Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Noticed an oddity that someone might be able to explain:

I pick Child of Dynasty.

I pick Unnatural Origin, False-Man, -3 BS, 2d10 Insanity, +3 WP, +3 Fel (oddly enough, it would let me take WP twice, but I don't think any GM would let that fly)
This costs 300xp.

I pick Tainted, Mutant.. and the second I pick "Wyrdling", my available experience points jump from 200 to 250. Why am I being refunded 50xp when picking Wyrdling?

Also, the Psyker Powers (Chaos Powers) from Edge of the Abyss (pg.82, Psykana Malifica) aren't available.

When you get a refund it means there's a Talent or Skill double up, iirc. The books say in such cases the character may take the Talented (Skill) talent, if applicable, or get a refund on the XP cost of 50xp. The sheet doesn't handle the Talented option, you only ever get the xp discount.

nikink said:

When you get a refund it means there's a Talent or Skill double up, iirc. The books say in such cases the character may take the Talented (Skill) talent, if applicable, or get a refund on the XP cost of 50xp. The sheet doesn't handle the Talented option, you only ever get the xp discount.

God, I really hate the forum software. I feel like I'm spamming like mad, but it really doesn't let me edit my preceding posts.

Any idea when/if you're going to add Deathwatch - Honour the Chapter ?

Many talents grant situational modifiers to skill tests, but the sheet treats them as a permanent bonus. This is wrong in many situations.

For example, Electro Graft Use give a +10 to Tech Use, Inqury and Common Lore tests (all of them) only "whilst connected to a data point." For most situations this will not be the case, but a forgetful ( gui%C3%B1o.gif ) player will simply look at the sheet which has inflated all his Common Lore skills.

The same is the case for certain implants, like Scribe Tines. Described as a replacement hand which makes using books and data-slates easier, it really makes no sense for this implant to give a permanent bonus to simple Common Lore tests to recall facts or people.

Ignore this post .

Cjalw1 said:

Ignore this post .


While I'm ignoring that, another bug:

The shiny new Diplomacy skill does not display on the print sheets due to missing formulas in Skills!B and C.

Thanks Darth, a bug along with the fix, just the way I like it.

I've made quite a few changes since the last release, the most important one being a macro fix for non-English versions of excel. I'll take a look at doing a minor release this week …

As for the comment about conditional bonuses to skills, I hear what you are saying, I've tried to ensure conditional bonuses are not applied and the ones you've pointed out do break that rule. Do we need a house rule option to apply the bonuses to the final sheet or should it be left up to the player to remember and apply them manually in the right circumstances?

Fgdsfg said:

Noticed an oddity that someone might be able to explain:

I pick Child of Dynasty.

I pick Unnatural Origin, False-Man, -3 BS, 2d10 Insanity, +3 WP, +3 Fel (oddly enough, it would let me take WP twice, but I don't think any GM would let that fly)
This costs 300xp.

I pick Tainted, Mutant.. and the second I pick "Wyrdling", my available experience points jump from 200 to 250. Why am I being refunded 50xp when picking Wyrdling?

When you pick Wyrdling the sheet is looking up the psy rating from the "Mutation" Sheet (next to the Wyrdling entry) and since this hasn't been filled in yet it is getting a bit confused. Once you've entered that data it all settles down again. I'll try to make sure it behaves better if the cells are blank.

Memetix said:

Do we need a house rule option to apply the bonuses to the final sheet or should it be left up to the player to remember and apply them manually in the right circumstances?

Well, you're going to be wrong "half the time" either way you go, but knowing my players they are MUCH more likely to remember to apply a bonus than a penalty :)

Perhaps mark those skills where you have situational bonuses with an * or something. Or, even better, show the bonus-included-value in paranthesis after the base-level?

Another request: Include threshold values for Psychic powers. And perhaps Cast time and Sustainability as well? :)

I noticed teh Crimson Guard option doubles at rank 2, its listed twice,. At rank 3 The Flesh Is Weak 5 and 6 make the armor points dissappear from the character sheet. At Rank 3 or 4 the option for the Crimson Guard is no longer an option you can take, sometimes its 3, sometimes 4, but it dissappears totally as an option.

Ragoth said:

I noticed teh Crimson Guard option doubles at rank 2, its listed twice,. At rank 3 The Flesh Is Weak 5 and 6 make the armor points dissappear from the character sheet. At Rank 3 or 4 the option for the Crimson Guard is no longer an option you can take, sometimes its 3, sometimes 4, but it dissappears totally as an option.

Crimson Guard is an odd one since you actually gain some benefit from taking the alternate rank more than once. I've allowed the rank to be selected 3 times as "Crimson Guard", "Crimson Guard " and "Crimson Guard " (1 or 2 spaces at the end of the name).

I'll try to update the sheet to ensure you can only select the "next" level and I'll take a look at the armour points bug.

