Eh...Velcro and Gloop are certainly similar, but their mechanics are a bit different. Velcro can only do his thing when he wins an encounter, and only with two planets at a time. Gloop does his thing with any number of planets every time he's the defense and can get a defensive boost by doing so. Anyway...
POLARIZE [O:TG] Reverses Offense And Defense
You have the power to invert . As a main player or ally, before encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power to send two of your ships to the warp. (These ships must be in the encounter if possible.) In return, the offensive player becomes the defensive player and vice versa. The cone is re-pointed at any planet from which the original offense sent ships from (any home planet, if the only ship sent was sent from the warp). The original offensive player’s ships land on the planet. The original defense chooses how many ships from the originally targeted planet to send into the cone (one to four as usual). Allies remain allied with the same main player; so offensive allies become defensive and vice versa. The encounter is concluded as normal. If the defense (the original offense) wins, they are eligible for a second encounter as normal.
History: With an electromagnetic field that reverses itself multiple times a year, the Polarizes have learned how to control the electromagnetic force. While their skills don’t work too well in a battle situation, they can wreak havoc on a sensitive hyperspace gate, causing traversing ships to end up going the wrong way. This confusion will certainly be enough for the Polarizes to step up behind everyone and lead the universe.
Wild: You may take offensive rewards as a defensive ally, or defensive rewards as an offensive ally. You may not use this flare to win the game.
Super: You may sacrifice ships not involved in the encounter to use your power.
This is an Expert and Rules power.
Comments: It's a bit clunky in that a lot of gruntwork has to be done when it's used. But he has to put three or more ships in an encounter if he wants to both use his power and get anything out of it, so it won't be used too much. It's intended to be powerful but infrequently used.