Fun Facts in Descent

By AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

2 hours ago, DandGeezer said:

Did you know Descent 1e made a guest appearance on The IT Crowd?...


2e is there too. Along with Runebound. I just watched this episode yesterday.

6 hours ago, The_Han said:

2e is there too. Along with Runebound. I just watched this episode yesterday.

Me too! Was so excited about seeing 1e didn’t even notice 2e!...

20 hours ago, Bucho said:

Oh, I've got one for this crowd, what's with the dragon riding?

As I remember - in Rune Age, Runewars TMG or Realms of Terrinoth it is said that the ruler of the Latari elves rides a dragon, ever since Dragon Wars (aka the Third Darkness).

More fun facts about the Descent and Terrinoth games!

There are actual aliens from space on the northern continent of Isheim. At least they were there in the "Frozen Wastes" expansion for Runebound 2nd ed - there is not a single word about them in the latest lore book "Realms of Terrinoth" - I guess they are cut from the lore now.

card-s.php?card=fw_yellow_019.jpg card-s.php?card=fw_yellow_016.jpg card-s.php?card=fw_legend_013.jpg card-s.php?card=fw_legend_016.jpg card-s.php?card=fw_legend_018.jpg Arshan challenge card - front Princess token

Also the so called Ice Wyrm Queen plays the role in this Runebound expansion, indoctrinating the alien leader. These Ice Wyrms can be found in "Tomb of Ice" expansion for Descent 1st ed (it takes place on this frozen continent of Isheim) and later in "Shards of Everdark" hero and monster pack for Descent 2nd ed.

Ice Wyrm (Conversion Kit) | The Descent: Journeys in the Dark ... Ice Wyrm | The Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) Wiki ...

Without a doubt, Baron Zachareth of Carthridge is familiar to the majority of Descent 2nd ed players, as one of the lead villains of the game. You can see his earlier years in Runewars The Miniature Game's expansion, as a great Daquan warrior, riding the big mighty golem ox! This makes Runewars TMG the prequel to Descent 2nd ed! Its a shame this game was short-lived.

Change of Heart? - Fantasy Flight Games

Runewars – Baron Zachareth – Good Look Gamer

Edited by Oak tree
12 hours ago, Oak tree said:

Without a doubt, Baron Zachareth of Carthridge is familiar to the majority of Descent 2nd ed players, as one of the lead villains of the game. You can see his earlier years in Runewars The Miniature Game's expansion, as a great Daquan warrior, riding the big mighty golem ox! This makes Runewars TMG the prequel to Descent 2nd ed! Its a shame this game was short-lived.

Actually, RMG Zachareth is set after Descent 2E, and his change and character development is discussed in the designer article "Change of Heart" . One nice details carrying over is the Shard of the Shadow Rune he carries.

I see Zachareth much like Dr. Doom. If any force threatened Earth, he would join in the defense. Zachareth will join the other Baronies in fighting back the forces of Waiqar and the Uthuk (in the lore he is actually one of the leaders in the fight against the 13th barony), but otherwise, he's scheming for his own power.

Edited by kris40k

Loving this thread- having dived really deep myself I don't think there's anyone who knows ALL the Terrinoth lore nuggets, maybe a few people at FFG (I wish I could peruse the old games if they have them at their offices! I'd love to fill in the gaps as there's things even my deep dive's missed as there's so much, didn't know the merriods had changed for example)

Quoting AwesomeTreeintheDark:" 17) Did you know that in the Terrinoth are flying horses? This is clarification of this topic , they are indeed called "pegasus" and you can find them for example in the Rune Age . "

There are pegasus but Realms of Terrinoth in reference to Roland's defeat of Margath we get "He was mounted upon a rare Yeron, one
of the winged horses of the Elves." so are pegasus/yeron the same thing? Or different? Mythologically pegasus is one entity rather than a species so you get geeky arguments you can't have a plural as it's one unique being, but I agree with the view you can as the creature has become a staple of mythology inspired settings as just a winged horse rather than its original offspring of Poseidon one-off, so some people use pegasi as a plural. Personal preference!

