Vanya slowly comes out of what seems like a hazy dream.. She found herself on a cold metal floor, from the vibration and rattle of loose plating, she guessed she was on some sort of ship. She crawled across the surface, groping in the darkness until her hand touched some sort of metal mesh. Hello? Kor, are you there?
Tales from the Fringe Anthology IC
"Vanya?" Came the muffled reply in Kor's nasally voice, "Is that you? We're all in this crate."
Kor, what happened? where are we?
"Big guys came and put restraining bolts on us. They stunned you and put us in this crate. We're on their ship."
Perfect.. Vanya muttered, as she felt her way around the perimeter of the cell, looking for the door. Are you able to move, if I can get the crate open?
"No, we can't move. The restraining bolts."
Edited by P-47 ThunderboltOk, I'll be right there... She continues to feel her way along the mesh walls until she reaches the door. Vanya pauses for a moment to summon her bow, she had no question that as soon as she got out of the cell, fate would intervene as it did the last time...
Quickly finding the lock mechanism and begins to pick the lock.. in a moment, she hears the latch click over , Vanya picks up her bow and moves to quietly swing the door open, when the door falls away from her... What the. .. Realizing too late, as the door slams to the floor, that the hinges were mounted on the bottom of the door's frame. Sonofasith!
She quickly moves towards the crate and opens the lid....
The four battle droids are piled more-or-less on top of each other, but before Vanya can do much, the door slides open to reveal the Aqualish, peering intently into the cargo hold. He sees the open crate and shouts over his shoulder before flicking on the lights and starting forward, carrying a battered heavy blaster pistol.
Vanya drew the energy bolt back and released it, watching it fly straight to the Aqualish's armored chest..
He roars in pain and runs back to the safety of the fore section as quickly as he can, shutting the door behind him.
Vanya swears, but moves to pull Kor out of the crate and removes the Restraining bolt. Free the others, we need to work together to get out of here.
"Roger roger." The Aqualish's footsteps recede through the ship, and the other droids start to move. "Uh-oh! Guys? What's happening?" Kor tries to grab at the restraining bolt on one of his "brothers," but his clumsy graspers miss, glancing harmlessly off the droid's armor. The droids start to disentangle themselves and close in menacingly on Vanya and Kor, each apologizing, "Sorry Vanya!"
Oh come on... Vanya sighs, and reaches into the tangle bodies to assist Kor. But couldn't manage to grab a hold of any of the bolts as the droids awkwardly moved about.
ugh.. Kor, can you hold them? I'm going to try disable the control circuit!
"Yes Com- Vanya." As he grapples with one of the other droids, the restraining bolt pops off. "Uh-oh. Oh. I got one off!" The other droid gives the droid equivalent of a sigh of relief, but his two companions, still under the effects of their restraining bolts, attack Vanya, apologizing as one of them cuts a small gash in her arm
Gah.. Vanya draws back from the entangled droids and moves towards the door..
Kor and his freed "brother" try to grapple with the other droids, but they manage to break off and run up to Vanya, but she fends them off, keeping them from grabbing her.
Vanya opens the door, Aims down the corridor and fires again at the Aqualish, missing him.. Vanya swears in frustration, and moves closer..
He drops the comlink on the console next to the caller and fires a stun blast at Vanya. It hits her hard, center mass, but she stays on her feet.
The droids run into the room with Kor close behind, and attack Vanya again, managing to somewhat restrict her movement.
Vanya steps back to give herself space and raised her bow, all her anger and frustration with her and the droids plight were released in an angry yell as she released the bolt. The bolt flew through the air, impacting the Aqualish in the head, dropping him. Vanya stalked to the bridge area and located the droid control circuit and jabbed at the controls, disabling the restraining bolts. As the sounds of the droids relief reached her, Vanya closed her eyes and breathed.. trying to calm herself and start figuring out where they were.
Kor, are you all ok now? Vanya called down the hall, Try and find some blasters..
Vanya moves to the computer controls and tried accessing the data base and Navicomputer...
"Yes Vanya." Came the reply. As she started working on the Computer, the Aqualish's comm lights up, and the Trandoshan's irritated voice comes on, hissing with irritation "Hsssk, You clumssy oaf! What iss it now?"
Vanya looked at the Aqualish's comlink, considering her next move.
She picks up his blaster and his comlink and motions for Kor to join her. When he arrives, she hands him the blaster.
Then Vanya switched on the comlink mic. I'm sorry, her voice purred, Hissk was exhausted, and had to lay down. But if you would return my sword, I would appreciate it.
You here a distant "Da schutta!" from the Rodian before the Trandoshan responds, "If you want my sssword, I'll give it to you."
Vanya motions Kor to her, Kor, take your comrades and set up barricades in the corridor and take cover behind them. Prepare to shoot these slavers .. I'll lock out their systems so they can't leave or access anything and I'll join you.
Kor stood at attention and nodded, Roger-roger.. he said, turning and hurried down the corridor... He guys, Vanya Needs us, don't let her down! (roger-roger! roger-roger! roger-roger!)
Vanya moved to computer access and began typing commands into the interface, encrypting a passcode to ensure the Trandoshan and his crew wouldn't be able to gain control of their ship, then prepared her bow for combat and joined her friends at their makeshift fort of boxes and grates.