Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Awesome. Thanks once again!

Thanks for the updated sheet :)

However, when transferring a DH Secutor from 6.1 - 6.2, I found an extra 200 xp.. it appears that 6.2 is not tabulating the xp costs of Heightened senses seperately.. I have Sight, Sound, Touch and it has a total cost of 100xp under talent summary instead of 300.

On the Talent selection sheet it is not counting the costs for Sight or Touch; it says 100xp each, but does not deduct that cost when purchased.

sirdigbychknczr said:

However, when transferring a DH Secutor from 6.1 - 6.2, I found an extra 200 xp.. it appears that 6.2 is not tabulating the xp costs of Heightened senses seperately.. I have Sight, Sound, Touch and it has a total cost of 100xp under talent summary instead of 300.

On the Talent selection sheet it is not counting the costs for Sight or Touch; it says 100xp each, but does not deduct that cost when purchased.

Good spot - none of my test characters showed up that bug, thanks for tracking it down.

When adding in the new machine trait I over-wrote a formula in the talent sheet. To fix it, unprotect the talent sheet and change the formula in cell O29 to


The +SUM(O30:O33) is the new bit

Then re-protect the sheet and save the workbook.

I'll fix this for real in the next release.

That did it, thanks for the quick support!

I have version 6.2 running in Excel 2010 and I cannot get the armor/weapons to show up in the Equipment tab. Is there a specific character that needs to be entered into the Owned column on the Shop tab? I've tried X, O, 'yes'.

The sheet changes the text to green, so it responds to the change (owned/carried both populate with whatever character I type into Owned).

Also, Weight is not calculating for equipment I have selected. It looks like, other than the change in text color, the sheet is just not aware of the things I have selected.

Xyridin said:

I have version 6.2 running in Excel 2010 and I cannot get the armor/weapons to show up in the Equipment tab. Is there a specific character that needs to be entered into the Owned column on the Shop tab? I've tried X, O, 'yes'.

The sheet changes the text to green, so it responds to the change (owned/carried both populate with whatever character I type into Owned).

Also, Weight is not calculating for equipment I have selected. It looks like, other than the change in text color, the sheet is just not aware of the things I have selected.

If you put the quantity owned in that column (i.e. 1) then you should find it all starts to work.

last time i'll bug you for a while, i promise :D

Under Talent Summary, 'Mechanicus Implants' states that you recieve 2 Bionic Implants.

I can't find that benefit (the free implants, not the talent itself) anywhere in the DH Core book or the official Errata. Am I missing something or mis-reading this?

I want those free Bionic Implants.. but I also really don't wanna cheat.. :D

sirdigbychknczr said:

last time i'll bug you for a while, i promise :D

Under Talent Summary, 'Mechanicus Implants' states that you recieve 2 Bionic Implants.

I can't find that benefit (the free implants, not the talent itself) anywhere in the DH Core book or the official Errata. Am I missing something or mis-reading this?

I want those free Bionic Implants.. but I also really don't wanna cheat.. :D

That is a hang over from the really early days of the spreadsheet when it only supported Rogue Trader. The description is based on the Explorator, who does get 2 free bionics. I'll change the description ….. thanks for pointing it out.

I notice that Good Quality Bionic Arms give a +1 DMG bonus to melee weapons. But I cannot see that the rules say this is so.

Have I missed something?

Darth Smeg said:

I notice that Good Quality Bionic Arms give a +1 DMG bonus to melee weapons. But I cannot see that the rules say this is so.

Have I missed something?

I've re-checked the rules and errata and I have to concur with you that is an error, I must have assume that the +10 to Str tests gave +1 damage, but since this is not a strength test I will fix this in the next release.



just a quick bug I found whilst building a character last night, if you create a DH assassin and give it the Redemptionist alternate rank at rank 1 it create a circular reference error in the section of the advances sheet that calculates experience.



Thanks Surak,

There is a problem with Faith talents (when you get Rank + 1 of them). The lookup of rank caused the circular reference and this depends on the advances ticked which feeds into xp spent which determines rank …..

The fix will be in the next release….