Similarly Terrinoth scorpions may not be your average scorpions. I've lost that image link but from memory they are different two-tailed nasties.

There's also a lot of stuff from Diskwars including gliders and maybe a very rare glimpse at what the dimora actually look like- check out the many Terrinoth Genesys RPG discussions on these forums (Genesys) and links for a REALLY deeeeeeeep dive into the lore, which many of us have fed info/thoughts into and the likes of Archellus and IamGazrok have done lots of work on- monsters, characters and entities- there are also some nuggets on the Runewars Miniatures forums (on lore) and in it's news articles (which I really need to keep in case they ever go offline), such as naming beasts characters ride as their mounts of choice.

Behold just some of the creatures down the very big Terrinoth rabbit hole, compiled by Archellus from community discussion, methinks Archellus is as hooked as me:

and from IamGazrok and community input (I think this could have become less useful for researching official Terrinoth lore entities as it may now include characters IamGazrok has made for their games- you'd have to ask to clarify):

How many of you knew of Battlemist (FFG it seems have come a long way since then....)

Not sure we've quite got the holy grail of everything in one place yet- maybe eventually- so there are some other comments / links with what might be the dimora (my theory from a pic someone posted or that I found after hours of searching, one loses track, from diskwars- not confirmed), the gliders and other less well known nuggets among the various discussions, will try to find those two before post this reply. Archellus also has some other lists, I'd been and am working on my own 'Mennaran menagerie' of creatures and entities so might liaise with Archellus and others, maybe even Edge and FFG, about bringing it all together, if we could feed into something official (would be nice to have all the artwork together officially too including the rare stuff from Diskwars/ older games but would depend on what FFG allow, how much various parties could work together, even what specific rights FFG have to artwork, but I have ideas I may look into asking these various parties about.)

Ah, here's those gliders:

and that kind of strangely cute maybe dimora (unconfirmed-still not found a definitive 'yes this is a dimora' creature/entity picture), the other covers are a bit familiar too. I REALLY want to see the could-be-dimora thing in a future game with art similar to this original (or my own project if permissions were to permit- one of the 'need to asks' if they stay part of my project)

If you've not got Realms of Terrinoth, the Genesys sourcebook for the world, dimora are the underground dwelling equivalent of the fae- we don't know much about them, or indeed the fae of which Zyla is one:

"Creatures born of the Aelong, the Dimora are believed to cross
into the world as formless elementals. They then build themselves
out of the earth, taking on the form of stony, vaguely
mole-like creatures. They are constantly shifting in density
and composition, perpetually shedding the soil of their bodies
and replacing what’s lost with fresh loam from the ground
beneath them."

Just. iceberg. tip. huuge. big rabbithole. :)

RoT is worth getting for loads of fun facts/ discoveries such as artwork from different points in the lore from the games.

Now you know why my big fan project's taking so long- there's a lot of layers to it, the deeper you dig....

On 7/17/2020 at 8:29 AM, AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark said:

Another day, another fun with the Descent .

I will take a break over weekend, so expect more to come on Monday. Have a nice weekend everybody :) .

13) Did you know that even though Barghests didn't appear in the first edition , they were in the BattleLore (first) and in the Runebound Mists of Zanaga (second) and looked like this?

bt08_releasehoundscard.png 687474703a2f2f63617265796a2e636f6d2f72756e65626f756e642f636172642e7068703f636172643d6d7a5f677265656e5f3030312e6a7067

You realize I'm now spotting hidden nuggets even within these hidden nuggets? Only just noted the text on that barghest card

Bhargests are fey creatures

which is quite interesting if you read about the fey (fae) in Realms of Terrinoth- changes the concept of bhargests as a creature a lot (I've previously thought of them as sort of undead dogs, this makes them a form - perhaps illusory- of something which is something of a mystery- the fae creatures - so barghests are actually like Zyla :) Does this mean the other entities with glowing eyes might be similarly mysterious? )

