Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Hehe yeah, I tend to be easily recognizable :) Slighlty off-topic (sorry thread) but yes a new pic would be great, I seem to have changed a bit after you did the first one (for the rest of you: I only passed one toughness test in the series of 4 when gaining new Nav powers....) . I do like the idea of floating, don't like the idea of the fish-bowl much though, hope I'm not too picky. And yeah, those half-rations will suck, I'll be limited to 6 meals a day :(

Mmm I don't know if this thread still is being watched/the sheet being updated, but I'd thought I'd point out the elite advance packages for Rogue Trader from Into the Storm. These packages cost xp and give a new trait as bonus, as well as opening up extra advances. Would be nice if this could be included (ItS p.102).

Still being watched ..... but there isn't much work going on at the moment. My attempts at collaberative development have hit a brick wall and I'm busy with other projects at the moment, meaning this is on the back burner. I will get back to it though, I have no intention to let it die.

I didn't implement those packages explicitly since the sheet already allows you to enter elite advances (talents/traits can be entered on the advancement sheet) and acquire other skills (on the skill sheet). I believe everything on the pages your mentioned can be entered into the sheet as it stands.

Yeah, this sheet now does pretty much everything I'd like it to.

We've started using the BC rules for most things in our group, while still playing a DH game. There are some differences that aren't covered by this sheet, but this is mostly fixable with a little Excel knowledge.

For example, Crushing Blow and Mighty Shot give a flat +2 Bonus in DH, but give a bonus equal to half your WS/BS bonus in BC. There are probably others, but I don't think this warrants "official" development unless you decide to cover BC as well...

I understand if you're busy and this sheet takes the backseat, good luck with your other endeavors!

If you do happen to have some time for the sheet:

Regarding the elite advances: These give you a unique trait when you that them, and they also have a XP cost. I put it in by hand now, also works (wasn't sure about that before), but if you ever find the time it would be awesome to include them, basically it's only 3 traits:

Writ of Authority , 600xp (Servant of the Golden Throne advance) , p. 104 ItS

Unholy Insight, 400xp (Glimpse from beyond advance), p 105 ItS

Binary Cortex, 1000xp (Rite of Duplessence advance), p 106.

Also if you sometime could look into those 2 "bugs" I mentioned (Navigator mutation "talons" missing and too much bonus for Nomadic house), that would be much appreciated.

In the interest of eradicating the remaining bugs:

Fate-Eater Package (Demon Hunter P44)

Sheet gives you 0 Fate points if you were previously at 1

Sheet doesn't take away your starting Divination benefits (although you can of course not put anything there, so not a real issue)

There is, however, a bookkeeping issue. Although you start with 0 Divinations, you keep accumulating Destinies as you absorb them 1 by 1 when you consume the Fate of others. The sheet doesn't allow for inputting this (and frankly it seems like a bother to fix)

Could you add the drugs and poisons from the GMs kit?

Table 2-6: Calixian Poisons
Name Cost† Availability
Black Janix Venom 800 Rare
Morphia-V 550 Scarce
Dusk Lotus 1,000 Rare
Tox-Jack 10 Abundant
Sump Vine Sap 50 Common
Ars Imperialis Mortua 5,000 Very Rare
Powdered Maidensfoil 200 Average
Tyche’s Kiss 450 Rare
Ash Slug Secretion 55 Average
† Cost indicates one dose.


I want to add to the thanks for the great sheet.

Is there anyway that I can get the sheet to print on a larger part of the page? Perhaps I am just not seeing it, but I use it for convention gaming and some of the folks have complained about it. Usually my response is "Hey when you have one that is better, let me know".


Cheers for the great sheet, some issues though:

Using Open Office 3.3 using your suggestions. Am a total noob at excel, forgive me if I'm being dumb.

