What further supplements would you like to see?

By Humantorch101, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'd quite like to see a galactic overview with a focus on inter-galactic trade, trade routes, smuggling routes and the products being shipped. This together with the forces vying for superiority in each localised areas of space. This is something that has come up with those that I have played with and we've had to be quite creative sometimes to create playable/reusable rules.

11 hours ago, JBondoux said:

I'd quite like to see a galactic overview with a focus on inter-galactic trade, trade routes, smuggling routes and the products being shipped. This together with the forces vying for superiority in each localised areas of space. This is something that has come up with those that I have played with and we've had to be quite creative sometimes to create playable/reusable rules.

This seems like it would have to be an extremely large document, that you'd need several versions of for several time periods, and they'd need release regular updates.

It seems a bit beyond the scope of what can be expected of an RPG supplement.

Besides area books, wiht some era stuff, I'd love to see some more genre-stuff, or sub-genre stuff for each of the lines. Directed not solely on one career at a time, but combinations, put up as modula encounters, and modular genre guidelines for combining or using various careers for various types of stories.

A career compendium would be nice, new specialisations etc.

1 hour ago, Dazgrim said:

A career compendium would be nice, new specialisations etc.

I don't think that would go over very well. We've already got 36 career specs per line (108 total). If they even add one more per, that pushes it up to 42 (126 total). And some of the careers are stretching just to reach 6. I think we've got what we need for career specs.

23 hours ago, Jegergryte said:

Besides area books, wiht some era stuff, I'd love to see some more genre-stuff, or sub-genre stuff for each of the lines. Directed not solely on one career at a time, but combinations, put up as modula encounters, and modular genre guidelines for combining or using various careers for various types of stories.

A basic modular encounter I sometimes use after accumulationof threats or a Despair is a (spot check/mugging attempt) by a (Stormy patrol/anti-human aliens) in (Imperial Controlled space/back alley slum).... runaway animals, vehicles with control problems, pickpockets when looking for a contact to sell stolen goods... just a few things to keep it going. Other people have posted some Set Environmental pieces... having these ready to go will make you look like AN AWESOME GM!!!

Hope these help.

I would love to see setting books for Core and Deep Core worlds. Obviously Coruscant could be its own book, which would be interesting. A crafting compendium would be a welcome idea but I wouldn't expect something like that.

Aftermath era and sequel era would of course be welcome, especially if it dug heavily into other media beyond the movies.