Hey all,
So my friend and I had some questions come up in a game tonight around Iden and her Seeker Droid:
Is the droid its own character and can it be attacked? It doesn’t have a command token so we were unsure about this.
When looking for an attack, can I use line of sight from the droid? Does the droid add cover?
If Iden is engaged with an enemy unit, is the droid also engaged? This came up when playing Incapacitate, which leads to another question.
Can Incapacitate be played on a unit engaged with Iden/Droid?
If Iden plays Pulse Scan, performs an attack and then gains a Standby token, can Iden attack again when a unit pops the Standby? If so, does she retain the Sharpshooter keyword for the entire round?
Does Standby happen before or after an enemy unit in Range 2 performs an attack?
If their are only Critical results on dice, can a Dodge token be spent to activate Deflect?
Thanks in advance for any answers, I know there is a bit here but I am relatively new to the game and still have some areas.
Edited by Erichxzann