Info about the options I was using in case you need it:

Homeworld: Monastic Upbringing

Career: Cleric

Rank: 1 (Frateris Militia Alternate Rank)

  1. I had to adjust my roll so that it calculated my starting wounds correctly, I have the Monastic Upbringing homeworld option selected, and the maximum wounds they can have is 13, not 16 as your sheet currently says. (Dice roll of a 10 gives a result of 16 wounds)
  2. The Mendicantine Missionary background package grants the character Common Lore (Imperium) for free (well, 100exp) - although when trying to add this to my character sheet I couldn't find a way to manually reduce the EXP cost to 0 as it kept costing it as 100. I had no issues with the other skills that package grants though, I believe this to be because Common Lore (Imperium) is available to me at Rank 1.
  3. From my homeworld option I should have a total of 4 traits listed, instead I only have one about making the sign of the Aquila. Is this intended?

I am busy incorporating the bugs fixes and ideas recently posted here or emailed to me. Thanks for the feedback and sorry it has taken so long to get back onto this project.

I expect a new release over the weekend which will also include the new chapters from First Founding.

With the recent release of OpenOffice 3.4 I had hoped to get the macros working in both Excel and OO but it appears that all VBA support has been removed from OO and load times are now incredibly slow. I have uninstalled OpenOffice and will no longer be testing on that platform. I may try LibreOffice to see if that is any better.

@DeadManWaltzing - I have tested your character build in Excel (not OO) and hope the issues are due to not fully understanding the sheet, rather than a bug. The wounds roll is 1d5 (not 1d10). I get a max of 13 wounds when putting a 5 into the wounds rolled cell. The background package automatically grants the skill, you don't need to "buy" it on the skills sheet. The "missing" talents/skills for the Monastic Upbringing are select as choices on the Character Generation Sheet (Starting talents/Starting Skills).

@rdowney1 - The sheet is set up for A4 sized paper. You could try adjusting the print margins I guess - I haven't tried it myself. There is a lot to fit on each sheet. I tend to print the Character Sheet (not the modern one) and then print the Talent Summary and Gear Summary separately.

koalachan said:

In the interest of eradicating the remaining bugs:

Fate-Eater Package (Demon Hunter P44)

Sheet gives you 0 Fate points if you were previously at 1

Sheet doesn't take away your starting Divination benefits (although you can of course not put anything there, so not a real issue)

There is, however, a bookkeeping issue. Although you start with 0 Divinations, you keep accumulating Destinies as you absorb them 1 by 1 when you consume the Fate of others. The sheet doesn't allow for inputting this (and frankly it seems like a bother to fix)

I originally borrowed a copy of Demon Hunter and no longer have access to it. Could someone please let me know the specifics of Fate-Eater?

At the moment the sheet subtracts 1 fate point when the package is taken. I'm guessing this isn't quite right. You can manually adjust the number of fate points you have on the Advancement sheet.

As for divinations, I think you're best putting this into the character description cell as and when you consume others ….

nikink said:

Small bug report: Some Talents and Cybernetics and such give a penalty to Agility, others give a penalty to Agility Rolls, but the sheet just applies all penalties to Agility.

It's a subtle but significant difference, as subtracting from Agility at all times quickly screws up meeting the prerequisites of other Talents etc that would otherwise be met, as well as reducing the Agility Bonus (which mostly affects movement rates, Unnatural Speed and Unnatural Agility).

Can you point me at the entries that are not working as expected please?

I-E Harkness said:

Thanks, got that sorted with the experimental Imperial Psyker character, but my original character still has a problem. He was an Arbite with Nascent Psyker. He took the The Mind's Eye Opens Transition Package (and became Sanctioned, thankfully ^_^ )

Under The Mind's Eye Opens, the benefits are:

Psy Rating: Increase your Psy Rating by +1. If you do not currently have a Psy Rating, gain Psy Rating 1. Select one Major
Psychic Power and two Minor Psychic Powers from the Dark Heresy Rulebook.

Now he has Psy Rating 1, and should have access to a Major Psychic Power and two Minor Powers. Unfortunately, I can't find any way to unlock a Discipline to choose my Major Power.

Thanks for the quick reply to my question…here's hoping you have some quick advice for this one, lol.

- Inquisitor-Exorcist Harkness

This will be fixed in the new release - your dropdown menu will now show "Psy Rating 1 [biomancy] " etc. and allow you to choose the discipline.

Sorry it wasn't a quick response this time.

