Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

First off, just wanted to say what a fantastic sheet this project of yours is. I've recently started a multi-format (live action / tabletop) game using all three rules sets and this sheet has become an invaluable part of my game - especially given that we have to manage over 50 characters currently. I just had a couple of quick questions.

Since you have recently begun to include the material from Blood of Martyrs, would you be willing to add the Palatine ascended career from the free web supplement Heresy Begets Retribution?

Also have you considered moving the project to its own site rather than just in the forums? A site would give you more options for discussion and potentially collaboration and you could add features to support you in your work. For example, if you were to set up a paypal account for donations to the project, I'd certainly be interested in putting in as your sheet has really made things easy in my game.

Agreed. I know that you probably can't profit from this sheet as it might break some copywright but I'm willing to donate toward costs.

Two small bugs i noticed:

1. once a characteristic get's past 100 it doesn't show right anymore in the character sheet, just gives ## (prolly cause due to the font size meaning it can't show in the available space).

2. it's impossible to adjust initiative (with rite of duplessence it needs -5, can't enter that anywhere).

I am flattered that some of you would like to contribute however I am happy to continue my work on the spreadsheet on a voluntary basis. I like the idea of a separate website and forum, however I am not an expert in that area so I'll throw it open as how best to do that. If anyone wants to set something up that would be wonderful. I suggest dropping me an email so we can coordinate efforts.

As for the recent bug reports.

1. Am not sure what field you are talking about Badlapje. Your guess about font size is probably correct but I need a bit more info before I can fix anything.
2. Initiative - I'll add an adjustment in a future release.
3. The Menus sheet is hidden, along with several other sheets containing the raw data. In OpenOffice you need to go to Format->Sheet->Show

On the wish list are

  1. The rest of Blood of the Martyrs
  2. RT ship role information
  3. Palantine class details

Asked for but on the back burner

  1. Rites of Battle
  2. OpenOffice macros (I have them almost working but have problems with loading/saving empty fields)

I was wondering what are the tactics and why are they in the character sheet for Deeathwatch characters, are they a custom thing that were added or are they in the actual FFG rules and what do they do when you them?

I've not played Deathwatch as yet, so I can't tell you what they are used for. All I can say is that I simply entered the data from the core rulebook as I found it.

Nuada_Obliage said:

I was wondering what are the tactics and why are they in the character sheet for Deeathwatch characters, are they a custom thing that were added or are they in the actual FFG rules and what do they do when you them?

The tactics in DW are a squad specific set of abilities that the group can call on during a mission at the expense of coheasion (the measure of squad moral). They have varied effects in-game but are only applicable to DW games.

Hope this helps.


Just downloaded the newest version of the sheet from dark reign and i'm getting circular formular errors when I try and change the characters experience level. the character is dh-cleric-confessor at rank 1.

Once again great work on this.


Surak, that one slipped through testing ..... it will be fixed in the release later today with the rest of the "Blood of Martyrs" material.

Blood of Martyrs is all done - released on Dark Reign as version 5.61

It is largely untested I'm afraid but I suspect all is OK as there wasn't anything radically different in there.

Surak said:

Nuada_Obliage said:

I was wondering what are the tactics and why are they in the character sheet for Deeathwatch characters, are they a custom thing that were added or are they in the actual FFG rules and what do they do when you them?

The tactics in DW are a squad specific set of abilities that the group can call on during a mission at the expense of coheasion (the measure of squad moral). They have varied effects in-game but are only applicable to DW games.

Hope this helps.


Just downloaded the newest version of the sheet from dark reign and i'm getting circular formular errors when I try and change the characters experience level. the character is dh-cleric-confessor at rank 1.

Once again great work on this.


my Confusion is I have no idea where the tactics are taken from, I mean I don't know where they are in the core rule book so I have no idea what they do.

It`s the squad mode abilities iirc.

Memetix said:

<p>1. Am not sure what field you are talking about Badlapje. Your guess about font size is probably correct but I need a bit more info before I can fix anything.<br />

In the sheet called "character sheet" (right behind the one called "powers" and before the one called "Modern CS"), you have on the left a listing of the skills a character has, then a listing of the characteristics a character has, followed by his talents and then: BS, Dodge, how far they can run, xp to spend, xp spent and so on. It's the value that is shown there for dodge that i mean. It's perfectly feasibly to get that value to 100 or higher, but once you go above double digits it'll show ##X rather then the actual value. I just tried it out for any of the other values for the characteristics and the same holds true. Once you go above double digits it'll turn into ##X rather then eg. 105.

