Watching Battle Reports

By Teravoc, in Battle Reports

I love watching battle-reports on You-Tube especially a big fan, but am I the only one that ends up only half watching because of the amount of rules that folk get wrong.

10 minutes in on the last battle report I watched, Wookies where rolling white dice to rid them selves of Surges, Veers didn't use his Sharpshooter on attacks, Questionable illogical command choices (OK subjective, but Standing Orders over and over again!). I simply couldn't watch anymore. I love fun battles and don't see myself as a rules lawyer but these are so basic fails and frequently game changers. If your going to produce battle reports I appreciate some rules may fly under the radar but at least try keep it somewhat correct If anything I feel these can be more harmful then helpful at times. Read the cards at the very least! would be the most helpful. I wouldnt post if it was occasional but its so frequent it drives me nuts :D

So many people clearly spend a lot of time producing these reports with graphics and the like but more importantly for me as a viewer is rules being correctly followed and good sportsmanship. Hope this feedback is helpful to those that might be thinking about doing battle reports in the future :D

On 11/14/2019 at 7:17 AM, Teravoc said:

I love watching battle-reports on You-Tube especially a big fan, but am I the only one that ends up only half watching because of the amount of rules that folk get wrong.

10 minutes in on the last battle report I watched, Wookies where rolling white dice to rid them selves of Surges, Veers didn't use his Sharpshooter on attacks, Questionable illogical command choices (OK subjective, but Standing Orders over and over again!). I simply couldn't watch anymore. I love fun battles and don't see myself as a rules lawyer but these are so basic fails and frequently game changers. If your going to produce battle reports I appreciate some rules may fly under the radar but at least try keep it somewhat correct If anything I feel these can be more harmful then helpful at times. Read the cards at the very least! would be the most helpful. I wouldnt post if it was occasional but its so frequent it drives me nuts :D

So many people clearly spend a lot of time producing these reports with graphics and the like but more importantly for me as a viewer is rules being correctly followed and good sportsmanship. Hope this feedback is helpful to those that might be thinking about doing battle reports in the future :D

You lost me 2 minutes in when talking of ridding surges instead of suppression. I kid, but yes I've noticed the same thing on battle reports that some of the rules and command choices seem very poor. Then again my choices may look quite poor if I taped my games.

Yeah I really don't want to go too hard on the subjective stuff because i agree with you that observing a game is very different to playing it yourself. I just think its madness how much effort people put in to the reporting of these games but don't seem to take care with the actual game play as such. A little bit of quality control would go a very long way. I appreciate also that you might not get everything right 100%

I do agree, especially some of the earlier ones I watched when first learning to play messed up some rules for me