Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

The first paragraph on page 17 of Into the Storm explains it pretty clearly. The same rules can be found in Inquisitors handbook and Deathwatch core rulebook.

Yep, that's blatant and pretty obvious once you read it. Thanks for the point out. Off to tell a couple players they aren't as close to rank 2 as they think.

i'm trying to work out how to implement those mutations in the sheet, once i figure it out i'll mail what i have to memetix so it can be included in the official release hopefully :)

I seem to be missing something atm, but i'll have my brother take a look at it in a week or two, he's much better at open office then i am :)


Playing with the sheet last night one of my players was trying to make a calixian witchfinder from a cleric and despite making all of the requirements in the book we could not get the alternate rank to appear. Is the rank loaded in on version 5.61 or are we missing something (character is at 7k exp, has command, and has a willpower of 44)

Other than that the sheet looks fantastic.


I've just released 5.62 on Dark Reign.

It includes a bug fix for the dodge skill overflow (at 100) and the missing Alternative Career Paths.

I've also added support for Eldar Homeworld and Palatine Ascended Class. To enable these options you need to change the "Allow Web Enhancement" option to Yes. This is within the House Rules section on the Character Generation Sheet.

I have found that Feared and Loathed and Labyrinth Conditioning, for the Chaliced Commissariat come up as uninteligible dots, also I can't see the alternate carrer chunk in the talent or skill section for the commissariat advancement. Though I am jus tpointing these out this is an amaesing piece of work in general.

I completely missed the talents for the Chaliced Commissariat, the skills where there OK, but not the talents - nice spot Nuada_Obliage.
This will be fixed in the next release.

The description of the Talents you mentioned are rather long and result in a very small font - nothing much I can do about that on the modern sheet.
Maybe you could use the Talent Summary sheet to get the descriptions. It display correctly on there as there is more room.

Update on Open Office Support

I've just downloaded OpenOffice 3.3 in the hope that the VBA Macros support had been improved. Unfortunately it seems to be a big step backwards and the Load/Save Macros that I had almost got working in 3.2 are now completely non-functional.

I noticed that OO crashed after opening up the spreadsheet and then maximizing the screen. I suggest if you are an OO user, you save the spreadsheet as an .ods file immediately after opening the .xls file and then re-open the .ods file and work on that copy.

I really hope the VBA support improves so that the OO users can load and save their characters like the Excel users, for me this is a major feature.

Memetix, a big thank you for adding the community built Eldar stats till something official is released!

Version 5.63 is now online at Dark Reign

It includes

  • Ship Roles from Into the Storm.
  • Addition of the missing talents for Chaliced Commissariat.
  • Fixed spelling mistake for Calixian Xeno-Archanist
  • Put all the talents and traits in alphabetical order

For Deathwatch could you add all the space marine and power armour abilities on the character sheets so it's easy for the players to know what they all are?

If it's already there somewhere and i'm just blind i'm sorry :)

As it happens I'm working on the Rites of Battle implementation today so I could easily make some further adjustments. As I haven't played Deathwatch as yet, can you point me at the information you need within the Core rulebook please?

By the way - the core power armour abilities are list on the Squad Sheet - I don't know if this is thorough enough for your needs.

Disregard you do have all the implants and power armor abilities on the solo/squad mode page! You rock!


Deathwatch news - Rites of Battle is now complete and released as version 5.7 on Dark Reign

All the Deeds (background packages) and Advanced Specialities (Additional career ranks) have been implemented along with the Imperial Fists Chapter.

I also fixed a few of the named areas in the re-sorted talent list. This meant that the pull down lists for Peer/Good Reputation were broken in the previous release. An upgrade is recommended.

Time for a break ...... until more material is released!


Memetix I think there's a bug in the redemptionist alternate rank as although it can be selected for the assasin and cleric no skills or talents appear available.

Two questions. I'm an amatuer on Excel but I have some experience.

First, Thanks for including Rites of Battle! I want to create the Salamanders chapter in the sheet. What steps would I go through to implement this?

Second. I need to move a Rogue Trader character to an ascended interrogator. It seems to not want to let me do this until rank 9. However it would seem more logical for this option open up at 13,000 XP as in ascension rather than the rank. If there are rules for moving RT characters over to Ascension characters then I've missed it somewhere.


That's because the two rule sets are separate. Rogue Trader characters don't use Ascension careers, only Dark Heresy characters do.

You are right, happywanderer, about the Redemptionist, there is a name clash with the cleric rank 8 name so the alternate rank doesn't work correctly.
It is an easy fix now I've found it, thank you for reporting it. It seems that there was an error in the Sell-Steel formulas too.

As for Deathwatch, Rites of Battle, I haven't implemented the ability to generate new chapters I'm afraid. Neither is it possible to migrate a character from one game system to another.

your welcome memetix, I'm guessing the confessor alternate rank will clash aswell then. I also noticed that the faith talents don't work properly. I looked in the 'fixed data' sheet and where the faith talents 'lookuparray' points to is blank, don't know if it's only 'cos you've not had a chance to input them or not. just thought you'd like to know cheers.

The fixes for the recently reported bugs are now available in v5.71 on Dark Reign.

I've enjoyed using Memetix's Excel based character sheet a lot :-)

I've encountered a problem when using it for creating a DH Imperial Psyker. It seems I get too few Minor Psychic Powers.

As per page 120 DH Core rulebook: "Psy Rating 1. You have unlocked your Psychic Powers. Select a number of Minor Psychic Powers equal to one-half your Willpower Bonus (round up) from those decribed in chapter VI:.."

With a character of Void Born descend (+5 WP) (Naval linage as per IH page 21) and having Living Nightmare Background package (+5 WP) you still get only 2 minor powers and not 3. Later when WP have increased above 60 its the same issue - only getting 3 minor powers for Psy rating 3 (and having to choose between either the Major or the 3 minor powers). With a WP at 63 Psy Rating 3 should give 4 minor powers and 1 major power.

Anyone that have a work around or have I misinterprettated the rules?

MOther - Spot on, I have coded Psy Rating 3 incorrectly, you should indeed be getting the minor powers and the Discipline power. I have now fixed this, but not released it quite yet.

On your other point, I can't find the bug .... I tried your suggested home world/background with a WP roll of 20 this gives a starting WP of 50. The Power sheet shows 3 minor powers as expected. Any value less than 50 gives 2 powers. Maybe the problem is in my implementation of the charicteristic advances. If you advance WP with your remaining 100xp this is not included in the Psy Rating calculation as this occurs after you acquire the Psy Rating 1. If you feel this is wrong and need a work-around you can add a free Elite Advance of "Minor Psychic power" to adjust your total.

MOther said:

As per page 120 DH Core rulebook: "Psy Rating 1. You have unlocked your Psychic Powers. Select a number of Minor Psychic Powers equal to one-half your Willpower Bonus (round up) from those decribed in chapter VI:.."

... With a WP at 63 Psy Rating 3 should give 4 minor powers and 1 major power.

WP 63 = WP bonus of 6. Half of 6 = 3. No book available to read Psy 3 so not sure how you are getting 4 minors and 1 major.

Side note, just in case, your WP increases you don't retroactively gain you more minor psy powers.

Izrador asked if they could create a Salamanders Chapter but at the time I hadn't added the Custom Chapter Design into the spreadsheet.

Now I have completed the Rites of Battle implementation and version 5.72 is now available for download. It also contains a fix for the Psy Rating 3 bug.