Yeah, I'm not sure either. I just recently got Burger Tokens. Maybe they'll put a set of these by the time it's released. And if not, I can probably substitute health and clues.
Cycle VI: The Innsmouth Conspiracy
No, you don't keep the trait or the penalties.
On 4/30/2020 at 10:43 PM, Dr Dee said:I have already ordered some more coin capsules in preparation.
Yup. Me too.
On 5/5/2020 at 3:49 AM, Raahk said:When i saw the livestream and all those new tokens that are going to be added to the game my first reaction was that i might pass on this one. I feared that all those new tokens might clutter the game too much (As what happened in my opinion with Eldritch Horror when all the expansions were out).
Now i am not so sure if i will stand correct, but i am still torn if i like it or not.
It does sound like it can be a choice to add using them to previous scenarios, so there could be a way to leave them out, as long as you aren’t playing Sister Mary.
Edit: I just realized, there are encounter cards that use them, so maybe not.
Edited by Mimi6111 hours ago, Mimi61 said:It does sound like it can be a choice to add using them to previous scenarios, so there could be a way to leave them out, as long as you aren’t playing Sister Mary.
Edit: I just realized, there are encounter cards that use them, so maybe not.
Well, you're unlikely to be using those encounter cards in previous scenarios. In most cases outside of Innsmouth, I think they'll only show up if your deck is trying to make use of them, like Sister Mary, or occasionally in new scenarios if they fit thematically.
2 hours ago, dysartes said:occasionally in new scenarios if they fit thematically.
New scenarios in this campaign, but not in other campaigns. If they wanted to include them in a scenario outside this campaign, they'd have to include the punch-board with the tokens in the blister pack, because they'll never release a scenario that requires more than the core campaign to set up.
Yes, I originally meant that maybe if someone didn’t want the extra tokens, they could just choose not use them in Insmouth, but then remembered that in the livestream there were some card effects besides Mary using them, including encounter cards right? Or were they all player cards? My memory is not always to be trusted!
There were encounter cards, yes.
Well you could use the flood tokens in one of the iterations of the first scenario in carcosa. Thats something, haha
And you could get fire tokens from Mansions of Madness for one of the others.
Okay, it's official Amanda is my new favorite, proxied her up and had a romp through Carcossa with Pete. Now I'm just half-expecting her weakness to be brutal to "balance" it out.
I didn’t see anything in the article or stream, does anyone know what the promo with Asmodee preorders is???
6 hours ago, Mburnaugh64 said:I didn’t see anything in the article or stream, does anyone know what the promo with Asmodee preorders is???
I don't think we've had a preorder bonus with a deluxe box before but if past releases are anything to go by then it will be four 5" x 7" prints featuring art from the expansion. For example, this is the promo from The Blob that Ate Everything :

On 5/14/2020 at 9:29 PM, Mburnaugh64 said:I didn’t see anything in the article or stream, does anyone know what the promo with Asmodee preorders is???
It's exactly what they're showing in the picture: Postcard-sized pieces of artwork.
From its pre-order page:
And although we've seen no announcement article, In Too Deep:
Neat, a few cards that I hadn't yet seen. The sophist brings... another way to add secrets to things (but no Mr. Rook unless you are charismatic or dual seekering...what else do we like secrets for)? I suppose with bless tokens coming, righteous only makes sense to be included. And, though I don't know what it does, I'm always down for some B&E shenanigans.
Guardian Angle looks way cool, but she has no XP cost, so she must be signature card or story reward.
25 minutes ago, Duciris said:Guardian Angle looks way cool, but she has no XP cost, so she must be signature card or story reward.
Yeah, it looks like Sister Mary's sig to me.
27 minutes ago, Duciris said:Guardian Angle looks way cool, but she has no XP cost, so she must be signature card or story reward.
Guardian Angel is Sister Mary's signature card.
5 hours ago, Duciris said:Guardian Angle looks way cool, but she has no XP cost, so she must be signature card or story reward.
We've seen Sister Mary's deckbuilding in the announcement video, which confirms that Guardian Angel is her signature asset.
6 hours ago, Soakman said:Neat, a few cards that I hadn't yet seen. The sophist brings... another way to add secrets to things (but no Mr. Rook unless you are charismatic or dual seekering...what else do we like secrets for)? I suppose with bless tokens coming, righteous only makes sense to be included. And, though I don't know what it does, I'm always down for some B&E shenanigans.