And talking of Mad Carthos and the fae something I'd spotted way back is an echo of his sword and Zyla's dagger but in green rather than purple, yet echoed by Zyla's green flame- if purple has a fae link does green have a different, maybe dimoran, link? Can't pin them all down from memory atm but one or two other links with weapons- think there's an orange one in similar vein, ah, got it now it's Jaes!, and glowing magical energies, so I'm toying with making these colours tie into magical possibly elemental forces/ connections somehow for my project. There's also a fun dwarven beard/hair connection you might be able to spot if you start that particular breadcrumb trail with Shadar (who interestingly has the glowing eye thing too) and look at a few other dwarves in various artwork.... Also think about Lost Legends, the unused new/missing characters (RTL) and elemental ideas. I pondered LL and the eight old/new characters added to RTL suggesting a missing (abandoned) elemental themed 2e expansion we never got to see, perhaps with a death-linked element for Varikas... Spotting this stuff is elementalist, my dear Watson (sorry, I'll get my detective coat and leave :) )

Another 3 fun facts for your pleasure! :)

19) We did not have any fun fact from Heroes of Terrinoth yet! This is a card game that includes Descent characters and monsters and sadly most of them are using the same artworks. But there are some exception!

- new artwork for Landrec the Wise
jordan-kerbow-dj50-5680-landrecthewise-jordankerbow.jpg?1586438194 ter01_preview5.png latest?cb=20190812090637

- new artwork for Goblin Archers
Dzsm0GtX4AAv84P?format=jpg&name=900x900 ter01_preview4.png

- and new character Riah Waynheart which is not in any other Terrinoth game (correct me if I am wrong please!)

20) There is never enough facts about Merriods ! Did you know about creation process of Dark Elements cover?

Descent-Dark-Elements.jpg Descent-Dark-Elements-ANIMATED-PROCESS-PROGRESSION.gif Descent-Dark-Elements-THUMBNAILS01.jpg Descent-Dark-Elements-THUMBNAILS02.jpg

21) Did you know that the Imperial Assault tiles are fully compatible with the Descent? So if you want to enhance your play experience and you do not have a problem with the extra preparation time, you can use them!

This is how 2 mission from the Shadow Rune (A Fat Goblin - encounter 1) could be tweaked with the snow tiles:
decent_ia_1.jpg?pub_secret=bedc2b881c decent_ia_2.jpg?pub_secret=b059f92e7d

Edited by AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark

How are you finding the creative process stuff- have FFG put it out there or did you just websearch it?

On 8/22/2020 at 3:18 PM, AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark said:

Did you know that the Imperial Assault tiles are fully compatible with the Descent?

Noo, don't make me want to collect more :) Which IA sets have tiles that suit and what are they (as I assume some will be unsuitably sci fi, others may just be landscaped which I guess the snowy ones are as there's a snowy world in SW)?

You can also use first edition Descent tiles but they don't match the joins so you'd need an entry/exit point- first edition has things like stairs so you could use these or some sort of similar or portal marker to link two spaces on the 1e and 2e area.

Edited by Watercolour Dragon
7 hours ago, Watercolour Dragon said:

How are you finding the creative process stuff- have FFG put it out there or did you just websearch it?

Yeah, it is honestly hours and hours of searching.

At the end of every expansion rules you can find all the artists names that were involved in the expansion. I googled every single one of them - looking for their Twitter, Blogs, ArtStation (/ DeviantArt), Websites and then I go through every picture / post. They very often share their pieces which I am using to re-create HQ cards for translations , but also they sometimes share creation process and leave some more comments - which is quite interesting (at least to me) so I started this topic :) .

I started with the Descent (obviously!), but I am going through all the Terrinoth games - I did find scans of cards and everything from various sources and therefore I am finding some nice references :) .


Noo, don't make me want to collect more :) Which IA sets have tiles that suit and what are they (as I assume some will be unsuitably sci fi, others may just be landscaped which I guess the snowy ones are as there's a snowy world in SW)?

