Imperial Advisor’s Rise of Skywalker Spoilers, Triva, and Canon,  Disney+ on May 4th

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic

7 minutes ago, Darth Meanie said:

Any kids of Palpy's have to be from a last-night trist in a seedy cantina on the lower levels of Coruscant.


@Darth Meanie have you ever heard of the Tale of Darth Sidious the Smooth?

6 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Rey's last name is Snow Sands .

OMG, that is perfect. Somebody needs to make that canon!! :lol:

3 minutes ago, Darth Meanie said:

OMG, that is perfect. Somebody needs to make that canon!! :lol:

I don’t know about that, we think Star Wars fans are derisive, some intense Game of Thrones female fans in New York outright scare me.

15 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Rey’s last name is Snow Sand .

@Darth Meanie OMG now it makes sense!!!


Another question @Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

What is it with the Hyperspace jumps in planet vicinity?

I thought it was canon until now that the gravity shadow of planets makes hyperspace jumps so close extremely dangerous or impossible. How is that now changed?

1 hour ago, GreenDragoon said:

Another question @Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

What is it with the Hyperspace jumps in planet vicinity?

I thought it was canon until now that the gravity shadow of planets makes hyperspace jumps so close extremely dangerous or impossible. How is that now changed?

And how can the TIEs follow?

2 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Another question @Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

What is it with the Hyperspace jumps in planet vicinity?

I thought it was canon until now that the gravity shadow of planets makes hyperspace jumps so close extremely dangerous or impossible. How is that now changed?

In Universe Answer

We got hyperdrive nav computers in A New Hope . As early as 1988 we had hyperdrive inhibitor modules ** that prevented a ship from, as one Corellian smuggler put it, “fly right through a star or bounce too close to a super nova.”

Disengaging this would be VERY dangerous, but has been done in the EU, and Han seems to do it in The Force Awakens . It’s not for the faint of heart or the less than exceptionally skilled and lucky veteran pilots.

**See Battle for the Golden Sun

Meta Answer

I’m fairly sure JJ Abrams consults with Lucasfilms Story Group for consistency and Lore. I’m also fairly sure he simply ignores Canon Lore that he deems would make his own story beats and plot points worrisome.

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun


Dengar ... what have you done?!!!!

14 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


Dengar ... what have you done?!!!!

When you love your career so much that you'll do anything to stay in it. Dengar/Rothgar, the walking metaphor.

On 12/20/2019 at 9:45 AM, GreenDragoon said:

Hey, you as lore master: What is up with the sith fleet? Where was it from 20BBY to now? I'm sure you've read the Thrawn novels which are to a large degree about the conflict between the Defender and the Stardust projects. This and other such conflicts are mentioned in other places, too.

Doesn't the fleet of thousands of planet destroying star destroyers, apparently operated without much crew, make all those stories a bit... pointless?


I think the Rise of Skywalker novelization will shed some light onto this (at least one would hope).

But if you will allow to extrapolate here, based on what we DO know, and this is by NO means Canon.

The Empire had vast resources, it’s been established in older Canon, at its height The Empire had over 25,000 ISDs.

Shifting reaources, “mothballing,” or funneling less than 3 Sector Fleets worth of ISDs would not be overly difficult. On screen I can’t count more than 60 Star Destroyers at any one time. Both The Dark Empire comic series and The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy used this very story arc.

Once the technology of planet killers were created and mastered, over the decades, like our own world, it was significantly easier to build upon, improve, make more compact and surgically efficient. This was seen even between the four years between the Death Stars.

The newer technology built into the ISDs of the Sith Fleet probably came about in the last few years before the events of The Force Awakens , which would be reason for the First Order’s initiating the reconquest of the main Galaxy.

Maybe depleting the shielding of the ISDs was in part used for the weaponry 🙄 🙄 (how very glass canon), which explains all the Rebel Resistance kills this time around.

There was a line in the movie when the First Order Flag officers were discussing the new Sith Allies, calling them cultists.

Which makes me speculate that the ISD’s were crewed by Sith Cultists from this Region of space, or were among those who were drawn here the same time Emperor Palpatine felt the call of the Dark Side from this part of the Galaxy.

This would help my own head Canon in that these crewers, even led by remnants of The Empire or First Order, were less than the cream of The Imperial Military and easier for the Resistance to engage.

(Also, here again JJ Abrams creates a story arc and has others figure out the Canonical “logic” behind it for the maybe 10% who care.)

