Cannot Get Your Gifts Out December 2020

By Snipafist, in Star Wars: Armada

Agree on Avenger overnerf, could have been something softer like a non-recur with a confire token to refresh.

Good article!

Avenger = binder fodder ;)

5 minutes ago, ianediger said:

Agree on Avenger overnerf, could have been something softer like a non-recur with a confire token to refresh.

It's a tough kind of effect to balance properly, so I'm sympathetic to the designers and understand why they'd rather fall on the side of "kill it with fire." Even with a non-recur unless you feed it a con fire token, it would still have the same effect as before on the first target it hit, which given Avenger Boarding Troopers or Avenger Sloane fleets were primarily going after one big target once per game wouldn't have really reined it in much at all.

If it was up to me, some kind of on-exhaust effect where the target of your attack suffers one damage for each exhausted defense token they spend would've been fine. Would encourage big brawler builds not super concerned about accuracy generation to go after weaker targets much like now but wouldn't result in "lol guess I tap out all your tokens with Boarding Troopers then blow you up and you can't do anything" like before.

It's largely academic, though. We got what we got and that's how it'll be.

What is REALLY interesting about Avenger, is how the OTHER ISD titles are each pretty good.

It's just not possible to fit more than 1 ISD in an effectve list, so too often that was Avenger.

Sovereign + Tarkin = Awesome, but even wo Tarkin it's really strong.

Relentless + SFO = Can't beat the cheapness and flexibility.

Chimaera = On demand fleet commands...

Devastator + Vader - or another commander. Pricey, niche, but nice.

Avenger was a heck of a NPE to play against - especially for players who hadn't seen it before. There weren't really many other effects in the game (with all the changes, do any remain?) that simply cancel your enemy's entire ability to react to you outside of 'find some way to not let him get close'.

Flying AS Avenger puts new perspective on that, and lining up the shot after popping BT and simply deleting an enemy ship that got too felt difficult enough to do that the reward seemed comparable, but I don't think the math ever supported that. And it really Feels Bad (tm) for your opponent.

I was starting to have so much fun with Sloane + Palpatine + LFC + Avenger 😏

Personally, I would've preferred making Avenger a Mon Karren like effect: if the target spends a red token, it is the only token it's allowed to spend. Nerfs Sloane and BTvenger builds while preserving useful effect worth paying for.

However, I agree - purely academic discussion now.

7 minutes ago, PT106 said:

Personally, I would've preferred making Avenger a Mon Karren like effect: if the target spends a red token, it is the only token it's allowed to spend. Nerfs Sloane and BTvenger builds while preserving useful effect worth paying for.

However, I agree - purely academic discussion now.

Best suggestion I've heard.

You're promoted to Lord of Game Design.

It was great feed for thoughts! Brb need to construct a few-hundred... How many fleets can you make with Armada Warlords? ...that many fleets! :D

Updated the fleet support article with the new stuff.

Plan is to upload all my Separatist articles (TEN OF THEM) a bit after midnight so they go live on day of release. We're gonna be doing a lot of posts here tomorrow so be ready. With @geek19 's Republic articles added in we'll be adding 20 articles or so in one day. We've hit new waves running for a while now but never something this big.

@Snipafist Its midnight over here 👍

10 minutes ago, geek19 said:

Updated with Reactive Gunnery. Consular article in progress, I should be good to go by midnight as well!

Needs update regarding XI7 and advanced projectors, though. Sorry, just realized you just meant there was a partial update to the article, not a total revision.

Edited by Aahz 1
4 hours ago, Aahz 1 said:

Needs update regarding XI7 and advanced projectors, though. Sorry, just realized you just meant there was a partial update to the article, not a total revision.

Ha, thanks. Having literally just finished the Clone everythings, I'll be updating those all in the next weeks or so. Speaking of, POST BOMB INBOUND