They seem like simple questions but can't find a definitive answer anywhere, or at least one that doesn't feel like cheating haha.
First question, if you finish a move with Iden outside of range 1 of a Bane token (and outside of line of sight of it too) but then cohere ID10 within R1 and in LOS of the token will it trigger the Bane token? the rules say any mini can trigger the reveal of a bane token, I can only assume this includes ID10.
If the answer to the first question is yes and it also happens to be Bane's Kablamo token will ID10 take any damage? I assume Small would protect ID10 but would feel a bit weird that it can trigger the token but not take damage from the blast.
Of course the intention was to trigger banes Kablamo without risk of taking any damage but just feels like its not how its meant to work.
Edited by Mace Windu