10 Reasons Why Iron Maiden Is The Worst Band Of All-Time

By 1.2..3...Zebra, in UFS Off Topic

1. The Eddie "concept" is incredibly gay.

Because what better way is there for a band to burnish their credentials as serious artists than to put an over-sized cartoon zombie on all of their album covers and then pay a man in a rubber zombie suit to prance all over the stage during their live shows? It sure has helped them to capture the prized "10-year olds with Down's Syndrome" demographic, though. Gimmick bands are by definition terrible, and Maiden's gimmick is perhaps the most threadbare of them all.

2. Their lyrics appeal only to 12 year old boys or Dungeons & Dragons-playing losers.

How many songs can one band write about elves and hobbits? Well, if the band in question is Iron Maiden, then the answer is apparently never too many. Still, whenever they run out of lyrical themes to steal directly from Tolkein, they can always rely on their own imaginations to create songs with interesting and thought-provoking themes like killing people and worshipping Satan.

3. They need three - that's right, THREE - guitarists.

Funny how Black Sabbath managed to get by perfectly OK with just one, isn't it? But I guess that's because Tony Iommi actually had talent. Not content with mangling their own tunes through their two original and profoundly untalented guitarists, they were later forced to draft in Janick Gers, whose sole qualifications for the position appeared to be his ability to throw his guitar into the air periodically and to horribly botch every solo that he has ever attempted.

4. The lead singer sounds like a castrated chipmunk.

Perhaps I'm old-fashioned, but I'd always been under the impression that a metal vocalist was supposed to have a powerful voice. Indeed, the harsh and aggressive nature of the music tends to lend itself perfectly to the brutal vocal stylings of artists such as Slayer's Tom Araya or Killswitch's Howard Jones. Bruce Dickinson's vocals, on the other hand, are about as brutal as a Carebears Christmas Special. Put him in a dress and he could be Julie Andrews in The Sound Of Music. Perhaps when his balls finally decide to drop he might become a decent metal vocalist, but until that day arrives he will remain an embarrassment to the genre.

5. They only have one song.

Galloping riff. Second galloping riff. Bruce screeches for a bit. Twin guitar solo. Bruce screeches some more. Another galloping riff. Rinse and repeat.

6. The Blaze Bayley era.

When Bruce Dickinson mercifully decided that even he could stand the band no longer, there was a chance that Maiden might at last hire a real singer and work on actually becoming a decent band. Instead, they chose perhaps the only vocalist in the world who was less talented than Bruce. Blaze Bayley had a voice that only a mother could love. His range was one-sixteenth of an octave, and his vocals were so grating that even Fran Drescher couldn't bear to listen to them.

7. Nicko McBrain is a Christian.

It's one thing for a band to sing juvenile tripe about their dark lord Satan if they actually believe in all that nonsense, but the fact that Maiden's drummer just happens to be a Bible Bashing fundie makes the hypocrisy of the whole situation simply beyond belief (no pun intended!) Perhaps he could pray to Jesus to find himself a more talented band to play with.

8. The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner.

Only a band as uniquely awful as Iron Maiden could take one of the classics of 19th century literature and transform it into a yawn-inducing 15 minute composition of stagnant, mindless torpor. This song moves at the pace of an arthritic snail, and is about as interesting as attending a lecture on the rise of feminism in post-colonial societies. And if you want to know just how bad Maiden's songwriting can get, there is actually a period in the middle of this song which is essentially nothing but two minutes of silence... I guess we should be thankful for small mercies.

9. They should have retired 20 years ago.

As laughable as the material that supposedly comprises Maiden's "Golden Years" truly is, compared to their more recent vomitings-forth they were no doubt a veritable El Dorado. I'll say this for Maiden: it takes a lot of nerve to blatantly recycle riffs that were no good even the first time round. Still, at least their newest album "A Matter Of Life And Death" finally shows some form of progression from the band: their songs are now both twice as long AND twice as boring.

