"Hello There!" - Unveiling It's A Trap!, STL Armada players launch an Armada blog

By LMarty8, in Star Wars: Armada

Happy Friday, y'all!

A couple of new pieces up on It's A Trap:

  • Gold Leader continues his Objectives series with Close Range Intel Scan .
  • I continue my "I'll Never Turn to the Dark Side" series by discussing why I'll never use Screed.
  • Finally, I write up my thoughts on and struggles with Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet.

Hope you find something that interests you!

Good morning, y'all!

Hope everyone is staying as safe and healthy as possible! It's been a minute, but we've got some new content up on It's a Trap! The team explores different ways that we've handled our approach in taking down the "new" hotness: Onagers. Also, since we haven't seen any Organized Play since Prime season ending, I decided to write a little bit about not only why I value OP, but why it's the driving force behind my playing Armada in the first place.


Hope you find something useful, and always feel free to drop us a line! And thanks to Matt over in Indy for his suggestion on writing about the Onager!

Good morning, y'all!

There's a bunch of new content up at It's A Trap!
-Gold Leader talks about what he expects from our (it's so close, now!) new factions, based on spoilers as well as how GAR and Separatists behave in Legion.
-Gold Leader also has a new installment of 5 Minutes to Win It, wherein he breaks down the Ion Storm objective.
-Part 3 of my Palpatine experiment, "The Greatest Teacher, Failure Is," is up with a couple of new batreps and analysis.

Hope you find something you like!


Great content! Interesting thoughts on Palpatine!

If I may add, this font is rather unpleasant to read. Would you consider changing it? :)

I was very interested in the Palpatine stuff, particularly since the thread on the forum about him inspired me to run two 800pt Palpatine fleets that tabled my opponent,but I have to agree with Rimsen, I found the choice of font and background colour made it very hard to read.

Indeed. I wind up copying the post into notepad and reading from there.

Thank y'all for the kind words and the feedback! I'm afraid I only write content for the site and don't run it (because I'm basically a walking EMP and don't interact well with technology, truthfully) . But I'll talk to Gold Leader about it and let him know how difficult it is to read the content or about having to copy and paste the content into another program. In fact, I JUST sent him the message! I'll post updates here!

Thanks y'all again for your feedback and your patience! He's changing the format right now, and hopefully, the next time you check back in, it'll be easier to read and won't require copying and pasting elsewhere. Thanks again for reading and for taking the time to offer feedback as we continue our discovery of how to best provide more content for the Armada community we love so much!

Happy holidays to everyone currently celebrating them or about to celebrate them!

A couple of small articles up on It's A Trap: Gold Leader and I each talk about why we're excited for all of the new content as well as discuss why the vitriolic responses we've read have bothered us, and Lewis delves into one of his first Republic lists (because he's been waiting FOREVER TO FLY REPUBLIC!)

More coming in the next week!


7 hours ago, Irate Pooka said:

Happy holidays to everyone currently celebrating them or about to celebrate them!

A couple of small articles up on It's A Trap: Gold Leader and I each talk about why we're excited for all of the new content as well as discuss why the vitriolic responses we've read have bothered us, and Lewis delves into one of his first Republic lists (because he's been waiting FOREVER TO FLY REPUBLIC!)

More coming in the next week!


@Irate Pooka , Gold Leader summerized my thoughts perfectly in your aticles. Thank you!

Edited by Rimsen