Choosing "Gunmetal City" as homeworld prevents you from taking the "Bortherhood of Thollos" background. This background states "Hive world" as requirement, and I believe Scintilla qualifies :)

Also, taking the "Confessor" alternate rank for Clerics triggers a circular reference for working out XP spent on skills. I don't think this happened in earlier versions, so this is a "new" bug :)

Darth Smeg said:

Also, taking the "Confessor" alternate rank for Clerics triggers a circular reference for working out XP spent on skills. I don't think this happened in earlier versions, so this is a "new" bug :)

I think I found this one: In Advances!H3815 there is a reference to Rank, which is calculated from the skills/talents XP sums, which again use this cell to populate the advancement options. I "solved" it by changing the description to a static text, but this loses the ability to display just how many Faith Talents you can purchase.

But there is another error with the Confessor (and perhaps other careers). When you choose the Alternate rank, you are supposed to Replace your starting skills. But it seems that the sheet gives the new skills in addition to the ordinary ones. So you start with Literacy +10, for free.

Thanks Darth,

You are right, when I found the bug you reported earlier I fixed all the faith talents that referred to rank.

I'm hoping to have another bash at adding new material in the next week or so and I'll release the fix as part of that.

Wanted to voice my thanks for the excel sheet, it's made explaining character creation to new players much easier. I'll make a donation once I get my paypal updated later today.

Is it possible to add the alternate career paths for Seraphim or is it all ready in the sheet and I am just doing something wrong to get it

It should be already there …… looking at the code (I don't have the books handy) the pre-requisites are

Book of Martyrs = Yes

Career = Battle Sister

Rank >=5

Ballistics and Weapon skills >=35


Another request:

Ability to select chosen ammo on the equipment page, and for DMG/Pen effects to be included in calculated profile on the print-sheet.

On the same subject, Bleeder rounds are listed in the Shop as "+3 damage to bio, ap doubled", but there is no mentioning of this AP doubling in the book, nor in the errata, as far as I can tell.

More oddities I compiled:


Frag has setting Core

Frag Grenade has Setting Astartes and really is Astartes Frag grenade

Blind Grenade has the same problem and should be Astartes Blind Grenade


Ref: post of Ross Watson, Senior RPG Developer: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp?efid=212&efcid=3&efidt=441091&efpag=0#442266

Only Bionic Locomotion (+2), Bionic Heart (+1) and Bionic Arms (+2) seem to be giving the proper Toughness bonus. Keeping in mind that stacking Cybernetics can’t get you over +2.

Astartes Servo-Arm, Astartes Servo-Harness, Bionic Respitory give Body +2

Augur Array, Cybernetic Senses, Mind Impulse Unit give Head +2

And adding the stuff from The Lathe Worlds would be nice. No pressure :)

This might have been asked before, but the thread is a daunting 50+ pages long, but; Is there any way to add my own custom alternate career ranks? Also, suppose I would like to remove talents or skills granted by a starting Career (such as would be the case if I was trying to persuade my GM to give me Pistol Weapons Training (Universal) instead of Basic Weapons Training (Universal)) - adding the former as a free elite advance is easy enough, but removing the latter seems impossible.

Fgdsfg said:

This might have been asked before, but the thread is a daunting 50+ pages long, but; Is there any way to add my own custom alternate career ranks? Also, suppose I would like to remove talents or skills granted by a starting Career (such as would be the case if I was trying to persuade my GM to give me Pistol Weapons Training (Universal) instead of Basic Weapons Training (Universal)) - adding the former as a free elite advance is easy enough, but removing the latter seems impossible.

There is no way to remove talents without making some changes under the hood. Thankfully that is fairly easy to do. You'll need to unhide the Menus sheet, find the row that grants the pistol training and delete that entry (in either the trained or basic skills section).

To add your own alternate rank the simplest thing to do is to replace one of the existing entries in the menus sheet and then unhide the advances sheet and add the talents and skills that you want. Copy down the formulas in columns A:D and T:V

Memetix said:

Fgdsfg said:

This might have been asked before, but the thread is a daunting 50+ pages long, but; Is there any way to add my own custom alternate career ranks? Also, suppose I would like to remove talents or skills granted by a starting Career (such as would be the case if I was trying to persuade my GM to give me Pistol Weapons Training (Universal) instead of Basic Weapons Training (Universal)) - adding the former as a free elite advance is easy enough, but removing the latter seems impossible.

There is no way to remove talents without making some changes under the hood. Thankfully that is fairly easy to do. You'll need to unhide the Menus sheet, find the row that grants the pistol training and delete that entry (in either the trained or basic skills section).

To add your own alternate rank the simplest thing to do is to replace one of the existing entries in the menus sheet and then unhide the advances sheet and add the talents and skills that you want. Copy down the formulas in columns A:D and T:V