The Daily Empire Thread

By doc_cthulhu, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I like your random NPC generator :)


Emirikol said:

I like your random NPC generator :)


Thanks. I like it too. It should have a "print" option but I've no idea how to execute it. Luckily we have pens and papers.

Oh yes. Now I see what you did there…


On a COMPLETELY unrelated note, I upload a new scenario on the Daily Empire! The Favour of Fosterklauster is an adventure by Valvorik. Go check it out HERE .

The Ice King Stuff is great. Lots of hooks. I will use parts of it as an intermediate adventure.

Thanks Glorian. Let me know how it goes.

As FFG keeps loosing my threads (I assumed this to be gone too) I put some notes for my earlier campaign (that I considered writing to be shared) on the Daily Empire . First piece (of three) was published today and the other two will be up during following days.

Feel free to comment here or at the Daily Empire.

Sounds like an interesting campaign. I liked the The Legend of Karag Elgramazaul, nice touch.

Are you thinking of doing write-ups of your game sessions?

Thanks! Seems like I was too eager to blame the forum. It still a bit odd that the bookmarks I had are not working anymore. I cannot understand the reason begind change in page address.

I've seen a lot of the old bookmarks get changed to or something like that. I'm pretty sure that they didn't hire the greatest company in the world to handle thier forums..but then again, why should they care. They don't have to use them ;)


I posted a poll on the Daily Empire and would like to know YOUR opinion on the matter.

Thank you for your time and honesty!

I updated the Book of Asur to latest version.

Hopefully all those who have contributed something for the Daily Empire remember to send me the updated versions of their work.

Posted a new adventure for WFRP 2nd edition some days ago. A Bitter Harvest is an adventure by Ovid and quite a good one.

I was wondering if someone would like to come up with a guide to run it with WFRP3 so I could post it too (Ovid is ok with this).

It has a small cast of characters that needs some advances (could use the liber fanatica pregens as basics) and probably some skill check updates, but I'm swamped with work. Anyone else want to give it a go?

Interesting, though I admit I taking orks non-fungus to lesser degree and to greater one introducing half-orcs doesn't fit with my WFRP (no half-elves, half-orcs etc. in my Old World)

The greenskin theme makes it particularly good for Averland, with their hatred of gobbos (Hero's Call, provincial attribute).

On quasi-related note, yes a shame strike to stun's difficulties lost all the stuff they hosted.

Strike-to-stun seems to have some trouble with the scenarios etc. that they have hosted, so I asked doc_cthulhu if he would put some of my old stuff up on the Daily Empire .

Here is the link:

Thanks to doc for hosting them.


Our group had an absolute blast playing "There's something about marie."


We began a new campaign using WFPR2 last Wednesday. I mention it here since I posted about in the Daily Empire with the excellent mini-dungeon by Robin Low . Check the dungeon HERE and the beginning of our new campaign HERE .

As an open letter to the community I would like to say the following:

Our domain has been attacked a number of times during last year and has been closed two times during this year due phishing malware. Once we get this issue resolved I'm hopeful that Daily Empire will be restored. As for now I cannot vouch for it.

It seems somewhat possible that Wordpress is the reason behind this as it seems to be fairly regular target for hackers. As the Daily Empire both runs on the Wordpress and receives clearly the most traffic on our domain I cannot say for sure that it will stay online as it is.

All of the fan material uploaded to the Daily Empire is still accessible by me and I'm thinking on a clean way to share them.

I'm sorry for this kind of message but as I appreciate the interest you have on my blog I need to be straight. I'll give you updates on this when the problem solving with our domain proceeds.

We are back online and hopefully will stay that way!

Great news Doc!

This bit is.

Sadly it seems that our personal wiki was lost to infection. We had documented over five years of WFRP campaigns there...

Updated the links to KalevalaHammer website. You should check it out!