As FFG aren't making any new second edition physical expansion content* I just wanted to say I will continue working on my new fan content for 2e regardless of the future of 'Descent' so there will still be quite a bit of new stuff for 2e from my projects as I will be continuing these whatever the future brings to the table, so no need to scrap your 2e collections if you're hungry for new stuff, 2e will remain very much alive. I'm sure other makers will continue with their own works in progress.
My 2e work in progress is as big as that big box of big boxiness, bigger in fact, so all in all with that too there's a lot of Terrinoth on the way for the next few years at least
I might even ultimately weave it into whatever's in that box so it works with or without whatever's in there, but it will still offer plenty of 2e-only/not needing the new stuff stuff , likewise some new stuff not needing the old stuff stuff once I know what we're getting thus what I have to work with (want to make sure my stuff covers all bases for what people do/don't own)
As my fan project overlaps 1e and some other Terrinoth game bits too (I'm working on potential solutions for people without 1e and the other bits, many of which like the big Battlelore minis are no longer available) it might be unique in bridging the game content like this.
* we don't know but there may still be new RTL app stuff, this is still a ? I think
Edited by Watercolour DragonOctober 2020 update