New Character - the Black Paladin

By Leonidas300, in Talisman

Love your character ideas sir especially black paladin and barbarian.Good work.

Also, you should reconsider publicly distributing character cards with art stolen from professional artists. There are both national and international laws that cover this. You are not only endangering yourself but anyone else who redistributes this material. There are plenty of options for purchasing or finding freely usable and/or public domain images.

You used several objects that cannot be stolen, or possibly sold.

That is probably too much grey area, and sounds like the characters were made in defence of the thief.

Can these items be "beguiled"?

What about Alchemy? or the spell that steals a object? (cant remember what it is called)

When creating characters, I would avoid using specific cards for special abilites. like not affected by Raiders, or cant have the Maiden. Just becasue if that card is on the bottom of the deck, it is kind of a dud abillity.

Just squeeze out a bit more of that creative juice on a few of those, and they will be rather nice.

and i had, if you become a toad, without your capacites, you lose your weapon and when you become a character, you haven't your weapon or armor !

The art work is nice but the abilities are very ininspirering, Cant you come up whit unique abilities?

If you are going to design new charachters a good idea could be imagining them in the realm of talisman (walking breathing). Take the King, what would happen if the king walked the lands himself, how would others react? Then make rules that reflect that.

I would make the king like this:

Aligment: neutral

str: 2 wis: 4 fate: 3 gold:3

main ability:

As the King you have the ability to command, If you land on a player you may command them. If you choose to do so you controll their next turn unless they give you 1 gold.

Secondary ability:

If you are good aligment all enemies bow before if you spend one fate, you may evade them and gain experience.

If you are Evil you may bribe all enemies for 1gold, evade the bribed enemy and gain experience.

misc ability:

You may always heal for free at the castle

But I do think that "king" is more suitible as an advanced character, something you can become, just like the high mage or sheriff in Talisman City expansion

If the king were walking about like any other adventurer, without and entrouage, I'd simply whack him as soon as possible and take the "Crown" so to speak. Aside for that, if he was killed off, who's running the land? No, the King as an adventurer simply wouldn't happen.

I am affraid that Bijan is correct is saying that your characters look great, but are a little dry in their special abilites.

Most of them are starting equipment, and spaces or adventure cards they can ignore.

Make a Unique ability first. Then see what character would work for that.

Spartian, has starting equipment, restrictions, and an ability that only works if he is killed?

What about this. The spartian has remarkable defence. He may roll for his armour "before" battle takes place. If it is successfull he may if he wishes make the battle a stand-off: If he then chooses to fight, he does not loose a life because he armour was already successful.

Then make a few subsiquent smaller abilites that round him out.

Skip the starting equipment abilites. Make room for more interesting stuff.

JCHendee said:

If the king were walking about like any other adventurer, without and entrouage, I'd simply whack him as soon as possible and take the "Crown" so to speak. Aside for that, if he was killed off, who's running the land? No, the King as an adventurer simply wouldn't happen.

Feel free to make better suggestions, I'm very open minded gui%C3%B1o.gif and I don't claim that these new characters are extremely balanced or have creative unique abilities. Don't hesitate, much appreciated.