Updated Recusant map. Are you heading for the cavern at the bottom end of the second corridor?
Yaimpar be te Bes'uliik OOC
3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Updated Recusant map. Are you heading for the cavern at the bottom end of the second corridor?
Crossing over to the "sensor" tunnel and headed to the sensor crater.. or at least to the square at the end of the line.
Are we at the 'box'? is there anything past it?
Yes, there is a tunnel that continues in the direction of the sensors. It terminates in another cave-in.
17 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Yes, there is a tunnel that continues in the direction of the sensors. It terminates in another cave-in.
well, I guess we'll head back to the Tug and look around the Wayfarer for parts, tools...(and maybe give Tam another crack at VT-1.. and get started on droid designs for the cave ins and vermin control..)
Okay, please go ahead and narrate that.
Retrieving a Fusion Cutter to get into the space with the sensors will require a DP flip.
Repairing VT-1 is a Hard Mechanics check.
You are already in the middle of restoring a pair of B1s, so given enough time they might be able to suffice for pest control. I'll go back and check what their stats were supposed to be. (edit: checked. Normal B1s)
There're some interesting pieces of gear for mining droids (there are also mining droids) so if you want, I'll look up some of that info to assist with acquiring mining droids. (I use mining droids since that's more-or-less what they'd be, even if they're technically boring droids.
would there be a boost if the VT's helped?
Yes, the VTs can add a Boost.
A not on droid crafting: I'll also allow Tam to assign the full group of 4 VTs to construct droids, with a 1:1 ratio for time. So Tam could spend 2 hours working on one droid, and her babies would spend 2 hours working on the second.
Tam VT-1 repair
2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
YAY!! a Triumph! (although I was hoping Cade would've rolled one on Gorka...)
Hmm... You didn't note on VT-1's sheet how many wounds it had taken, and I don't want to dig through to find out. My memory says 10-3=7, so that'll take him to one below his threshold (and thus, operational). What do you want for the Triumph?
Couple ideas: Add 1 to VT-1's integrated equipment encumbrance threshold, once in the session (well, next session), before he makes a check, he can add 1 to any of his Characteristics.
For the Advantage, Tam recovers a Strain.
Tam and Kebiin may both roll a simple Cool or Discipline check to recover strain.
Once you narrate them back to the ship, that'll end the session.
@ShockHelix , @RuusMarev , everyone gets 15XP. Tam and Kebiin each get 5 bonus XP.
31 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Hmm... You didn't note on VT-1's sheet how many wounds it had taken, and I don't want to dig through to find out. My memory says 10-3=7, so that'll take him to one below his threshold (and thus, operational). What do you want for the Triumph?
Couple ideas: Add 1 to VT-1's integrated equipment encumbrance threshold, once in the session (well, next session), before he makes a check, he can add 1 to any of his Characteristics.
one or the other.. not both? (just making sure)
Tam strain recovery
2 successes, 3 advantage
Kebiin strain recovery
1 success, 3 advantage
Just now, RuusMarev said:one or the other.. not both? (just making sure)
Tam strain recovery : 3eA 2 successes, 3 advantage
Kebiin strain recovery : 3eA 1 success, 3 advantage
Yes, one or the other. Not both.
With the Advantage, they can each heal an additional strain (4 total for Tam counting Advantage from VT-1, 2 total for Kebiin).
I'm thinking of boosting VT-1's Intelligence to 3...
(Would Tam be able to modify him to get the added benefit? I dont have the book with me so I'm not sure if crafted droids can get modded like weapons or armor..)
Just now, RuusMarev said:I'm thinking of boosting VT-1's Intelligence to 3...
To clarify, it's a one-time benefit. You pick the characteristic at the time of the check.
1 minute ago, RuusMarev said:(Would Tam be able to modify him to get the added benefit? I dont have the book with me so I'm not sure if crafted droids can get modded like weapons or armor..)
What "added benefit" are you referring to?
On 5/6/2020 at 5:37 PM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:To clarify, it's a one-time benefit. You pick the characteristic at the time of the check.
What "added benefit" are you referring to?
Are crafted droids only able to receive Mods during creation from the chart, or are they modifiable after creation?
2 hours ago, RuusMarev said:Are crafted droids only able to receive Mods during creation from the chart, or are they modifiable after creation?
They are only able to receive those bonuses during crafting. I may use some of those for ideas though.
@ShockHelix , @RuusMarev , where to go from here?
Both in-game and out-of-game. Are you ready to continue, or should we keep the game on hold? If you are ready to continue, then the question is thrown to your characters.
Does anyone need a refresher on the state of things?
Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Does anyone need a refresher on the state of things?
I'd definitely like one
Just now, ShockHelix said:I'd definitely like one
Okay, working on that now...
Tam and Kebiin went to investigate the wreck: They discovered that it had been inhabited in recent years (no farther ago than 2 years) and discovered a symbol that they believe is related to a Mandalorian faction that worked with the Separatists (Despair result, still has me cracking up).
