Here I am...Here we are..
Two weeks to save our old threads...
I miss jaime on top...BTW, I like it...:-)
Here I am...Here we are..
Two weeks to save our old threads...
I miss jaime on top...BTW, I like it...:-)
The forums doesn´t look too bad. Indeed it´s stylish but a little bit confusing at first glance in my opinion.
However the announcement somehow felt like a dejavu.
they are interesting, i still don't see a link for "jump to first unread post" which i still miss very much for the old old forums.
Personally i´m missing some cool AGOT avatars or the possibility to use your own avatar, but FFG Paul said they are still moving to the new website, so i guess a man could hope that such a possibility will be created in time.
Lars said:
, i still don't see a link for "jump to first unread post" which i still miss very much for the old old forums.
I agree that I would really appreciate this option returning.
I find this rather annoying.
And no custom avatars?
Why did I bother to register?
Hi Everyone,
AGoT Avatars are on-line. I will be making some more every week. There is so much great art in this game!
The website still has broken links, I can't even pick an avatar for my profile (the link just returns me home).
Is it too hard to ask for folk to test something rather then let us be the beta testers?
Good Bye.
you gotta try it a couple of times, though when i get to my avatar selection page (which is not always quickly) i haven't had a problem selecting an avatar.
*Hangs hat*
I could stay here for a while... although, I must say, it's a shot to the ego that one of the first messages I got after signing up was:
No new users want to be your friend.
Wow. Glad my self-esteem is good
It's a pretty schnazzy looking place, I must admit. Doesn't feel all that...... AGoT like to me. Very web 2.0/ sci-fi feel. Great for some games, not for others. *shrug*
I'd really love custome avatars though. Having AGoT ones is cool and all, but suppose I want Spider Jerusalem?
I'm kind of sad that there were no Arya avatars.
I suppose I'll wait and see.
Kennon said:
I'd really love custome avatars though. Having AGoT ones is cool and all, but suppose I want Spider Jerusalem?
You see, that way all your problems with a new avatar on the old boards got fixed over night. ;-) And yes it would be fine to identify players at first glance by their custome avatars. That "white knight" really became a symbol for Kennon for me long before i saw the Batman movie. And i liked to use the coat of arms of my hometown it brings some AGOT flavour to the boards for me - every house has it´s enblem no matter how small it is. ;-)
The sad thing being that when I logged into the old forums last night, my avatar problems had been fixed and I was able to see the new one. *sigh*
But really, Ben's correct, our custom avatars really do become defining features of us, our personality, sometimes our stance in the community. For people that use message boards with any great regularity they are handy to identify posters at the barest glance without taking the time to read their username as well.
Enforce more strict sizing regulations if you must (though that would sadden me if I ever decided to do a card avatar again) but please allow the option of custom avatars for those that would like them. I'm itching to be Spider Jerusalem now more than ever.
Yeah its that whole regulation bit... now you need to have someone argue and complain and moan about their avatar or picture in their sig getting the boot.
You want custom avatars? Go to a non-corporate forum site (do those exist? lol). You want corporate site? Use the liscence and corporate kosher avatars provided, and make your NAME recgonizable, not your 1334 image.
We've had customizable avatars in the AGoT community for ages now without the level of restriction that you suggest is intrinsic to a corporate site.
My name has been quite recognizable in our community for some time now. I was merely speaking from an ease of use function, particularly one that would generate some good will towards FFG.
I'm not even sure what an 1334 avatar might be. 1337 though, yes. I do 5p34k 1337 1f 1 mu5+, I'm just not a fan of it .
I will definitely miss the custom avatars....
Oh well, more changes. This one I actually like though. I took advantage of the change to put the vowels back in my name.
I find it funny that I can track down, and ask people to be my friends, when I feel like we're all pretty much friends already.
Kennon said:
I'm not even sure what an 1334 avatar might be. 1337 though, yes.
Hmm.. must have been some compatability issues with my translator...
Good will? Again, if you want risky things like potentially obscene avatars, go to a fan forum. Play it safe and fun here, right? Is that so hard to understand? (UFS community is having a tough time with this too... ugh)
though the lack of private messaging is tricky.. friending and all that... its like myspace all over again! WOO!
Haha, did you have Babelfish translate? It always has problems.
*shrug* In all the years that I've been a part of the Thrones community, I can't recall an issue that we've had with obscene avatars. We've occasionally had some inflammatory language, and we once had a username that we self policied, but those aren't things that only official avatars would have solved anyway. I just feel that if we haven't had problems with it before, then we might as well be allowed to continue the tradition.
vermillian said:
Again, if you want risky things like potentially obscene avatars, go to a fan forum. Play it safe and fun here, right? Is that so hard to understand? (UFS community is having a tough time with this too... ugh
I don't think anyone is having troubles understanding anything (other than why it feels like Kennon is being talked down to as if he's a second rate member of the community that is oddly not feeling like ours anymore).
We get the dangers of private avatars but, as Kennon points out, have done a pretty good job in the past at avoiding any issues and policing ourselves. I don't mind the change so much, but I will miss being able to see who's posting while quickly scrolling down a thread. Although, more people will accidentally read what I post, since they won't see my avatar and automatically skip over my pointless posts
I like premade avatars, since I would never bother with a custom one.
Edit: Hey, I just got 5 points for posting this message!
Deathjester26 said:
I don't think anyone is having troubles understanding anything (other than why it feels like Kennon is being talked down to as if he's a second rate member of the community that is oddly not feeling like ours anymore).
Thanks man. Lol, it's always a little odd for me to be considered some kind of "old guard" player/poster, but it's good to know I wasn't imagining that. I thought I'd over reacted at first.
As for it not feeling like our community, graphically, it feels very different and that sets the vibe off. Plus, now all of the FFG forums are much more closely connected to each other, which adds more. Then of course there's the multitude of posts from the last forum (and all the ones before that) which we're missing and that really tops off the feeling. I think though, that if we really make sure to push for our common faces to suck it up and participate on this forum, we can make it feel more like home pretty quickly.
Heck, even if you know someone that doesn't really play anymore but used to hang out here, talk them into at least posting on the Off Topic board. Our community has always had a triving Off Topic discussion.
Lol, I hope no one would have been too offended by that one, Old Ben.
This two old man are from Loriot, an old german comedian who has a one of a kind humour.