Memetix said:

Ragoth said:

I noticed teh Crimson Guard option doubles at rank 2, its listed twice,. At rank 3 The Flesh Is Weak 5 and 6 make the armor points dissappear from the character sheet. At Rank 3 or 4 the option for the Crimson Guard is no longer an option you can take, sometimes its 3, sometimes 4, but it dissappears totally as an option.

Crimson Guard is an odd one since you actually gain some benefit from taking the alternate rank more than once. I've allowed the rank to be selected 3 times as "Crimson Guard", "Crimson Guard " and "Crimson Guard " (1 or 2 spaces at the end of the name).

I'll try to update the sheet to ensure you can only select the "next" level and I'll take a look at the armour points bug.

Would it be easier to make the Crimson Guard its own career? It does have a listing all the way to rank 8 like the base careers.

This has probably been asked multiple times in this thread, but it's a little too long to find individual questions. Is there any plan to update the sheet with options from all the unsupported books? Specifically, Deathwatch Chapters from Honor the Chapter.

Also, does anyone have a quick reference for what to type in the Custom Chapter section for the chapters from Honor the Chapter?

First off: excellent character sheet. Highest quality sheet I have ever had the honor of getting my hands on.

Now, not to be a bother but in case your not aware(just saw this thread and I don't feel like going though 50 pages) the kroot and ork careers are not available in the careers drop down menu for rogue trader.


The Ork and Kroot careers are in there, you need to select 'Ork' or 'Kroot' under homeworld and then the relivant career appears at the bottom of the career menu.

Hope this helps (and works)


Version 6.31 available for download here .

This is a minor release with bug fixes for

  • Spelling mistakes (Artificer and Power Filed). These are auto corrected when loading in an existing .rtc file
  • Added ability to equip Luminen weapons
  • Added ability to equip Luminen shield
  • Added ability to equip Baleful eye
  • Fixed the display of the storm shield stats
  • Fixed calculation errors for some characters with 'Psy Rating +1' talent
  • Hard coded formulas in VB macros fail for some non-English language version of Excel. Fixed by copying cell's formulas rather than hard coding.
  • Ensure Diplomacy skill is correctly displayed on the character sheet(s)
  • Ensure Machine(6) trait is handled correctly

The Spreadsheet now has more than 20,000 downloads on Dark Reign (and another 5000 for the previous releases).

Thanks for your continued support.

Excellent work.

One issue I have seen is the implementation of Best Quality Synthetic Muscle Grafts.

The -10 to Agility is to Agiliity Tests not to the Agility Characteristic.

Yes, there are a few implants and cybernetics that modify tests but not the actual attribute. I haven't had the time to go through all the books and double-check to make a list for memetix, though.

Sorry. There is an issue, but I misidentified it. I now see two problems.

The first is with the 'Brute' Mutation Line 2280 - Menus sheet. This sets a -10 to agility - which is not given in the RT mutations Table (RT p369).

Correcting this leaves all Agility skills 10 points higher than they should be. I see that Synthetic Muscle Grafts (BEST) gives the 'Clumsy' Talent - which should apply a -10 to agility tests. However, this does not appear to be applied to the Character Sheets. I have yet to figure out how this modifiers are applied…

Fresnel said:

Sorry. There is an issue, but I misidentified it. I now see two problems.

The first is with the 'Brute' Mutation Line 2280 - Menus sheet. This sets a -10 to agility - which is not given in the RT mutations Table (RT p369).

Correcting this leaves all Agility skills 10 points higher than they should be. I see that Synthetic Muscle Grafts (BEST) gives the 'Clumsy' Talent - which should apply a -10 to agility tests. However, this does not appear to be applied to the Character Sheets. I have yet to figure out how this modifiers are applied…

You are right - thanks. Brute in the Dark Heresy setting does give a -10 to Ag, but not in Rogue Trader. The fix is simple, unhide the Menus sheet and delete the -10 in cell K2280.

I'll also ensure that the 'clumsy' trait automatically updates the skill values on the character sheet in the next release.

I have seen another issue:

Skills sheet: AY46:AY48

The formulas in these cells is out of step with the others:

For example: AY46

=IF(OR(AO46="",AO46="Common Lore (Int)",AO46="Schoalstic Lore (Int)",AO46="Forbidden Lore (int)",AND(AO46<>"Polyglot (int)",ISERROR(FIND("Infused",AO46)),LEFT(AO 48 ,3)=" - ",LEFT(AO46,3)<>" - ",AU46=""),NOT(ISNUMBER(AX46))),"",ROUNDDOWN(AX46/IF(OR(AQ46=1,AU46=1),1,2),0)+10*(IF(AU46=1,2,SUM(AR46:AS46)))+IF(AV46="",0,AV46))

The figure in bold/italic/underlined should be 47 - one more than the ("Infused",AO46) test.

BTW, nicely constructed workbook. My Excel-foo is weak, but this is neat enough for me to follow. :)

Rogue Trade p 137

"Any armour that provides 7 or more AP inflicts a -30% penalty on Concealment and Silent Move tests."

Version 6.31 only gives a -20%.

So Power Armour should give a total modifier of -40 (-30% for the AP8 and -10 for Hulking).