Thx for the info on the hidden sheets & the initiative fix that'll come out :)

As for the forum idea: i don't personally see what the extra merit in it would be if you won't ask for compensation (and to be formal here: i too would definitely pay. For an example of someone doing something similar for a different rpg ruleset, follow this link , i pay for that one and has helped me near as good as yours did, the main drawback being that one doesn't work in Open Office). Basically you'd get a smaller userbase for that forum then the one you get here, and i'm not sure if making dozens of threads'll help you keep the workload down?

That being said: i have webspace available and i am hosting a forum on it for my own group of players. It'd be a small piece of cake to rework that so it becomes a forum especially for your project (with a few hidden forums for my players as that's in dutch). I'll send you a mail about it.

GregorM1980 said:

It`s the squad mode abilities iirc.

I still can not find them, this is really frustrating, is it in a table or something?

DW Core Rule Book, starting page 211

when you create a death watch character and in the down menu for starting skills it has : Air Combat, Armoured tactics, Assault Doctrine, Defensive Doctrine. Orbital procedures, Recon and stealth and void combat, these are what I can't find in the book

Nuada_Obliage said:

when you create a death watch character and in the down menu for starting skills it has : Air Combat, Armoured tactics, Assault Doctrine, Defensive Doctrine. Orbital procedures, Recon and stealth and void combat, these are what I can't find in the book

They are all specialisations of the Tactics skill. See page 105 of the core book.

First off, thank you very much for all the work you've done with this Charcter Sheet - from both my gaming group and myself!

However, we have a small request. Would it be possible to add some unofficial entries into the sheet? For instance Eldars, since there's no official ruleset for them other than some NPC types here and there.

Would it be possible to add the Exodite Eldar type taken from : javascript:void(0);/*1299449868499*/ as an unofficial charcter option for Rogue Traders? The base stats field is locked down, and as such base stats cannot be edited so if possible, and if it's not too much work we'd very much like such an option added till FFG makes something official :)

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!

*EDIT* Oh and any chance you could save the sheet in a Excel 2007/2010 version? The sheet opens in compability view, and gives a warning box when trying to save it.

I also noticed that I am unable to type in S/-/- in the RoF Tab under Equipment. The error box pops up and say it has to be S/number/number, but it will not accept S/0/0 either.

Am I doing something wrong?

*EDIT* Ah, Just read your little comment on that field :) Mouse clicking ftl I see :P

TormDK .... Adding the Eldar based on that thread would be really easy, in fact the sheet is designed so that you could do this yourself. Give it a try.

All you'll need to do is unhide the sheets called Menus and Fixed Data, then unprotect the Skills sheet.

In the Menus sheet, find the section with all the homeworlds and add in a new line (somewhere in the middle would be safest, near the Ork Entry makes sense. If you add it add the start or end it might not automatically extend the named area). Add in the new entries, where appropriate selecting the talents and skills from the Fixed Data and Skills sheets respectively. Then hide the Menus and Fixed Data sheets, protect the skills sheets and save it (as a 2007 file if you want).

Your homeworld down should now have the Eldar option and apply all the talents and skills correctly. Unnatural Agility will need to be ticked manually.

At the moment - I'd rather not add this as a standard feature so email me if you have any problems. I will look at Web enhancements soon, and may add it in at that stage.

Thanks much for your swift reply Memetix!

I'll ask one of the guys to sort it out, I'm not an Excel wizard :) Thanks for your how-to guide though!

Just another note.

For fun and giggles I tried to make an DH charcter - namely an Imperial Psyker that is going for the Templar Calix alternative advancement path.

However I am unable to get the down menu to show that AA path even though the Inquisitors handbook content is enabled. The charcter has the requirements based on the handbook, so what am I doing wrong? :)

The pre-requisites for Templar Calix as coded in the spreadsheet are

  1. Inquisitors handbook availability is set to Yes
  2. Career = Imperial Psyker
  3. Rank >= 4
  4. Insanity <= 10
  5. Corruption <= 10

It might be something as simple as setting the increase to Insanity or Corruption to 0 on the Advancement sheet (Sometimes blanks are not treated correctly as 0 by some formulas)

If this fails - email me your .rtc. file and I'll take a look

Rogue Trader mutations don't seem to be supported in the XLS sheet? At least not Wyrdling. Is there a way to add the two psychic techniques manually? Or should the mutation take care of that magically by itself?

Edit: Also just noticed that the points spent on background don't apply towards xp spent. So most likely they need to be added there otherwise the players won't rank up at the correct time.

The rules say that background packages don't count towards XP spent, so as you point out, you level up later than the rest of the party.

Sorry, but I haven't implemented the effects of Mutations in the sheet, that does indeed need to be done manually. I'd suggest you add them to the description section.

Memetix said:

The rules say that background packages don't count towards XP spent, so as you point out, you level up later than the rest of the party.

EEP! Do you know where in the book it mentions the background stuff not applying? Gonna have to alter one of my players then... Hmmmm