The Eldritch Sophist is actually really interesting to me - on the face of it, he isn't all that useful, unless we get some new effects that can make really good use of Secrets (especially if Astounding Revelation gets Taboo'd or something). However, I think he'll be really fun to build around:
- I'm particularly thinking of Zoey or Jim with Decorated Skull (0), acting as primary monster-hunter, killing enemies then transferring the charges onto Enchanted Blade (3) or Shrivelling, respectively, to create a recharging engine. Roland or Zoey could do the same with Empty Vessel and Enchanted Blade, though that's a lot more expensive.
- You could siphon charges from a more niche and inexpensive asset, like Scrying, onto a more consistently useful and expensive asset, like Rite of Seeking. The same is true for any card that temporarily puts another card into play, like Sleight of Hand or A Chance Encounter (0), or allows you to get rid of an asset for benefits, like Dexter's ability, Sacrifice, or Joey "The Rat" Vigil (3), as you could siphon off the charges with Eldritch Sophist before it leaves play.
- Even just being able to fix your charges is really useful - if you're using the classic Shrivelling/Rite of Seeking combo (or similar), you could transfer charges from one to the other as needed just to keep you afloat, if you end up needing to fight more or less than expected. If you know you're going to be facing asset hate (Pushed into the Beyond, or Crypt Chill, or whatever) you could play two copies of Shrivelling, transfer the charges from one to the other, and have a sacrificial asset ready to soak up a treachery - or proactively use Sacrifice to get rid of it, or use Recharge (2) on it without worrying about the consequences of drawing a symbol token. This is also beneficial in a situation where you have a nearly-empty Shrivelling and a copy of Rite of Seeking (or whatever) in play, and a second copy of Shrivelling in hand - if you have a spare action this turn you can empty your Shrivelling then play a fresh copy, rather than sit on a 1-charge Shrivelling and be caught short when a 4-health enemy spawns on you, or waste the charge by overwriting it with the fresh Shrivelling.
- Marie could siphon all the charges off Suggestion (4) onto another spell using the Sophist, since you don't need charges to activate the Evade action on it - and if you need to use the attack cancel ability, you can transfer a single charge back over. The same could be true for something like a Spellcaster Jenny with Shrivelling (0) and Suggestion (4).
- Daisy can siphon charges from something like a backup Mists of R'lyeh onto a powerful Seeker card like Pendant of the Queen, Archaic Glyphs or Arcane Insight.
- It's a good way for Luke to make use of his Gate Box, either by increasing the number of charges on it or taking excess charges from the Box to use on other cards - particularly if he draws a number of Elder Sign tokens.
- Norman with Mind's Eye can make good use of the secrets on the Eldritch Sophist as well as from other Secrets cards such as Scroll of Prophecies - or use the steady stream of secrets on Mind's Eye to keep a card like Dayana Esperence topped up.
- The Sophist can move charges or secrets between investigators - take a spare secret from Agnes' Forbidden Knowledge and use it to power your Old Book of Lore (3).
- Matt has hinted that in Innsmouth we will see more spell assets for non-Mystics, so there may end up being many other useful combinations.
- Finally, he's non-unique and has a good chunk of Sanity, so he provides decent soak and you could have two in play if you have an extra ally slot, to double down on the shenanigans.
Thanks, those are great points. I entirely missed the 'charges' angle, which makes a great deal of difference.
I'm interested to see where Armageddon goes. Will we have enough tools to feed it curse tokens, or will its accuracy take a nosedive if we do that? Either way, it's Shriveling with the only drawback of costing one more resource. Excited to see it work.
Side note, as a Guardian player, what's up with none of the visible previews being Guardian? I think the only Guardian card we've seen the full text of so far has been Sister Mary.
Some thoughts about Eldritch Sophist:
- Can he convert charges to secrets and vice verse? I think not. Either way, Book of shadows (1)/ (3) can now fuel other investigator's spells.
- If have ancient stones with unlikely amount of secrets (shroud 4 + double or nothing + drawing thin) use them for something else (see Allonyms post)
- Or the other way around if you don't
- If Trish is Seeker 5/ Rogue 2 and has INT 4+, she can play the stones and Eldritch Sophist. Discard empty stone (Mag. Class LV1), Scavenge (Versatile). Play as free action (Joey LV0).
- Teamwork anyone? Move Eldrich Sophist to the mystic of your choice?
- Versatile - Eldritch Sophist should also be useful for many mystics, especially combined with Decorated skull. It's a bit like Twila (kill something with shriveling, get charge on skull, move it to shrivelin)