Remember when I wanted to incorporate Vultures into the new Besuliik? Now I see the Resistance version...
Remember when I wanted to incorporate Vultures into the new Besuliik? Now I see the Resistance version...
I just remembered, you actually have another 2 Advantage left to spend from your programming check.
I looked for it, but couldn't find it anywhere. Where did you find that? I was hoping to get a better look at it.
The Xwing forum had it...not sure where we could find the original. Unless we ask @Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun
Psst, Arem, share your secrets!
Okay, so
, you need to pick secondary Mechanics skills* for the PCs and finish spending the PCs' starting credits. You also still have 2 Advantage to spend on the droid crafting check for the minions.
*The shipwright's primary is Ships, the Droid Tech's is Droids. Others available are Devices & Weapons and Cybernetics. You get 1 free rank in the one you choose.
@ShockHelix , I need a name for your PCs' puppy.
Both of you need to finish backstory/Motivations/Obligations and then we'll be ready to start.
My (tentative) plan is to introduce each pair of characters separately, is this agreeable to you? If so, we can start as soon as one of you has finished both of your characters.
1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Okay, so @RuusMarev , you need to pick secondary Mechanics skills* for the PCs and finish spending the PCs' starting credits. You also still have 2 Advantage to spend on the droid crafting check for the minions.
*The shipwright's primary is Ships, the Droid Tech's is Droids. Others available are Devices & Weapons and Cybernetics. You get 1 free rank in the one you choose.@ShockHelix , I need a name for your PCs' puppy.
Both of you need to finish backstory/Motivations/Obligations and then we'll be ready to start.
My (tentative) plan is to introduce each pair of characters separately, is this agreeable to you? If so, we can start as soon as one of you has finished both of your characters.
Ok, I'm working on mine now.. I've got the sheets about done, Just need to work on gear and stats... (Kebiin could look into Weapons, Tam can do Cybernetics)
Did your Weapons tech make enough toys for everyone?
(otherwise, I think Tam can sic her new minion pack on the matter and see what we can arm ourselves with
1 minute ago, RuusMarev said:(Kebiin could look into Weapons, Tam can do Cybernetics)
Sounds good, please go ahead and list that in the "Critical Injuries and other conditions" box.
3 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:I think Tam can sic her new minion pack on the matter and see what we can arm ourselves with
That's fine. Credits would come from whoever is getting the equipment.
Do we have a template for Mando gear for these crafting skills?
No. Closest comparison for Mando armor is either Augmented Armor or Segmented Armor from, I think, Keeping the Peace. I don't have the book, but ShockHelix does. For weapons, you pick the closest analogue (blaster rifle for GALAAR-15, blaster pistol for WESTAR-35) and try to match/exceed the base stats with Advantage. Of course, you can always start out small to get some Lessons Learned/Practice Makes Perfect.
Kebiin can get Assist boosts from the "Pack", correct?
Yes. If it is unskilled assistance (the PC gains no skill rank/characteristic benefits from the assistee) then the PC gets a Boost. In the case of this check, Kebiin has less ranks in the weapons/devices skill than the minion group, so she uses their ranks.
Side note: I'm treating the minions as having all three (no Cybernetics) Mechanics skills as group skills. Is this messed up? (this question is for both of you)
ok... what are the droids pool for that again? 3eP?
They have three skill ranks and 1 rank in the Characteristic.
And if Kebiin did it on her own, would that be just straight 2eA + 2eP? she just cant use her talents, correct?
If her secondary is Devices/Weapons, she'd have 1 rank (unless you spend the 5 XP for the second rank), so her pool would be 3eA+1eP. Her talents apply.
With the assistance of the droids, her pool becomes 3eP+1eA.
2 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:If her secondary is Devices/Weapons, she'd have 1 rank (unless you spend the 5 XP for the second rank), so her pool would be 3eA+1eP. Her talents apply.
With the assistance of the droids, her pool becomes 3eP+1eA.
Ok, that'll even the odds in our favor...
2 successes, 3 threat, 1 Triumph
0 successes, 4 advantage
hmmm... does that still count as a success?
What were you trying to craft?
And no, it doesn't count as a Success. You have to have net Success left over.
ok.. attempting blaster pistols.. knew I forgot to add that detail...
How do you wan to spend the Triumph? With Eye for Detail you can reduce the Threat to 2, and with Creative Design you can increase Threat to 3 and Advantage to 1. (or you could go for Schematic and Practice Makes Perfect).
If you go for schematic with the Triumph, it actually would remove the last difficulty die from the second check, leaving you with 1 Success, 4 Advantage.
19 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Cool!
I just remembered, you actually have another 2 Advantage left to spend from your programming check.
Personality Quirk: Cheerful.
12 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:How do you wan to spend the Triumph? With Eye for Detail you can reduce the Threat to 2, and with Creative Design you can increase Threat to 3 and Advantage to 1. (or you could go for Schematic and Practice Makes Perfect).
If you go for schematic with the Triumph, it actually would remove the last difficulty die from the second check, leaving you with 1 Success, 4 Advantage.
Yes please!!
( I knew I should've done those one at a time...)
Oh, and you've got an extra Boost. I'll get that for you now:
forgot a die
0 successes, 1 advantage
Ooo. Even better. 5 Advantage before Creative Design (if you go for it).
hmmm... let's spend Triumph on Schematic, can I also spend 4 Advantage to get another Schematic, then last Advantage for Boost on next try? Bringing the Blaster Pistol Template down to 1eD?
Ok, here we go! (as long as I didnt forget something...oh.. characteristics/appearance.. I'll get to it.. but I think we can at least start..)