I’ve seen it enough times, in the first two days that I don’t want to admit (5) but even being that eagle eyed can you tell if Ben Solo is using a recovered FO Officers pistol when the KOR corner him, or was he using a DL-44 pistol?

Edited by Cgriffith

Fang fighter! Sorry about the bad quality picture I took it while trying not to be seen by the theater employees.

Edit: wow the picture uploaded with even worse quality than the original photo. Any way to fix that?


Edited by JJH_BATMAN
21 minutes ago, JJH_BATMAN said:

Fang fighter! Sorry about the bad quality picture I took it while trying not to be seen by the theater employees.

Edit: wow the picture uploaded with even worse quality than the original photo. Any way to fix that?


Don’t know about fixing the picture quality, but I noticed the Fang too.

On 12/20/2019 at 12:36 PM, Tayloraj100 said:

I figured Palps had most or all that stuff in place prior to Return of the Jedi. Diverting needed resources from the Empire to stock his private comeback fleet sounds in character.

It certainly would IMO be in line with his grandoise FAR SEEING, to have planned out to keep a fleet out of the way, for his inevitible return.

5 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Another question @Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

What is it with the Hyperspace jumps in planet vicinity?

I thought it was canon until now that the gravity shadow of planets makes hyperspace jumps so close extremely dangerous or impossible. How is that now changed?

IMO they just said "SCREW existing canon, we'll do what ever the blark we want".

18 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Another question @Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

What is it with the Hyperspace jumps in planet vicinity?

I thought it was canon until now that the gravity shadow of planets makes hyperspace jumps so close extremely dangerous or impossible. How is that now changed?

The issue with the hyperdrive is a matter of overriding the safeties. Normally, this prevents it, when certain gravity mass is detected, but it can be overridden. I'm guessing the danger of this is the gravity will alter your trajectory in an unexpected way.

However, we have seen countless ships do it. Cassian and co escaping Jedha, Here jumping through a station, The Falcon in multiple instances and pilots. Don't forget Holdo and the Raddus.

It has been established in multiple media that you CAN jump in/near gravity wells, and in all instances it is done because the characters feel it is a life or death situation.

Now as to the TIEs following through hyperspace - well it seems certain ties have hyperdrive - they looked like TIE/sf’s to me, which DO indeed have hyperdrives. As well has a whole movie has a plot about how the First Order has technology to track a ship through hyperspace, which they could have miniaturized.

18 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


Dengar ... what have you done?!!!!


22 hours ago, Darth Meanie said:

Any kids of Palpy's have to be from a last-night trist in a seedy cantina on the lower levels of Coruscant.

@Darth Meanie

She’s got great personality though.


She only uses Force Choke in private.


The Once and Future Emperor

The Empire is Forever!

19 hours ago, Momonip said:

And how can the TIEs follow?

Hyperspace tracking was established in The Last Jedi and mentioned as part of the Tarkin Initiative in Rogue One .

Canonically even trajectories were mentioned when the Avenger lost the Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back .


Lando had a child ...

(I can’t embed the source because it will be flagged for language used 🙄 )

The blaster Ben Solo used in act 3 was most likely the blaster that Lando (‘Unca Wanwo’) gave him when he was much younger.* The guy is really sentimental.

*See the novel Last Shot


Another Holdo Maneuver? 🤨

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

Naw, just a really, really big log.

3 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Another Holdo Maneuver? 🤨

sure looks like it to me. Which makes the earlier comment of one in a million even stranger.

9 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

The issue with the hyperdrive is a matter of overriding the safeties. Normally, this prevents it, when certain gravity mass is detected, but it can be overridden. I'm guessing the danger of this is the gravity will alter your trajectory in an unexpected way.

However, we have seen countless ships do it. Cassian and co escaping Jedha, Here jumping through a station, The Falcon in multiple instances and pilots. Don't forget Holdo and the Raddus.

It has been established in multiple media that you CAN jump in/near gravity wells, and in all instances it is done because the characters feel it is a life or death situation.

Now as to the TIEs following through hyperspace - well it seems certain ties have hyperdrive - they looked like TIE/sf’s to me, which DO indeed have hyperdrives. As well has a whole movie has a plot about how the First Order has technology to track a ship through hyperspace, which they could have miniaturized.

BUT if you can switch it off, so easily, AND all you suffer is a potential 'altering of your trajectory', WHY Then did all the old RPGS describe it as if you got too close to the grav well, it would blow you up'??