You can also use first edition Descent tiles but they don't match the joins so you'd need an entry/exit point- first edition has things like stairs so you could use these or some sort of similar or portal marker to link two spaces on the 1e and 2e area.

😂 there will be always more! :D Do you already have your copy of Drakon 4th ?! 😅

Yeah, especially big tiles contains some SW elements and also interiors does not really match fantasy theme. Also big tiles usually have water or obstacles on different spaces than Descent ones, so most of them cannot be really used.
Most usable are Jungle tiles from the Base Game and Snow ones from the Return to Hoth - small tiles usually does not have any elements so they fit perfectly (the 1x2 and 2x2 connections).

Btw Gaia tiles are tweaked tiles from the Imperial Assault (Base Game) :


Edited by AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark
On 8/24/2020 at 9:19 AM, AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark said:

Most usable are Jungle tiles from the Base Game and Snow ones from the Return to Hoth

Oh no, two more things on my FFG wantlist. I should have shares in FFG, think I've got more FFG kit than some game shops :)

Spotted some more things in Heroes of Terrinoth too, including a few interesting things in the card artwork, but I'll leave these for people to discover- and also look out for just how huuuuuge the Axle construct is from the cover art...

Yes, Drakon is in my collection already.

Edited by Watercolour Dragon
21 hours ago, Watercolour Dragon said:

Oh no, two more things on my FFG wantlist. I should have shares in FFG, think I've got more FFG kit than some game shops :)

If you don't have it Imperial Assault is excellent and I don't know how much longer it will be around.

5 hours ago, Bucho said:

If you don't have it Imperial Assault is excellent and I don't know how much longer it will be around.

It's too late for me to get into IA as I've already got a lot of games I've gone all in on (mostly the Terrinoth ones!) so I have to really like something new/unowned to add it to the collection, also SW isn't a big interest for me at all- IA does look like a great game, even if you're not heavily into SW, but for myself it would be into the excesses of 'too many games' thus if I do ever play it it will be somebody else's copy. SW is a bit too much out of my scope of interest to find its way into my collection, even though the games FFG have made in this realm are very good ones.

I do see me potentially getting those Descent-suited tiles though.

Some more fun facts :) .

22) To extend Fact 6)

On 7/14/2020 at 4:00 PM, AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark said:

6) Did you know that Lady Eliza Farrow used to be called Lady Cathori in Runebound 2nd and Sir Alric Farrow looked like a skeleton?

eliza.jpg?pub_secret=41e52cfd0d alric.jpg?pub_secret=1ec23de8ea

Lord Merrick Farrow appears in Runebound 2nd as simply Lord Farrow:


Sir Alric Farrow does get his own legion:

card.php?card=yellow_020.jpg card.php?card=yellow_009.jpg

and his lieutenant artwork is used on the card Guardian of Tamaril:


(you can check all Runebound 2nd cards here )

23) In Descent 1st edition lieutenants (only Road to Legend and Sea of Blood contains lieutenants) were metal instead of plastic. Farrows crew are exactly same models as in the 2nd edition:

lord_merick_farrow.jpg lady_eliza_farrow.png sir_alric_farrow.jpg

You can check list of all lieutenants from 1st edition here . Most of them are not used in the 2nd edition, even though Slaggorrath seems to be spawn of Ariad [ Spider Queen ] and Siren appears in some quests, so you could use her miniature as token proxy:


24) BattleLore 2nd made it into Android and Steam application and BattleLore: Command , where you lead the Daqan army against forces of Uthuk Y’llan.

Wonder if we'll see the missing 1e lieutenants in the new thing in some form or if they're forever forgotten by FFG :) With FFG either option is equally possible, was forever hoping to see them in 2e as didn't get most of the minis :)

"even though Slaggorrath seems to be spawn of Ariad [Spider Queen] and Siren appears in some quests" Indeed there were some links between 1e lieutenants/avatars and 2e lieutenants/ overlord entities, the spider queen likely evolving into Ariad/Queen Ariad as you state, many others of these being forgotten after 1e.