10. They're the biggest sellouts in music.

Surely nothing could be more hilarious than hearing deluded Maiden fans blabbering on about how their band have "stayed true" and "always been about the music", while at the same time handing over their latest unemployment cheque in order to buy Maiden's five zillionth "Best-Of" compilation CD. That's of course on top of all the Maiden lunchboxes, Maiden figurines, Maiden playing cards, and even Maiden wines (!) that they own. Gene Simmons has nothing on Iron Maiden, but then at least KISS fans have always realized that their band is a joke.

I'm expressing my personal views on a metal band is therefore well within the bounds of proper forum talk, whether I like that band or not. I happen to believe that Maiden are extremely over-rated within the metal community, and wanted to see how many other people agreed with me. So don't act like a tard and try and flame me, because you won't win.

Without getting into it, i am going to relate this to a post i read about how Street Fighter II is overrated. If you didn't grow up playing the orginal World Warriors, then you won't be able to get into it. A 15 yr old kid who grew up playing Halo will not "get" SF2. He will see it as oversimplified, lacking features, etc.

If Iron Maiden came out now, then i would probably agree with you. Iron maiden is definately not one of my favorite bands, but being the butt-rock lover that i am, i do at least like them. My ipod is full of Poison, Skid Row, Warrant, Whitesnake, Cindarella, etc, as well as Pantera, Megadeth, Slayer, Sepultura, etc.

Bonus points for having Vincent Price voiceover. I wouldn't sit around all day listening to Maiden (or playing WW), but i definately can appreciate the fact that without those stepping stones we wouldnt have the Pantera and CvS2 of today.

When you start making as much money as Iron Maiden, in the decade that Iron Maiden did it, then get back to me.

In the mean time, go back to being a critic who's opinion matters only to your mother.

Guys... the dude is one of the Atlanta Trolls who was part of the Escarraguy445 team.

Ignore him and he goes away after a while.

This content isn't even original. It's been copy and pasted. Drop the first line into Google, and you get the hits from where it's been posted before.

Just sayin'

TripsEX said:

When you start making as much money as Iron Maiden, in the decade that Iron Maiden did it, then get back to me.

In the mean time, go back to being a critic who's opinion matters only to your mother.

Since when does making money make a band good? Read the 10th reason, before you speak.

Antigoth said:

Guys... the dude is one of the Atlanta Trolls who was part of the Escarraguy445 team.

Ignore him and he goes away after a while.

This content isn't even original. It's been copy and pasted. Drop the first line into Google, and you get the hits from where it's been posted before.

Just sayin'

Just saying, it was posted on myspace... by me.

Your arguement loses all steam when you bring in KISS fans and then proceed to try and berate everything in an attempt to just single out all types of music from the late 70's/early 80's. If you make music and make money, you'll keep making it, and people will keep listening to it and buying it.

So you have to have some degree of talent to make music, and it pays off when you do. So you could loosely relate that money = good music as a rating for a band; with that standard falling apart in the early 90's when everything went to hell and it all sucks now.

TripsEX said:

Your arguement loses all steam when you bring in KISS fans and then proceed to try and berate everything in an attempt to just single out all types of music from the late 70's/early 80's. If you make music and make money, you'll keep making it, and people will keep listening to it and buying it.

So you have to have some degree of talent to make music, and it pays off when you do. So you could loosely relate that money = good music as a rating for a band; with that standard falling apart in the early 90's when everything went to hell and it all sucks now.

Really, because Frank Zappa made little money and has probably the most talent of any artist I've ever heard. Do you know how many Greatist Hits Iron Maiden has with, that has the same songs but new artwork and a new name? Too many.

1.2..3...Zebra said:

TripsEX said:

Your arguement loses all steam when you bring in KISS fans and then proceed to try and berate everything in an attempt to just single out all types of music from the late 70's/early 80's. If you make music and make money, you'll keep making it, and people will keep listening to it and buying it.

