Question on the four squad army packs coming out.

By Ken on Cape, in Dust Tactics

I saw FFG is putting out 4 squad packs. These are 4 squads that come with the base game. Anyone know if these packs will come with the info cards?

All I can say is its good news indeed, means things are rolling along, more units mean tabletop gaming, Sweeeeettttttttt!!! Did i read somewhere there are rules for Dust Tactics tabletop, a pdf ???

I'd be surprised if they brought out miniatures without the cards to use them in the game. After all, you need to mark the cards while you're playing, so you need one for each unit.

The news post also mentions unit cards in the premium boxes for the battle grenadiers and combat rangers so you can convert them to specialist anti armour units. Seems a little odd to me to have these in the premium versions but not the normal ones, as I'm a keen converter, but as I like to paint my own minis, I won't have the cards to use the minis I've lovingly converted.

So any word on when these will be out?

I was wondering what the release dates are myself.

Does anyone know the release schedule of the squad packs in relation to the Add-on packs? Same time, squads first, etc?

Also, will the Deluxe Editions of the Squad packs and Add-on packs be only available through FFG store like the base game or orderable through my local game store?


I'm glad to see these coming out to add more variety to the base game as far as army builds go. I hope we get the other two squads. I like shotguns. I like lasers.

The “Gunners” and “Battle Grenadiers” are the most interesting units as they are customizable with additional AT figures. The weakest unit has got to be the “Recon Rangers”. I just don't get what use this unit is – slightly better firepower, no AT ability and basic HtH. It's AA ability wont even come into play until the 5th set. The second Allied squad should have been the BBQ squad.

I emailed the other day about the painted walkers they are selling, i was told that they do NOT come with gaming cards ????? has anybody bought these, is this correct ??? whats the point if it is.

P.S got my copy of dust Tactics to day and love it :)

I beleave the walkers shown on are a different scale. 1/35 vs. 1/48 scale in Dust Tactics. So thier much larger and I beleave are for a role playing game. If you go to there are 2 Mechs which are the proper scale for this game and these do come with the proper stat card.

It was def the 1/48th scale miniatures i was emailing them about, the painted versions.

Premium painted versions No card, kit version card.

if anyone else emails them and hears different please let me know .

I suggest that you copy and paste a picture of the stat cards from boardgamegeek and email them again. Mine came with one.

I'll email them again.

Nivanti said:

It was def the 1/48th scale miniatures i was emailing them about, the painted versions.

Premium painted versions No card, kit version card.

if anyone else emails them and hears different please let me know .

I own both pre-painted models (the Fury of Ivan and the Jagdluther) and both came with stat cards for Dust Tactics.

BigDogg said:

The weakest unit has got to be the “Recon Rangers”. I just don't get what use this unit is – slightly better firepower, no AT ability and basic HtH. It's AA ability wont even come into play until the 5th set. The second Allied squad should have been the BBQ squad.

Almost finished painting my Dust figs and started looking at the army packs..... i'll probably get all 4 - but a quick bit of maths made me realise by the time i pay for these i may as well buy another base game, since the figs are the same (except the extra 2 bazooka guys) - and i get more figs, more boards and 4 more walkers.......

Panzerfaust101 said:

Almost finished painting my Dust figs and started looking at the army packs..... i'll probably get all 4 - but a quick bit of maths made me realise by the time i pay for these i may as well buy another base game, since the figs are the same (except the extra 2 bazooka guys) - and i get more figs, more boards and 4 more walkers.......

But you don't get the extra cards. sad.gif

Since I'm a completist, that would drive me crazy...

I sent another email regarding the premium painted edition walkers.

I have not included the persons name who responded but this is the response I got, so for those of you who got these with cards id love to know how and where.

" The DTM 001 JAGDLUTHER and DTM 002 FURY of IVAN do not come with data card. It is due to the arrangement with FFG and these walking machines will not have data card included.


Thats what I got told., an arrangment with FFG, Oh ???

I don't know what to say. The 1/48 kit clearly states that the data card will be included. It is ridiculous to sell the walkers, premium or kits, without the data cards. You do need to mention the name of the person involved. It makes no sense why all others get them and you the only one not. If there is indeed an arrangement, ask FFG for the cards then.

It makes sense from a buisness stand point I suppose. In essense those are game pieces for a FFG board game. I can see how they would want some control over any extra pieces so that people can't come back and say the game is too unbalanced and not fun. I would guess that they will be availible with cards at some point, perphaps in the FFG store?

I completely disagree with you, Hanomag. FFG is not the sole distributor of the game to the world. Its market mainly focuses in North America. It is why Dust-Tactics website is available so that other people around the world can order it.

Nivanti said:

" The DTM 001 JAGDLUTHER and DTM 002 FURY of IVAN do not come with data card. It is due to the arrangement with FFG and these walking machines will not have data card included.

I got a re-confirmed email from Dust-Tactics saying the same thing. I am surprised that they change their mind without letting anyone know. One possibility is that the current stats for the two walkers are set more for collector's items instead of useful game play. FFG may think about changing it. Just my speculation. I feel sorry for your misfortune. I guess you'll have to wait until FFG officially release the products on their website.

This is very strange, without the card the model is useless in the game. The item description is clearly making this sound like it is a playable piece but I did notice the line about the unit card being included has been removed from the premium edition version.

Thank you Wildger.

I did email them back saying it sucked and basicly I dont think there will be many people spending $70 on what is now just a plastic ornament.

Oh well there loss :)

Nivanti said:

Thank you Wildger.

I did email them back saying it sucked and basicly I dont think there will be many people spending $70 on what is now just a plastic ornament.

Oh well there loss :)

Based on one of the responses posted above, it doesn't seem like it was's decision. It sounds like FFG came down on them for some reason.

As for what that reason is, it remains a mystery to me. I haven't had a chance to use either unit in battle yet (still waiting for my deluxe edition to arrive) but, based on the stats, neither unit is game breaking. And, even if they were, why not let people use the current stat card until such time as a revised one is available?

Like I said, a mystery.

I didn't mean to sound as though I agree with FFG, but the discrepancy sounds like a buissness decision for FFG. While FFG is not the sole distributor of the game I thought they were the only publisher. I would think then, that they would have a significant say in the matter of new game peices. If I'm going to invest in and put my name on someone elses game, I'm going to be strict about the designers putting out pieces that I may feel alter said game. If someone has a better theory I'm all for it. I could be dead wrong though....just looking for method within the maddness.

The only think holding me back from getting them is this card issue. I hope the resolve it or AT LEAST tell us what the deal is.