Although Gata is similarly forgotten, 'the white death' is mentioned in the Realms of Terrinoth sourcebook for Genesys RPG, almost describing the vicious cold as its own entity- literally, freezing the blood, frosting the mind and felling those weak against it. Perhaps corrupting those it finds in a similar way to other forces at work in Mennara. So Gata may be a living form of it. Other than this and the Farrows the lieutenants seem to have been eliminated post 1e. Thaadd however is an ogre which have appeared as monsters in both 1e and 2e with artwork links to Thaadd, perhaps the only other link to the 1e lieutenants since.

I've never understood why most of these- often the more unique- lieutenants were dropped but then there was a lot of 1e so maybe it was too much for everything to make it to 2e. My wallet would die of the cash death if all of 2e and 1e entity-wise made it to the new thing :) so not sure if I would/wouldn't want that. Can FFG just make the 1e stuff I missed or any stuff other players still have on their wishlists maybe or do another conversion kit : )

"Lord Merrick Farrow appears in Runebound 2nd as simply Lord Farrow" in his days of following the fashions of Bowie and glam rock.

Alric's artwork for d2e and on the card featuring it is actually an evolution of the Runebound 2nd art- there are similarities. Also an interesting suggestion the skeleton is no more- perhaps the armor is now just a shell for whatever horror exists inside it (as implied by its d2e description).

The avatars are more generic though and many of these did I think sort of influence entities in 2e- these avatars being the form currently taken by the overlord:

The great wyrm is just a significant dragon and there are plenty of those, but interestingly this links into the card back art and token hinting at the overlord having a fiery dragony form- could this link to the two-faced dragon/demon-like entity with its two sets of eyes (two heads fused into one image although there's also a hint of wolf and- according to some bgg/web posts- butterfly [moth surely? :) ] and maybe more *smiles*, the more you look...- I now see two dragons) on the impressively awesome artwork on the cover of that new big box we've been teased with? (which I still might be tempted to speak into using it a bit like a mask if the Overlord appears in my future RPG sessions if/when it's safe to resume them!) As dragons are tied into the origin stories of Terrinoth/Mennara perhaps the overlord is too....

The Master of The Hunt is very similar to Ardus who also links to Waiqar and seems to have some of that spooky green stuff previously mentioned re the fae and other entities

The beastman lord just seems a sort of demon beastman merge and those influences are there anyway so I don't think that really influenced any of 2e, the sorcerer king seems to just be a similarly generic 'evil' sorcerer (leading to Llovar maybe?)

We've already covered the spider queen leading to Ariad; the Mistress of Serpents (a key naga 'bossess-ssss-sssss') and Captain Bones, evil pirate of 1e, didn't find their way to 2e, the titan's just another fairly generic entity of a giant. Which just leaves the count who I think has evolved since- as well as other vampires we have the likes of vampire Lord Vorun'thul (RWM and Genesys) so vampires continue to have their teeth in the veins of Terror-noth (sorry, I'll leave now)

2 hours ago, Watercolour Dragon said:

I've never understood why most of these- often the more unique- lieutenants were dropped but then there was a lot of 1e so maybe it was too much for everything to make it to 2e. My wallet would die of the cash death if all of 2e and 1e entity-wise made it to the new thing :) so not sure if I would/wouldn't want that. Can FFG just make the 1e stuff I missed or any stuff other players still have on their wishlists maybe or do another conversion kit : )

Well, it makes sense we didn't see all the sea of blood lieutenants and avatars. As they're out in Torue Albes and I'm happy Descent didn't try to head out there late in the game. I know some fans were pushing for it but trying to move this giant beast of a game out into the water this late in the game would have been even more of a train wreck than it was the first time around.

