Tales from the Fringe Anthology OOC
Looks like they get 3 Challenge dice, 1 difficulty die and 2 set dice.
Just now, tank0625 said:Looks like they get 3 Challenge dice, 1 difficulty die and 2 set dice.
Yes, that's what I said.
Results |
0 successes, 1 threat, 1 Despair
[3eP=S/S, S/S, A] [1eA=A] [1eB=-] [3eC=F/F, D, F/Th] [1eD=Th] [1eS=Th]
Who is where in the ship? Bestin is currently in the back of the ship.
Just now, jhh3 said:Who is where in the ship? Bestin is currently in the back of the ship.
They are in the cockpit, Bestin is wherever in the ship you want him to be. One of the players can give him a shout if you want him to come up.
I forgot a set back die
0 successes, 1 threat
2 minutes ago, tank0625 said:
Results 3eP+1eA+1eB+3eC+1eD+1eS : 0 successes, 1 threat, 1 Despair [3eP=S/S, S/S, A] [1eA=A] [1eB=-] [3eC=F/F, D, F/Th] [1eD=Th] [1eS=Th]
With the Despair, it'll give the intruder 2 Boost to a future check (Encryption) and adds 2 Setback to the next check made against the character.
Please go ahead and post IC, communicating with the others and narrating your actions in the system.
Once I find out how bad I messed up I will call for Bestin for help
Would entering hyperspace cut the hack? (are we playing by Legends rules, or current canon?)
2 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:Would entering hyperspace cut the hack? (are we playing by Legends rules, or current canon?)
It would cut the hack, but it'd also cut the transmission. Shutting down the system would have the same effect.
I run to RO-0K and I yell for R1. R1 help me access RO-0K internal computer. R1 tells me his security program has been disable. We need to expel this intruder quickly. R1 get access to RO-0K data files. R1 states we are lock out. Gain access to operating systems. R1 states again we are locked out by the intruder.
I yell. Bestin get up here. Someone is hacking RO-0K. I need your help.
Technically , I think they are hacking Rook the ship , as opposed to RO-0K "Rook" the droid Confusion is understandable, RO-0K often refers to itself and the ship interchangeably.. mostly on purpose to confuse people.
I tell R1 we need to shut down the ship and not RO-0K. We may have better luck
Edited by tank0625
The slicer will attempt the Enact Command action. Setting difficulty at Average based on what he's doing, but you won't know what he's done until you take a Trace User action to find out:
Enact Command
2 successes, 3 advantage
Taking Spread Decoys again.
You're up now.
geeze, this hacker is pretty good... who is this, Maysh'la?
I will try Enact command
2 successes, 2 advantage
[3eP=S/S, A/A, A] [1eA=S/A] [1eB=-] [2eD=Th, Th] [2eS=F, -]
I will change 1 of my success to Advantage (eye for detail). With the 3 advantages I will use the TELLTALE SIGN
What command were you enacting? The difficulty varies depending on what you were trying to do, and those Setback were only on Trace and Expel.
Telltale Sign doesn't actually help you here since you don't have any parts of the signature. You can get a portion of the signature with Signature Spotted (2 Advantage) and then add a Boost to your next check with 1 Advantage.
Ok let me look again
Just now, tank0625 said:Ok let me look again
Average is the difficulty to raise security programs, if you want to go with that.
I want to raise security systems
Edited by tank0625If you raise the security systems, then the intruder has to bypass them before taking further actions in the system.
Raise Security
2 successes
[3eP=S, -, S/A] [1eA=A] [1eB=-] [2eD=Th/Th, -]
Change 1 success to Advantage and a result opportunity identified (eye for detail)
Edited by tank0625Just now, tank0625 said:Raise Security
3eP+1eA+1eB+2eD : 2 successes [3eP=S, -, S/A] [1eA=A] [1eB=-] [2eD=Th/Th, -]
Change 1 success to opportunity identified (eye for detail)
Okay, please go ahead and post IC.
Take down security protocols:
Disable Security Protocols
4 successes, 3 advantage
Spread Decoys (2 Setback to Expel/Trace, total of 6 Setback)
Raxle is back up.