So you have to have some degree of talent to make music, and it pays off when you do. So you could loosely relate that money = good music as a rating for a band; with that standard falling apart in the early 90's when everything went to hell and it all sucks now.

Really, because Frank Zappa made little money and has probably the most talent of any artist I've ever heard. Do you know how many Greatist Hits Iron Maiden has with, that has the same songs but new artwork and a new name? Too many.

You should have named this topic "Watch me post like an idiot."

TripsEX said:

1.2..3...Zebra said:

TripsEX said:

Your arguement loses all steam when you bring in KISS fans and then proceed to try and berate everything in an attempt to just single out all types of music from the late 70's/early 80's. If you make music and make money, you'll keep making it, and people will keep listening to it and buying it.

So you have to have some degree of talent to make music, and it pays off when you do. So you could loosely relate that money = good music as a rating for a band; with that standard falling apart in the early 90's when everything went to hell and it all sucks now.

Really, because Frank Zappa made little money and has probably the most talent of any artist I've ever heard. Do you know how many Greatist Hits Iron Maiden has with, that has the same songs but new artwork and a new name? Too many.

Yeah, because Zappa is working at a Pizza Hut right now.

You should have named this topic "Watch me post like an idiot."

Frank Zappa is dead.

Actually the name of the thread should have been "Watch TripsEX post like an idiot."

You do realize that I am taking most off my arguments off 4chan right?

TripsEX said:

You do realize that I am taking most off my arguments off 4chan right?

You do realize I'm basing my argument off of something that isn't fail and is actually logical.

1.2..3...Zebra said:

Antigoth said:

Guys... the dude is one of the Atlanta Trolls who was part of the Escarraguy445 team.

Ignore him and he goes away after a while.

This content isn't even original. It's been copy and pasted. Drop the first line into Google, and you get the hits from where it's been posted before.

Just sayin'

Just saying, it was posted on myspace... by me.

So you live in Australia and put Barry Manilow (clearly one of the biggest sellouts evar) on your myspace page?

Link said:

1.2..3...Zebra said:

Antigoth said:

Guys... the dude is one of the Atlanta Trolls who was part of the Escarraguy445 team.

Ignore him and he goes away after a while.

This content isn't even original. It's been copy and pasted. Drop the first line into Google, and you get the hits from where it's been posted before.

Just sayin'

Just saying, it was posted on myspace... by me.

So you live in Australia and put Barry Manilow (clearly one of the biggest sellouts evar) on your myspace page?

It's a fake account. Use some common sense.

1.2..3...Zebra said:

It's a fake account. Use some common sense.

Internet Troll admits to being internet troll, in a vain attempt to get recognized by the Encyclopedia Dramatica.

1.2..3...Zebra said:

2. Their lyrics appeal only to 12 year old boys or Dungeons & Dragons-playing losers.

I really hope we meet in person so we can talk about that " Dungeons & Dragons-playing losers" part...

or you could simply give me your mom's basement adress...

Cass said:

1.2..3...Zebra said:

2. Their lyrics appeal only to 12 year old boys or Dungeons & Dragons-playing losers.

I really hope we meet in person so we can talk about that " Dungeons & Dragons-playing losers" part...

or you could simply give me your mom's basement adress...

So you want to live in my mom's basement? Because I don't know why else you would want the adress to my mom's basement.

1.2..3...Zebra said:

1. The Eddie "concept" is incredibly gay.

Because what better way is there for a band to burnish their credentials as serious artists than to put an over-sized cartoon zombie on all of their album covers and then pay a man in a rubber zombie suit to prance all over the stage during their live shows? It sure has helped them to capture the prized "10-year olds with Down's Syndrome" demographic, though. Gimmick bands are by definition terrible , and Maiden's gimmick is perhaps the most threadbare of them all.

