Question on the four squad army packs coming out.

By Ken on Cape, in Dust Tactics

I ordered two deluxe edition Jagdluther and two deluxe edition Fury of Ivan sets. All arrived a few weeks ago... One of my Jagdluther's was missing the card. I emailed and they sent a new card out, I just got it today. So they gave me the missing one.

I scanned them in and they are now online in the gallery at for anyone who wants to print one, you can head over there and get a copy.


Yes Hanomag I can see your point.

So you got cards, what are these people on??? saying no then doing what they said no too.

For the gamble and pissing around i think i'll just buy an airbrush and paint the kits up just as well if not better myself.

Pfffff its knocked my confidence it buying from them unless they sort there act out.

apprently , FFG has sole distributorship for north america . cant even sponsor or support charity events because it would violate the contract with FFG role as sole distributor and promoter of the game in north america . sadly FFG isnt the easiist to get answers or replies from :(

the one reply i got from FFG sounded like it was written by a lawyer as to why they couldnt answer my questions .

my guess would be that either the 2 units are part of the 5 preset expansions planned , or that because the rules would make them part of the game , FFG wont allow the violation .

Nivanti said:

Yes Hanomag I can see your point.

So you got cards, what are these people on??? saying no then doing what they said no too.

For the gamble and pissing around i think i'll just buy an airbrush and paint the kits up just as well if not better myself.

Pfffff its knocked my confidence it buying from them unless they sort there act out.

it could be that they sent them because he bought them before FFG clamped down on so they sent them out with that as the justification .

Thanks for that.

FFG I ask you not to be too anal with games, remember the the people who buy your games!!!

Thank you

I got the Jagdluthor kit from . It came with the card. I think FFG just does the distribution and they can only work with what they get from Paolo Parente's company. The Dust website is rarely updated and I think a few things get lost in translation so...yeah, I guess it's up to the customers to work things out on forums like this and

Panzerfaust101 said:

Almost finished painting my Dust figs and started looking at the army packs..... i'll probably get all 4 - but a quick bit of maths made me realise by the time i pay for these i may as well buy another base game, since the figs are the same (except the extra 2 bazooka guys) - and i get more figs, more boards and 4 more walkers.......

I have a similiar dilemna. I want more soldiers. The release of the upcoming battle packs seems to few and far between. By picking up an additional box set, I am doubling my collection immediately, including the vehicles...

i plan to get the battle packs .

they seem loike a perfect idea to me atleast .

one of the things you have to consider is viewing the game form the perspective of other players .

yes , it would be easy for some of you to buy another box set and save the money , BUT alot of other players are on tighter budgets , especially children who have a very hard time saving $100 worth of allowence or chore money . you may be willing to save up and get another starter , but for those on the more limited budgets who would have to save longer , this offers a more immediate option that they can play with right away to keep them in the game , and interested .

and its not like you are getting ripped off , every company that makes a starter or base set does the same think , charging more for individual units than the per piece price of buying more starters. in this case , buying the bazooka teams gives you an extra fig , and a new unit card you can use to play them with . and with the way this game is designed , you dont NEED more units unless you want them .

You guys want to spend a crapload of money on miniatures, there's always GW.

Shooter said:

You guys want to spend a crapload of money on miniatures, there's always GW.

Lol! Dont Joke - my local gaming club had a GW tournament, an after years of not playing GW - i looked at a 40k army. when i got past £300 i gave up! Yeah ive spent that much on other gaming systems, but not in one big lump for one army!

I appreciate the comment about money - but my compalint is that the new squads are not substancially different enough - 1 more anti tank option isnt enough for me - if they had different poses, and a diifferent head option. For people who have bought the game as a pure boardgame, i think you have all you need to play out of the box which is really good - however as a wargamer I guess i always want to "pimp" my force, and have different unit options - plus supprisingly i really like the cardboard terrain squares - so another nine would not go amiss.

Panzerfaust101 said:

Shooter said:

You guys want to spend a crapload of money on miniatures, there's always GW.

Lol! Dont Joke - my local gaming club had a GW tournament, an after years of not playing GW - i looked at a 40k army. when i got past £300 i gave up! Yeah ive spent that much on other gaming systems, but not in one big lump for one army!

I appreciate the comment about money - but my compalint is that the new squads are not substancially different enough - 1 more anti tank option isnt enough for me - if they had different poses, and a diifferent head option. For people who have bought the game as a pure boardgame, i think you have all you need to play out of the box which is really good - however as a wargamer I guess i always want to "pimp" my force, and have different unit options - plus supprisingly i really like the cardboard terrain squares - so another nine would not go amiss.

i have 2 starters already , and even i still want the extra packs . bigger battles on bigger fields will open it up alot more possabilities .

from my personal perspective of just building my army , having a few more machine gun squads will be a bonus to AP , but after watching so many games doing the demo week , having an extra AT weapon in some squads will be much appreciated . i see my self buying probably 3 or 4 of the AT teams , and a number of the machine gun squads as filler over the course of time . with 6 sheets grided off able to cover 6X8 feet each , big battles will happen pretty soon . so i will need more squads to cover it .

looking at this just from an economic perspective , each squade is complete as is , so for $15-20 i get a fully ready to play squad . with GMW i would spend $40+ per squad and still have to assemble them and prime them . even if i spent $500 on this game over the course of the 5 expansions and related unit packs , this game wont cost me nearly as much as WH40k did . at the highpoint for me , i had 60,000 points just in chaos .........all painted ! plus about 10,000-15,000 each in painted space marines and orks .

Yeah, I picked up the game at two starters. After reading the rules a couple of times, It looked to me that big battles are inevitable. Then I did the math for the upcoming squads, looked at the Fury of Ivan models on the Dust Tactics website. It seemed like two boxes with all the stuff was actually kind of a deal .I have lots of vehicles, terrain things, boards etc. I dig it.

there is just no way this game will stay in small skirmishes for most game groups .

as fast and deadly as the game is , you can play out a huge battle in an hour that in any other minis system would take you all day , or longer .

I think you should hold fire, read whats coming up in the expansions, loads more stuff!!!!!

yeah artillery and the officer packs look awesome - but with 2 box sets they will have plenty of guys to heal, and walkers to repair!

The only difference is you miss out on the extra fig in some boxes that allows you to change the unit's role.