Agreed Bucho- plus they'd have to make it work a bit better than it did first time round, Sea of Blood suffered from being a late 1e release with a few flaws, plus it's another thing left for us fans to throw ideas round :) From how Realms of Terrinoth covered the lore I'm thinking the new big box etc might be more location based than 2e in which case we may get some piratey seafaring types (they did make it into RoT just not the specific named characters), but just because they went quite location-based in RoT the new game could be anything, doesn't have to follow the same logic :)

Of course we all know SoB2 is the mysterious 'missing' DJ06 (we don't but we can pretend it got 'lost at sea' aka drowned in play-testing!)

Back to Descent/Terrinoth facts: Just got Battlelore Command and Baron Frederic (I think we've discussed him previously) features in that too in the Daqan vs Uthuk storyline and as with Battlelore the board game (real tabletop version!) much of the game's entities and abilities etc overlap the other games. It's also just as addictive, was so tempting to try the next part to light those fires to signal aid from Riverwatch but I knew it would be a sleep-stealer so another time....

Not to mention the reminder that I usually pronounce a lot of the names wrong (or differently), Ravos say tom-aaagh-to, Hawthorne say toh-may-toh....

Edited by Watercolour Dragon

Really enjoying playing Battlelore Command- it's quite a fun computer take on the game - and simpler than some pc battle games (I have a few) so fun if you want some Terrinoth battle lite (it also gets progressively harder though so I'm not going to boast too much just yet or mention wiping out the Uthuk before I even had to light the signal fires to summon the Riverwatch Riders, so no having to defend the fires as there was nothing left to defend against, a satisfying win....)

More fun facts, faster than the lighting this time

25) New cover for Shield of Daqan contains alternative artworks of Trenloe the Strong and Andira Runehand :


26) Runebound 3rd contains same heroes as we know from the Descent, but some of them have different sculps and size proportions - they are better match with base game heroes, because they are not that big .

Previously Descent (1st) , Runebound (2nd) , Runewars and DungeonQuest shared the exactly same miniatures .


(I don't own all H&M so I cannot take better picture, sorry)

Elder Mok: smaller, slightly different skull on the staff
Lord Hawthorne: smaller, different sculp (both feet on the base)
Laurel of Bloodwood: smaller, different sculp (hair on the other side)
Corbin: different sculp (holding axe with 1 hand)
Nanok of the Blade: slightly different sculp (helmet change)
Red Scorpion: new sculp not seen in the Descent
Eliam: new sculp not seen in the Descent
Tatianna: same
Master Thorn: same
Lyssa: same
Jonas the Kind: same
Zyla: same

27) You should already know this fact if you are browsing this forum, but it is good to mention it:

@any2cards made an excellent D2e Card Viewer for Chrome and Firefox which is he still actively maintaining and updating. It is open source project on github (so you can contribute to it!) which display card images when you hover over text with the card name.

It is also good to mention that the guy is 79 years old (Birthday on 6. July 1941) 👏 .


Maze of the Drakon is not included tho 😢

EDIT: it does also include Maze of the Drakon now! 😮

Edited by AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark
1 hour ago, AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark said:

More fun facts, faster than the lighting this time

25) New cover for Shield of Daqan contains alternative artworks of Trenloe the Strong and Andira Runehand :


Interesting that it's still journeys in the dark instead of legend of the dark.

3 hours ago, AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark said:

@AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark , not only did I have to wear my reading glasses (as normal) to read anything on this site, I had to get my magnifying app on my phone running just to read this last sentence !

Given that @Sadgit 's Sands of the Past is already supported, I guess there is no reason that I couldn't also support your efforts. If you can provide high resolution digital assets of Maze of the Drakon, I will work on getting it added.

Edited by any2cards
5 hours ago, Bucho said:

Interesting that it's still journeys in the dark instead of legend of the dark.

Yeah, I was eyeballing that, myself. I suspect it has to do that there has not been an official announcement of the product yet, just the leaks and the "sneak peek" during the GenCon stream.

On 8/31/2020 at 6:17 PM, kris40k said:

Yeah, I was eyeballing that, myself. I suspect it has to do that there has not been an official announcement of the product yet, just the leaks and the "sneak peek" during the GenCon stream.