2. Their lyrics appeal only to 12 year old boys or Dungeons & Dragons-playing losers .

1. Green Jello Sux would like to speak to you

2. i pity you for your narrow belittlement of D&D players. that a person plays D&D has no bearing on what you seem to have an issue with - and that is emotionally stunted people

Anyone else find it amusing that you can completely ignore his "Argument" after the fact that he fails to use the word "gimmick" properly?

Eddie is not a gimmick, Eddie is a mascot.

If Eddie were a gimmick, Iron Maiden would have songs about Eddie, they would be named "Eddie and the Ed-heads" and they would be doing other things almost completely centered around Eddie.

Wearing makeup and spewing fakeblood on stage, ala Kiss, is a gimmick. Wearing masks like Slipknot is a gimmick, wearing foam/rubber outfits like GWAR is a gimmick. It's something the band DOES to create some sort of identity for themselves so when they're talked about people will go "Oh hey they're that band that does such and such right?"

A Mascot, such as Eddie, or Micky Mouse, or Ronald McDonald, or Ryu... is an easily identifiable icon that quickly creates common ground for both fans of the group the icon represents and others who may not be very aware of the group. Not everybody knows Tomb Raider but EVERYBODY knows Lara Croft (etc etc).

Also, can you do anything else but hide behind Zappa? Seriously? He was a good artist but come ON.

Archimedes said:

Also, can you do anything else but hide behind Zappa? Seriously? He was a good artist but come ON.

I'll do the incredibly ignorant (yet tongue-in-cheek) thing here and say : Wasn't he the really flexible possessed guy in Guilty Gear X2 and it's spin-offs?

Yes, I know very well who Frank Zappa is, I even know who Dweezil Zappa is.

Homme Chapeau said:

Yes, I know very well who Frank Zappa is, I even know who Dweezil Zappa is.

But do you know Moon Unit: moonunit.jpg ?

Honestly, I love the fact that when you point out he's a troll, he doesn't disagree with you.

Antigoth said:

Homme Chapeau said:

Yes, I know very well who Frank Zappa is, I even know who Dweezil Zappa is.

But do you know Moon Unit: moonunit.jpg ?

Honestly, I love the fact that when you point out he's a troll, he doesn't disagree with you.

You're right I don't disagree, but I also don't agree. I just try not to feed the trolls (i.e. you) myself.

1.2..3...Zebra said:

2. Their lyrics appeal only to 12 year old boys or Dungeons & Dragons-playing losers.

How many songs can one band write about elves and hobbits? Well, if the band in question is Iron Maiden, then the answer is apparently never too many. Still, whenever they run out of lyrical themes to steal directly from Tolkein, they can always rely on their own imaginations to create songs with interesting and thought-provoking themes like killing people and worshipping Satan.

I'm expressing my personal views on a metal band is therefore well within the bounds of proper forum talk, whether I like that band or not. I happen to believe that Maiden are extremely over-rated within the metal community, and wanted to see how many other people agreed with me. So don't act like a tard and try and flame me, because you won't win.

I really find fault with this. I was secretary of my University Gaming (roleplay) Society and loved playing D&D in it's time. Many of my long term friends I met through roleplay and ccg's, none of which would have been possible without joining my original University gaming group.

In contesting this, I'd like to point out that I, unlike you, have not posted numerous threads espousing my own musical tastes to the detriment of others within the Off Topic forum. Instead i have taken the time to read and absorb the opinions and comments of others, thereby displaying tolerance of others tastes even in cases where my own musical preferences differ from other posters.

I would also further like to point out that in contesting this topic, I have chosen to not question your age, species, gender, sexual preference, allergies, guitar hero high scores or other insecurities. Instead I have chosen to mock you through your own narrow-mindedness and egocentricity, which is miserably clear for all to see.

It should also be noted that Iron Maiden pretty much has no songs concerning Elves or Hobbits, and by dismissing the band as that type of band (Fantasy Metal) he is displaying his own ignorance.

Dude considering he called Antigoth a troll I thought that debate was pretty much over. 'sides, MMR is the worst band of all time, bar none.