Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Wrydling grants you a Psy Rating of 2, Witch Born grants a Psy Rating of 1 (not +1) so you get the best value (2) not the sum.

Ah, thank you for your (quick) reply!

Edited by anandus

Great tool, thank you for building it, but a question: are dark eldar included? Can't seem to find them

well ill be its not actually there Kroot and Ork are but not Eldar, Memetix did you forget something?

Curious, are there any plans to update the sheet? Eg Navis Primer?


Edited by joebywan

I'm having compatibility issues with Excel 2010, and haven't been able to get it to work successfully using excel for my android tablet or google drive. Does anyone know of a way to make it compatible without losing functionality, or if there's something similar usable on a tablet?

I have not tried excel on Android but wouldn't be surprised if the VBA scripts weren't supported. Sorry that I don't have any other options for you other than to run in on a Microsoft platform

Is there any plans to update the sheet with the Dark Eldar and careers?

Any chance of adding Only War?

I've been really impressed with the generator, started using it heavily with a new Rogue Trader gaming group as GM.

Have run into a problem ranking up now that the characters have reached rank 2.

When hitting the xp spend for rank 2, the character rank is listed as rank 2, but going to the Talent screen it says "Level up on Advancement sheet".

When I go to the advancement sheet there is a blue "open" box for the next rank for the character, but there are no options in that drop down, and manual entry is restricted.

I *can* rank a character up to an Alternative. E.g. I can rank an Arch-Militant 1 up to a Drusian Adherent. But I cannot rank it up to simply Arch-Militant 2, and so cannot unlock the default rank 2 skills/talents options.

Using Excel for Mac, latest version.

Anyone else run into this problem, have any advice?

Always loved this sheet, but I have a question about the Deathwatch side of it or are the Chapters from Honour the Chapter missing? The ones who had their own rules introduced in that book, I mean; the Blood Ravens, Red Scorpions, Marines Errant, Flesh Tearers, Crimson Fists, Howling Griffons, Novamarines, Raptors and Carcharadons? Actually; were any of the mechanics from that ever added to this sheet?

EDIT: Or is there just something wrong with mine and they just aren't showing up? Chapter selection has all of the First Founding Chapters along with the Black Templars and Storm Wardens.

Edited by ShadowFighter88

ShadowFighter88 - I must admit to never having played Deathwatch so my additions to the spreadsheet for Chapter support were largely untested.

I seem to recall a lot of the abilites from the chapters were cosmetic, i.e. they didn't affect any calculations on the character sheet so it is posible that I either didn't add them or simply missed them.

They can certainly be added as a custom chapter if required.

The ones in HoC got their own full write-ups like the chapters in the core book - new psychic powers, squad and solo modes, advancement tables, some new Talents, etc. You might be able to remake them with the custom chapter section of the sheet, but you'd have to fill out all of those extra things by hand and liberal use of the Elite Advances section.

I have to ask has there been an update to the file since 6.45 if so where is it?

Best I can tell that one is the newest.

I think I broke mine, it says:

Data overflow - too many talents or skills.

Please e-mail rtc file to author for debugging

Does anyone know of any updates,

I havd a full Rogue Trader Collection and my players keepmpocking options that are not in the excel sheet... currently running on 6.45