Diary of a Newbie Painter

By Loophole Master, in Dust Tactics

Applied the wash. It was the first time I tried dilluting it, so there was a bit of a learning curve. It's really tricky adding water to dillute the wash, add a few drops too little, and it's still too thick and will stain the model, add a few drops too much and it stops flowing right, creating gaps as it dries. It was still a bit too thick when I did the legs, but I guess that's ok, legs should be dirtier anyway, and they'll get most of the weathering. The thick wash was intentional on the dozer blade, thought it needed some streaks. Thankfully, I think I arrived at the right mix by the time I did the main body.


Turns out it didn't drink as much wash as I feared, specially since I dilluted it. Now, on to highlighting and weathering.

Did the highlights on the Punisher (sorry if I'm posting every single step, as I said, this is a big project and my last unit from scratch in a while):


Because the camo pattern is so large, I was able to do highlights in light gray for the black and green parts and sand for the beige parts. Next and last step, weathering.

she's really a beaut' dont weather her too much! ;)

theguildllc said:

she's really a beaut' dont weather her too much! ;)

Yeah, don't think I will.

Inspirational Loophole. After reading this thread, I'm going to start up my own painting after getting more units. Very good.

Someone a while back asked me to post a picture of all my painted units together. Well, I finally got to bring my whole collection back home, so I snapped a picture. Unfortunately my camera is not very good, but anyway, here it is. I left out the few units I have in Premium format, since I wanted this to be only the stuff I painted myself:


(Click to enlarge)

While I'm at it, here's a little something I'd neglected to photograph before. We use a house rule that when a tank is destroyed, it leaves in its square a bit of wreckage that works like an ammo crate. When one of the allied medium walkers is destroyed, I simply pop the head off and leave it on the board (it's a pretty disheartening sight). But for some of the other walkers it's not so easy to pop parts off, so we use some of the leftover pieces from the walker boxes. Here are some of them, which I played with to be more like proper wreckage:


Excellent house rule. They look great but what is that gloss?

Siouxfire said:

Excellent house rule. They look great but what is that gloss?

You mean the scratches and holes with metallic paint?

Loophole Master said:

You mean the scratches and holes with metallic paint?

LOL - In the photo it looks like you've used the new GW line of washes.

Haha, no, it's just the light reflecting right off the silver paint.

Finally went ahead and finished the Punisher by doing the weathering:






Please excuse the picture overdose. This took a while and I'm quite proud of it. lengua.gif

Anyhow, did all sorts of things here. Sponge chipping with different combinations of gray and red, quite a bit of heavy drybrushing with a reddish colour for some rust, some metallic touches to some corners… After all was said and done, I'm quite pleased with the end result. It made me appreciate this unit a lot more.

Each mini (or in this case, maxi) you paint looks better than the last, loopy.

Truly badass.

Ach great job as always, i love the rust on the dozer blade… It makes me sad to think you runned out of minis to paint:(

Are you thinking of starting up some SSU Loophole?

Well, I ain't buying SSU units. But it seems a friend of mine will pick them up, so I'll probably end up painting them.

Here's the bit of work I did on my Premium Sturmkonig. It's not much, and I really should have taken a "before" picture so that the changes would be more obvious.


What I did was apply some sand highlights to most of the upper body, making the edges more visible, painted the leg hoses black and washed the legs a bit, and added some metallic highlights to some components like the legs, antenna and searchlights.

Hmm for such a big beast they schould give him more camo. Looks too common ;)

Well, yeah. Specially compared to my Punisher. I must admit I'm a bit disappointed in the heavy walker premium paint job. The walker is so large that they seem to gloss over big parts of it, without adding any detailing and texture to several bits. The parts they painted are great, but there should be more of them.

Great picture! and great army! just a little question, why different colour for the axis walker? why not searching uniformity of camo?

This was something I decided from the very beginning. I love the personality of all the Dust units, and I wanted that to shine through. I didn't want to be uncertain for a second whether that squad was the BBQ or the Hell Boys, whether that walker was the Mickey or the Hot Dog. That is why I don't play with multiples of the same unit, and that is why I don't care for colour uniformity for each faction. I do have some overall themes that the factions tend to stick to, like the blue-gray armor for the allies and the dark gray armor for the axis. I really don't like it when I see those pictures of uniform armies and it's just a mass of olive soldiers and gray tanks. Really uninspiring.

Loophole Master said:

This was something I decided from the very beginning. I love the personality of all the Dust units, and I wanted that to shine through. I didn't want to be uncertain for a second whether that squad was the BBQ or the Hell Boys, whether that walker was the Mickey or the Hot Dog. That is why I don't play with multiples of the same unit, and that is why I don't care for colour uniformity for each faction. I do have some overall themes that the factions tend to stick to, like the blue-gray armor for the allies and the dark gray armor for the axis. I really don't like it when I see those pictures of uniform armies and it's just a mass of olive soldiers and gray tanks. Really uninspiring.

I agree absolutely. Overall themes with a variety of accents do surprisingly well to make the factions hang together while making each unit distinct.

It´s a real pleasure to see how much your paintingskill improved in just one short year. Each of your miniatures looks brilliant and there are just a few color decisions that were a little bit too "brave" for me. Well Done!!! Excellent in quality and time!

I wish i had already painted so many of my DT-Miniatures. But there are still some of the squads (and all of the Walkers) to do…

Here are my touch-ups to my premium Fireball. This is the original model:


And this is my final version, with some minor adjustments:



You really have to flip between the two to notice the little differences. Mainly what I did was add some decals, paint some metallic parts, paint the hoses on the legs, add a little wash here and there and some overall metallic highlights to the tank itself. Certainly nothing fancy, but just filling up those things that I felt were missing.

Wolfen said:

…there are just a few color decisions that were a little bit too "brave" for me.

The ancients spoke of it.

It is the heart of this fierce land.

It is carried in the wind.

Born of our legends.

And when we are put to the test, it is the one thing we must always be: