Adepticon 2021 Canceled

By TasteTheRainbow, in X-Wing

3 hours ago, AceDogbert said:

I've not really enjoyed playing X-wing digitally. I know that my FLGS plans to have our regular X-wing night be the first thing it begins running again once the rules allow it in our area (we're a smallish group who they can trust to follow instructions, unlike the Magic players...). I don't expect to get to that point until the vaccine rollout has reached the general public, though. As for RPGs, I'm in two games that have managed the jump to online play, but everyone wants to go back to playing in person. We've been playing together in one form or another for years, so the game nights are just as much about seeing each other than it is the game itself.

Our group was meeting for about 5 months (July - Thanksgiving) in person, then we got shut down again with the latest lockdown in MN (no gatherings of any kind, but retail is wide open don’t get me started on the hypocrisy).

Whenever we could return to the store, we plan to play some epic games in celebration.

Hope your group can cheer up and hold on until the time that you can get back.

58 minutes ago, ScummyRebel said:

Our group was meeting for about 5 months (July - Thanksgiving) in person, then we got shut down again with the latest lockdown in MN (no gatherings of any kind, but retail is wide open don’t get me started on the hypocrisy).

Whenever we could return to the store, we plan to play some epic games in celebration.

Hope your group can cheer up and hold on until the time that you can get back.

Good shout on Epic game celebrations, I was personally leaning towards some (modified) Aces High to learn how to NOT FLY INTO ROCKS again.

10 hours ago, LTuser said:

True dat. Sorry for taking it awol.. So back to conventions.

IF/when they do come back to opening in person gaming, how many here will actually go? Two of my former AD&D group, who dropped out of gaming cause of covid, have said since they get most of their gaming 'fix' now, via Roll 20, they don't think they'll Bother going back to in-person gaming, even WHEN Things 'get back to normal'. I've heard others (via gaming sites), say similar...

I'd like to go. I really dislike playing online. I like computer and video games, but board/miniatures and RPG games are my not-computer time. Plus I really hate how you lose a lot of the human interaction.

Realistically, I expect even 2021 will be very limited in large gatherings. I expect the level of store champs but I'll be surprised to see much bigger events.

Edited by Koing907

There are so many good actual video games that table top games won't compete in that space. When things are full swing again in May people will go back. Being locked up inside isn't something people like.

11 hours ago, AceDogbert said:

I've not really enjoyed playing X-wing digitally. I know that my FLGS plans to have our regular X-wing night be the first thing it begins running again once the rules allow it in our area (we're a smallish group who they can trust to follow instructions, unlike the Magic players...). I don't expect to get to that point until the vaccine rollout has reached the general public, though. As for RPGs, I'm in two games that have managed the jump to online play, but everyone wants to go back to playing in person. We've been playing together in one form or another for years, so the game nights are just as much about seeing each other than it is the game itself.

Even when our local store (The Guard tower both east and west), mid aug/sept neck of the woods, opened their gaming side, those i gamed with, still were reluctant to go out, then they shut their gaming side back down, mid november...

7 hours ago, ScummyRebel said:

Our group was meeting for about 5 months (July - Thanksgiving) in person, then we got shut down again with the latest lockdown in MN (no gatherings of any kind, but retail is wide open don’t get me started on the hypocrisy).

Whenever we could return to the store, we plan to play some epic games in celebration.

Hope your group can cheer up and hold on until the time that you can get back.

Lucky bugger...

On 12/5/2020 at 8:02 AM, ScummyRebel said:

I’m sorry, but I’m calling shenanigans on the “blame the anti-maskers”.

Where do I see the mask protesting? On social media. Do I ever see it in person, anywhere? Not at all. I cannot recall the last time I saw the bottom of someone’s face who wasn’t on a screen or my own wife, at home. We cannot “mask harder” to get us out of this.

We have a city ordinance and even about 10% of people at grocery stores aren’t following it. Cases are exploding here, but they’re exploding more in counties with no ordinance. Masks don’t fix everything, but they’re a necessary part of the steps that can fix it.

Every country who got out of it used masks as part of the solution.

Well, already seen the email from Gencon, that 'early registration is out.. Wonder how swiftly we'll see the same for Origins.

A doctor friend of mine in Montana, US got vaccinated today.

It was a true marvel we got a vaccine within a year. Ebola's took over 5 years. HIV is like 40 years in development and counting.

This pandemic will be over soon.

WE can hope!!

13 hours ago, LUZ_TAK said:

This pandemic will be over soon.


A vaccine might be being put into circulation, but it's going to be a long roll out process. While that happens, people need to continue following the expert's advice.

We're not anywhere near our of the woods yet. There are a lot of scary scenes going on right now, on both sides of the Atlantic, and a lot will depend on how people act and conduct themselves over the next few weeks.

Stay safe. Keep your friends and loved ones safe.

I will be surprised if America is semi-normal by June. But I think September will be pretty solid, especially in metro areas.