Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed them. I just finished the Fakyeli, and I think they turned out quite good. Need to charge the camera before I can take a picture though, and I'm going away for the weekend. But I'll post them as soon as I can.
Diary of a Newbie Painter
After some delay, they're finally here. The Fakyeli:
First off, I quite like this squad. The SSU version of the BBQ, but with evil masks, evil acid thrower and evil Molotovs. Gave these guys some dark gray fatigues, just because they seem so evil, and that's also why they have red lenses on their masks. They just should look like trouble.
One unique thing about this squad is that their tools (ammo, shovel, molotov and knife) came in a separate bag. At first I was annoyed that I had to glue them myself, and that I even needed to cut the kits into smallest parts, cause there's no way you can fit that single piece around the figure's waist. But once I got into it, I thought it worked quite well. I was able to give each soldier the right equipment, something that I don't think DG would have done. Like not giving an ammo magazine to the acid thrower guy (what would he do with it?) and not putting another molotov on the belt of the guy who already has one in his hand (only one molotov per soldier, guys).
Speaking of molotovs, they were the real special part of this project. Doing the flame was very nice, and something I'd never done before. Trying to get a nice gradient between the yellow, orange and red. For the brightest part on the base I painted white, then applied a bit of "Lamenters Yellow" glaze (doing my first experiments with these glazes…). Doing the glass bottle was much trickier. The reflective coating was achieved by applying a final clayer of Citadel's 'Ardcoat Technical paint, which really creates a nice reflective surface.However, I had to do several passes with the base colour before I arrived at something that I was mildly satisfied with. The final version was a yellow base of "Bubonic Brown" and a blue wash with "Drakenhof Nightshade". I'm not really fully satisfied with the final result, but it'll do. When I do the Molotovs for the Red Storm I might try something different, maybe replacing the wash with a glaze.
Here's another one. The commissars, Drakoni:
Pretty much as close to the official colour scheme as I get, with the exception of the red armor.
Very nice, I'm going to have toslow down my painting and spend a bit of time on the models.
Well, I've been locked out of the forum for a week now, posting is simply not working. Now I finally ventured into the dark bowels of opening Internet Explorer in my office computer, and it seems to be working, so on we go with the Observer squads!
First up, the Jnetzi, or snipers:
Not much different from the Widowmaker soldiers in the Ohotniki squads. I just gave them white fatigues so that they can blend better in the snow and gain that improved cover their stat card fails to indicate.
Next up, the poorly-named Nabludatyel, or observers:
I really like their radio backpack (with a sensible antenna) and that crooner microphone. The face sculpt on the guy with the microphone is horrid, though. No nose, no chin, just a gaping hole for a mouth. I also found it weird that these guys don't have a single gun between them, but their card indicates they both should have PPSh-48s…
Stunning, the body armour is particulary well executed.
Here's a fun one: the Medvedi command squad:
I love doing the command squads because they are always so unique. Here you have great diversity. Each head is different, metal and leather helmets, different goggles and caps. I really like this medic, with the white cloth on his face and the big leather suitcase (which is great to drybrush). The power tool on the mechanic is also pretty nifty, and I was able to play around with different metallic paints.
Everything looks Great!! A lot of good inspiration!
Nice paintjob on the Medvedi!
I agree on the observers… the face IS horrible… I swabbed the heads of the observers. With the binoculars you dont have to see this face lifting accident. my observers lacked their guns too, so I contacted FFG and got replacements. They are supposed to have guns.
Yeah, I contacted FFG about the missing observer guns and it seems they are sending me replacements. Thanks for the advice!
Only 2 squads to go! (my buddy doesn't have the Red Command. …such a stupid squad).
Very nice job! Gives me a lot inspiration to. I hope this winter start my first paint-job.
You should send dust chronicles a step by step on the command squad. It looks great. As always Loop you did awesome job.
Thanks. Here's another one, the Red Storm:
Again, since they're the RED storm, I had to put some more red in their fatigues. This time I went with the trousers. To be honest, doing these russians is starting to get a bit repetitive, since there a lot of simply mixing and matching with these squads. And doing all those little tools on their belts again and again isn't helping.
Oh well, just one more squad to go, then… walkers!
Nicely done. I've just started my Red guard and was thinking about red trousers too and using the same colour, looks a bit bright though for WW2+ battles.
Yeah, but if you don't make them bright, they don't show up as really red on the tabletop.
What kind of wash do you use for the hero?
Looks great.
cloner4000 said:
Looks great.
Athonian Greenshade for the green fatigues, Agrax Earthshade for the tools, gloves and other brown items, Nuln Oil for the weapons and Ogryn Flesh for the face.
I was recently digging tourh the topic, have you ever painted the Armor 3 comand squads? And will we see the new units for axis/allies painted by you?
I didn't paint the NCO squads because I managed to get them in Premium Edition for a bargain (same with the hero packs and heavy grenadiers).
And yes, I will paint the other axis and allies squads, as soon as I manage to get a hold of them.
Finally, here's the last SSU squad, the Chinese Volunteers:
My friend didn't like the standard blue batigues, so he asked me to do some sort of yellow. I think it turned out quite good. I darkened the red in the armor a bit, so that the red star decal would show up on it.
And that's it for SSU troops. So here's a group shot of all of them (click to enlarge)
And in the background, my next assignment.
Awsome as always.
But man those Chinese sure will be easy targets, but they also still look really good.
Well, the Chinese Volunteers ARE cannon fodder, aren't they?
The minis look fantastic as always, loopy.
One question, though --
I thought the Matrioshka wasn't quite released yet. Is that a Dust Studios or FFG "preview" release like miah999's Jagdrenadiere a few weeks ago?
Oh, right… well, I've got my contacts… ;-)