Sup, Gangstas of the Deathwatch. I hope I am just having a brain fart and that gaining an advanced specialty isn't as tough as it sounds. I'm having difficulty with this paragraph under "Using Advanced Specialties" on pg 99 in the RoB.
"An Advanced Specialization may be taken by a player any time (with the consent of the GM) he makes a new Rank provided he meets the requirements and experience point cost."
So I can only gain an AS when I gain a new Rank? I have to save up what I need to get to the next level (4000 xp, in my case), then another prodigious amount of xp to buy the AS package at the right time, right place. That's an ass-destroyingly (pardon my Low Gothic) epic amount of xp that I have to sit on until the perfect moment.
It kinda makes the process not worth it to me. Why the hell can't I just save up the xp requirement, meet the other pre-req's, throw on my Chaplain vestments and get to blowing through orphanages tainted by Genestealers?
What do you guys think?
Keep in mind: This is not a thread on the viability of the Chaplain AS. Debate that semantic at the peril of continuing to look like an RPG forum troll, the lowest on the food chain of trolls.