Memetix said:

originally borrowed a copy of Demon Hunter and no longer have access to it. Could someone please let me know the specifics of Fate-Eater?


Career: Any
Cost: 400xp

[…] Fluffstuff […]

Effects Apply all of the following to your character:
Talents: The character gains the Dark Soul Talent.
Divination: The character begins play with no Divination.
Fate: The character begins with 1 less Fate Point than normal (to a minimum of 1).
Consume Fate: Every time the character is involved in the killing of any character with Fate Points, the Touched by the Fates Trait, or who the GM feels is significantly important, the character rolls once on the Divination chart and gains that Divination. Keep track of what Divinations have been applied, as no Fate-Eater can have the same Divination more than once.

Thanks Madner Kami.

Memetix said:

nikink said:

Small bug report: Some Talents and Cybernetics and such give a penalty to Agility, others give a penalty to Agility Rolls, but the sheet just applies all penalties to Agility.

It's a subtle but significant difference, as subtracting from Agility at all times quickly screws up meeting the prerequisites of other Talents etc that would otherwise be met, as well as reducing the Agility Bonus (which mostly affects movement rates, Unnatural Speed and Unnatural Agility).

Can you point me at the entries that are not working as expected please?

I shall get these to you in the next couple of weeks; books are in storage. :)

This is the best character sheet I have ever seen; it is the only one I use for Rogue Trader. Thank you.

Any chance that the rules from the supplement Hostile Acquisitions will be added to the sheet soon?

bloody malth said:

This is the best character sheet I have ever seen; it is the only one I use for Rogue Trader. Thank you.

Any chance that the rules from the supplement Hostile Acquisitions will be added to the sheet soon?

I'm playing next weekend and I'll see if I can borrow the book from our GM.

I don't play Deathwatch so I'm not 100% sure that the changes I've been making for First Founding are correct.

Before I release the next version I could do with some feedback. Does anyone fancy testing a beta release for me?

I've implemented everything except the new solo/squad modes for the original chapters.

Email me (address is on the instructions sheet of the current release) and I'll reply with a link to the new release.

Version 6.1 has now been released and can be downloaded here .

I've added all the material from First Founding, with the exception of the new squad/solo modes. It also includes bug fixes for all of the recent issues raised on the forum. Full details can be found on the release notes sheets.

Several people have asked if they can offer financial support to the project so I have added a PayPal donate button to my website. Thank you for all the support.


Lovely :)

Now if you could only make it brew some coffee too, it would solve all my gaming needs!

Perhaps I'm missing it, but are the Ecclesiarchal Cell Directives from Blood of Martyrs included? If so, where does one enable it?

Thanks in advance.

The Cell Directives are not implemented explicitly, the talents can be taken as elite advances and skill costs can be adjusted on the skills sheet.

Thanks to a generous donation from a current user who requested some new features, I am currently working on Hostile Acquisitions.

During testing Nik pointed out a flaw in the last release. While trying to get the macros to work in LibreOffice I introduced a bug in the colouring of the main character sheet. This sets the ink colour to be the same as the background colour for the top part of the character sheet, making a lot of important information effectively disappear!

You can work around this by unprotecting the sheet, highlighting the affected cells and changing the ink colour manually.

If you know a bit of VBA, the code to change is in the macro called ChangeColour

The line that currently reads

Range("A1:BZ7").Font.Color = bg

should be

Range("A1:BZ7").Font.Color = fg

Alternatively you can wait for version 6.2 which should be ready to release within the next couple of days.

After that I'll start work on the book of judgement.

Version 6.2 is now available here .

I've fixed the issue mentioned in the previous post as well as

  • Added material from Hostile Acquisitions (alternative ranks, equipment)
  • Implemented the core rule restrictions on origin paths (i.e. moving from 1 column to an adjacent one) as detailed in Into the storm . This feature can be turned off in the house rules section if your GM allows a free form selection from the origin path options
  • Added missing exotic weapon proficiencies for Vindicare Assassins
  • Added missing talents to cleric level 7 (as per errata)
  • Display "the flesh is weak" and "physical perfection" talents in summary form as Machine (X) on the character sheet

Fantastic work as usual.

Well done.