Last time I checked the trademark process was ongoing so may be as awaiting the full green light for the 'legends' name, however I remain wondering if 'journeys' and 'legends' are two pathways of the lines rather than the same entity and 'legends' indeed isn't quite third edition.

But I've found another - I already knew scorpions in Terrinoth aren't quite as we know them, they have two tails- as you can see in a few older games and I've now found one in BC as in this Battlelore: Command digital game footage (warning spoilers if you want to play that campaign), I can't remember them featuring in the 2nd ed Battlelore board game (I'm sure I have it all!) so this is just for the boss in the Daqan vs Uthuk finale of Battlelore Command

-close up circa 2:15

Oh and goblins rode lizard mounts in Battlelore first edition:

or possibly giant rat cats :)

Also from various games/artwork it seems the uthuk archers sometimes fire poisonous snakes rather than arrows. Ouchies.

Edited by Watercolour Dragon

Great find @Watercolour Dragon !

However, BattleLore 1st is not part of the Terrinoth ! It is generic fantasy/medieval mix, so you cannot really count those lizards and giant rat cats :) .

Uthuk Archers, specifically Viper Legion indeed did that in Battlelore 2nd ! Here are the cards with artwork you are referencing:

battlelore_deathadder.jpg?pub_secret=033 viper-legion.png

They are also in Runewars Miniatures game , but they have regular arrows and changed artwork as seen here 😕



(good thing they are wearing masks when this covid sittuation is going on everywhere)

Edited by AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark

Think my RWM viper legion are in my 'completing rwm' parcel :) - I'm contemplating a twist that those snakes have also been turned into bows- could be fun idea to play with...

"Find us some snakes, need to make some bows and arrows" Quite fun to use regardless of if they actually use the snakes or just the poison - creative choice- and some potential to link in to the beastmaster and/or Naga themes such as the Mistress of Serpents.

"Their arrows are tipped with sorcerous poisons"

so the snake-crafting's a bit of creative license but I may still use it- perhaps as charmed snakes, a few interesting possibilities- 'the viper's fangs pierce the hero's skin, poisoning their blood as the viper wakes from its induced slumber wrapping itself tightly round the hero's arm as those fangs bite down....' Battlelore 2nd's 'death adder' special ability does suggest firing an actual snake though thus it's normally an arrow, from the artwork sometimes a snake's head on an arrow but with 'death adder' in play an actual snake, this makes sense from having played Battlelore 2nd as all three occur in game ('death adder' is a lore ability, 'poison' a unit ability, but they can also just do normal arrow hits, if they do all three they often make life difficult for your units.) This could be even more fun for designing the RPG stuff. About that volley of arrows.....

"Every aspiring member of the Viper Legion crafts their own longbow, fitting it with jagged spikes or the teeth of wasteland beasts so that the bow may be used in close combat should the need arise. " or it's a couple of snakes so that the bow itself can attack in close combat should the need arise hehe

I'm now wondering where the Terrinoth influence began- when things first moved from generic fantasy to an actual setting, clearly then for Battlelore it was with the release of 2e- maybe Diskwars and that other early game were first?

Edited by Watercolour Dragon
another addendum: adder addition

Fun fact #28:

Descent: the Video Game


Coinciding with the launch of our website at , Board Games Online is proud to announce an online PC version of "Descent - Journeys in the Dark". This translation of the popular boardgame features 3D graphics and animation, sound and music, and the ability to play against friends and enemies over the Internet.

Descent has been under development for over a year and is getting close to release. The game will be released through the BattlePawn game engine which lets us produce new, high-quality online boardgame titles rapidly.

For more information and the chance to talk to the developers, please visit our site . We're looking forward to hearing your impressions and opinions.

This was for the first edition of Descent and was eventually cancelled due to "creative differences" between BattlePawn and FFG. But who knows, if it wasn't perhaps they would've made one for Descent 2E as well.

Edited by ComtriS