A couple of the VTs were kidnapped by vynocks, leading to the discovery of an underground tunnel system, though it is plagued by cave-ins and crisscrossed by tunnels created by some as-yet unseen creature.
Here is a summary of the current state of things and a (very) rough map of the area:
Power: Two of the three reactors are down, the remaining one running low on fuel. The reactor room and the engineering sections are flooded with radiation because of the leaked coolant, and consequently quite dangerous to organics. The area around the reactors has some power, and because of the efforts of Tam and her babies, power is now steady to the organics' section of the ship (including the bridge). Life support in those sections is operational, and the atmosphere is breathable.
Hull Integrity:
The command deck is intact, but most of the forward sections are at least somewhat exposed. The shell on the opposite side from where you came in took quite a beating, and is penetrated in multiple locations. The lower decks of the central section are also significantly damaged and many are exposed.
Organic Crew:
All organic crew abandoned ship or went down with it. No survivors, and no remaining escape pods.
Almost all weapons are offline, only a few point-defense cannons are still operational. Given their position in and below the prow, the heavy turbolasers are currently strew across the rut the Recusant dug when it fell, all irreparably damaged, most completely unrecognizable. Many of the laser cannons are still (mostly, at least) intact, but the gunnery deck is rather wrecked as a result of concentrated fire during the battle and asteroid strikes since.
The shields are inoperable, but some of the generators are still intact.
The automated droid brain is offline and largely destroyed. The ship carried two squadrons of Vultures, but most of them were confirmed destroyed in the battle. Four are marked as not having launched. The ship records a complement of several thousand B-1s and a few thousand B-2s. They noticed a surprisingly low number of droids scattered about on their way through the ship (most quite badly damaged as to be more trouble than they'd be worth to repair), and while it is not too surprising to learn that the ship did not carry a full complement of droids as that would be quite expensive, the number of droids listed is still quite large and it is surprising that they didn't come across very many. (tenses may be a bit weird here, I copy-pasted and made a half-hearted attempt at editing)
Cluster of electronics, clearly added later. T
he tech is multiple things hooked together and with co-dependencies: a backup generator providing power to the other devices and to the consoles, a backup sensor package, a wireless receiver for various sorts of signals that is fed into another device that un-jumbles the signals, sifts through them, and sends them to the consoles through cables. Making the jumble more confusing is that it is pretty bare bones, missing some components that were easier to quickly break down and move, as the present devices are hooked into many parts of the ship and fastened to the deck.
It is multi-purpose, but it is a monitoring system of sorts. It was collecting data from locations nearby and sending them to the ship's computers. You can't tell whether or not it used to send information to other systems or whatever, but it doesn't any more as it isn't operable. It may have also been used for further automation, but if it was, those pieces are gone. Tam managed to repair the sensor relay, functional out to Extreme on the Personal-scale. Tam discovered that it was taking in information from a bigger sensor relay elsewhere, and they tracked it down (more on that in a bit).
Organic crew quarters:
Empty. They found a few credits' worth of power cells and loose change. All escape pods had been jettisoned.
Central droid garrison:
All of the droids are gone, but some of the repair facilities are largely intact (though there is a large hole in the floor [ask Tam about that one
Other notes:
They have one consistently functional turbolift.
Underground base:
A lift goes down from the bottom of the Recusant into the planetoid (clearly a man-made shaft), with three tunnels branching off of it. All three of the tunnels are caved in, but there are four channels (like one channel, split in half, and another channel split in half) that appear to have been dug by some creature snaking their way through.
Outside, they tracked down the sensor relay, discovering a cleverly disguised hatch, but the door is jammed and to gain access, you'll have to cut in with a Fusion Cutter (DP to declare it aboard the ship as part of the equipment).
They then did some more exploring and found a gun emplacement with four light laser cannons. They tracked these tunnels and found a power relay with backup generators, out of fuel as you might expect. They managed to get a decent scan of the area, providing them with
map (also on the front page).
This was quite a lot of information, hopefully it isn't an overload.
And lastly, an exchange you might find funny:
13 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:@ShockHelix , @RuusMarev , where to go from here?
Both in-game and out-of-game. Are you ready to continue, or should we keep the game on hold? If you are ready to continue, then the question is thrown to your characters.
Does anyone need a refresher on the state of things?
I'm still good to go... I
have to print the synopsis to keep reminding myself on the status
Just now, RuusMarev said:I'm still good to go... I will have to print the synopsis to keep reminding myself on the status
Yeah, it's a brick wall of text even a Thunderbolt couldn't fly through.
There was a lot to write down...
@RuusMarev , @ShockHelix , where do you guys want to go from here? Do you want to do more about the wreck, or go elsewhere? Downtime to get stuff done is also an option.
You'd expressed interest in getting salvaging permits before (through legal means or no), if you want to find out more, it'll be an Average Knowledge (Education) check with a Setback.
For the new session, please go ahead and roll Destiny.