my core set. Electrochemical metal finishing has been around since the late 1800s, and I'm pretty sure the Germans invented Electropolishing (Why yes, this is a stainless steel panzerfaust).
Good painting Loop
You could make a hero cartoon about those greem reapers:D GJ Thiago;)
Very nice work. I like your color schemes. Your Ozz is spot on.
After a little break, I'm back to work, doing those nasty apes. These are splendid sculpts, and it seems you need to do very little to get a lot of result from them. Here's the work in progress, I just painted the teeth, mouth and gloves. Then applied a quick Devlan Mud wash to it all, and it's already looking bloody cool.
Now on for some highlighting.
Looking foward to see those boys finished. Ofc to compare them to the ones i started with
They are very rewarding minis, giving a lot of fun and satisfaction while being easy to paint:D
The apes really do have an amazingly lifelike appearance to the sculpts.
And here are the finished apes! I highlighted their fur with subsequent layers of lighter and lighter gray. I also went for a bit of a grayback look, by lightening up the small of their backs. The eyes I just painted fully black. I decided to add a lot of rust to the gloves, both because I think it would be hard to service the gloves attached to a rabid gorilla, and also to give the unit a bit more colour, since they are pretty monotone gray overall. I did a mix of yellow and organge and dabbed it all over the gloves, then wiped most of it out with a piece of cloth, leaving it only in the recesses. Then added a bit of silver highlight and that's it.
Looking good, especially the rust effect. Did you washed the fur or sticked to higlight only?
I'm a bit dissapointed you left the eyes out, if i meanaged to paint them anyone can, especially you;)
First off I just want to say that your painting is looking really good ! I've been reading this thread for a while now and its thanks to you that I've started to paint as well.
Anywhoo.. I have one question for you Loop. What kind of wash are you using ?
Thanks and keep up the good work !
Lska said:
I'm a bit dissapointed you left the eyes out, if i meanaged to paint them anyone can, especially you;)
I washed the fur with Devlan Mud first (the 1st picture) then applied the highlights. I think just highlighting would come off a bit too light, and without as much depth.
I considered doing something else to the eyes, but looking at some photos I noticed gorillas have big dark eyes, with hardly any white visible:
And either way, I'll never be able to see their eyes during a match anyway... Markus will have red eyes, though, since I want him to be something more special and freaky.
swyzak, I use Citadel washes, Devlan Mud, Badab Black and Ogryn Flesh.
Well that's a shame i just thought about. most of our paint jobs shown here on forums won't get much attention on the battelfield, Just looking better than plain grey/green minis;)
Remember those apes have some wilberwerden serum (or however you spell sthat..) inside, and that monkey from the pic above looks nice and lovely:D Certainly not the glove killing type;)
All in all good job on those, looking foward for seeing markus.
While we are at washes topics. Some time ago you posted some questions about washes, when use Badab Black and when use Devlan Mud. Could you give some feedback about that since you got some expirence since then
Also i washed my first walker today and i'm not too content with the effects as i can see places where there was a bit more wash that are a bit darker. is there a way to avoid this or it's how it works? Also how to use them on big surfaces? :Like Hans weapon covers:D
I think you'd be hard-pressed to make
murderous sculpts look nice and lovely.
The thing is that I want Markus to really stand out from the other apes, he's the only one with a huge ebergy pump strapped to his back. But after the group is done I might still go back and add some more intensity to these eyes.
Whether to use Badab Black or Devlan Mud on a given part is still a bit of a mystery to me. It really comes down to whether you want black shadows or brownish shadows. Devlan Mud will usually make the model look a bit more "used" than Badab Black, since a brownish tinge reminds us of dust or mud. But at the end of the day the difference between the two is really quite subtle, and most of the time you can swap them without it making any drastic change to the final product.
Applying washes to large surfaces requires experience. Use a medium brush, fill it with wash and paint your surface quickly with broad vertical strokes, always in the same direction. Don't let your brush dry, keep adding wash until you've covered all the surface. You can quickly brush away any excess paint (always in the same direction, or maybe in the exact opposite direction if necessary), but avoid fiddling too much with the surface after the wash is applied. Try to make sure the wash only accumulates in corners, and not on the flat surface.
Ok then i stick to the Badab on mechs and armor, Devlan on inf idea. 2 more questions then. My brush leavs a trail of black wash when passing trough those flat areas, too much wash or not enough?
Also is there a safe way of removing the wash while not harming the paintjob? (On the side i'll add a not that for experimental puposes the walker was painted using olvie paints rather than acrylics).
If you're leaving a trail, you probably have too little wash on your brush.
As for removing the wash, I wouldn't really recommend it. If you use paints that are not solluble in alcohol (like my enamels) you could wipe the wash out with alcohol, but it's still a messy affair. If you don't remove ALL the wash, it looks awful. When I'm applying wash to a light surface and I want to stay light and with no big stains, I usually add some drybrushing in the base color on top of the wash. See the Loth for an example of this.
Thumbs up for this really good paintjob.
If u will paint the eyes of markus red thing about a little OSL effect to make them glow.
Thanks, i might try that glow effect, but I'm not sure I want him looking that supernatural...
Anyway, Markus. For a looong time I'd decided to do Markus as an albino gorilla, to make him stand out and feel very weird and unique. SInce then I've seen a few people do Yeti-like paintjobs on the apes, but it was never quite what I had in mind.
This picture was the model I wanted to follow, talk about freaky:
Painted the fur an off-white, boltgun metal on the fists and a bright red on the inside of the "pump". At first I used the same skin colour I'd been using on all my troops, but that turned out too yellow and not pinkysh like that pic. So I repainted it with a light pink, and the final result got me a bit worried. Hope the lighter highlights makes it look right.
Then I applied an Ogryn Flesh wash to the whole body, and Devlan Mud to the machinery.
This already made it look much better, but it's the highlights that will make or break this model.