Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Hi there. Have been using your wonderful excel sheet for a bit now. Great work!

One thing it would be nice to see is the Rapid Reload feat implemented when chosen.

Hartygan said:

Hi there. Have been using your wonderful excel sheet for a bit now. Great work!

One thing it would be nice to see is the Rapid Reload feat implemented when chosen.

Good idea, I'll put that into the next release.

It's impressive. There's also Hostile Aquisitions (soon) and Book of Judgement to add in.

Equipping a Knife (plain, old knife, from the Core) lists it as a Thrown weapon, but it is listed as Melee in the shop.

Not to cinfuse with the Throwing Star/Knife, which is listed as Thrown and equipped as such.

Taking the Templar Calix alternative Rank for Psykers at Rank 4 changes the costs of Characteristics Advancements.

This currently changes the cost of already purchased advances, which means the XP-tracking gets messed up.

Ie, if you had already spent 100 + 250 XP to increase Intelligence by 10, then take the alternative rank the sheet will now state you have spent 500 + 750 for those advances.

Also, the sheet allows me to select the Host Bound background package for Imperial Psyker, but this is not an allowed combination. (The Deamon Hunter book actually says: "Career: Any except Tech-Priest or Sanctioned Psyker", but I'm assuming Sanctioned = Imperial as there isn't really any other class of Psykers to confuse it with.

The starting Skills Common Lore (Imperial) and Scrutiny is listed on the skill area and checked in the skill section but does not show up on the skill sheet and everything I have tried to fix the problem have not not worked. these are both for the deathwatch game settings.

Darth - the Templar Calix is a bit of pain, the sheet should provide instructions (below the xp spent summary on the Advancement sheet) on what to do when selecting this alternative rank in order to address the xp issues. I haven't checked it recently to see if the message still appears....

I no longer have a copy of Daemon Hunter to check on so I'll implement the Host-bound changes using the rules you've quoted - thanks.

My weekly Dark Heresy game finished a few months ago and I'm not likely to see the new material being published so I'm afraid the sheet might rapidly get out of date unless someone else wants to take on the job of keeping it up to date.

In the most part, new careers and backgrounds are really easy to add.

Anyone willing to take this on? There are many of us who would gladly make donations for this kind of work!

I'm willing to give it a go, but my excel skills aren'tin the same league as memetix. Updating careers and origins might be the best I can do.

I'm developing a Google Docs based sheet that I'll likely push out for public testing sometime this week.

I'm actually working on my excel skills to be able to do this, but right now it's only second priority. Should be able to invest more time in it as of next year.

Made a post about my GDocs sheet, javascript:void(0);/*1323040142753*/

Posting in this thread actually got me to finish the part I was holding as my hurdle to a first publishing.

I would be willing to try but i have limited excel knowledge limited at this time. I also only have access to the deathwatch books.


First of all thank you for making this.

When I make a psyker and level him to become a scholar materum, I can not choose the talent: Psychic power.

This should be available according to the core rulebook.

Can you fix this please?

I might be doing something wrong or have encountered a bug using OpenOffice.

I can't figure out how to add skills to a seneschal character. There are no dropdown menus on the skills tab. The only Cells that can be manipulated are XP and Value cells.

I cannot figure out how characteristic advances work either. All cells are greyed out for advances. I haven't used any xp yet for the character except for origins.

Otherwise, this tool is increadible, once I figure out how to use these things it'l be an excellent help for me and my players so kudos for that.

Alright was some kind of bug. I made a new character sheet, used raw recalculation and saved it as .ods and it worked fine again.

A friend of mine is having a problem with the program, and me and the GM can't figure out whether it is something they (and us) have done, or if it's something with the program.

Basically the problem is that the xp doesn't seem to be adding up correctly.

On the advancements page, the the first column with xp says they've gained 2050 xp, and started with 5000. They spent 450 on background and 6600 on other things. the column then says they have spent all their xp.

Yet in the xp spent column, it says the person has only spent 6600, so it doesn't seem to be adding the background options (it lists the career (4500), characteristics (1100) , skills (100) and talents (900).

We're playing Rogue Trader, and the options chosen are from the Into the Storm alternate background options. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Currently all we've come up with is entering the 450 in the other box, but then it keeps trying to tell us the person has spent to much xp. Because it thinks the person has only spend 6600, it won't give them access to the rank 2 options.

The sheet sounds like it is working as expected. XP spent on background packages doesn't count towards your level as explained in the rule books in various places. (I don't have the books to hand so I can't quote a page number but this has been discussed in this thread a few times so you could find the details there).

I hope this helps....

Thanks for the offers to keep the sheet going, it has been a really enjoyable project and I'm glad that many people have benefited to date. Can i suggest that those who are interested email me and we can come up with a plan.

Thanks. We hadn't noticed the line that said that.

Thank you so much for this fine tool for our gaming. It is wonderful.

In the latest update of the character sheet, I tried to build a Blood Angels Deathwatch Character and noticed that after I shopped for equipment and then went to equip the character, the items I selected at the store were not visible in the equip sections if the worksheet and would not let me select items from them.

Can you assist us Red Leader; can you assist us?

Merry Christmas as well!

Donovan Obray said:

Thank you so much for this fine tool for our gaming. It is wonderful.

In the latest update of the character sheet, I tried to build a Blood Angels Deathwatch Character and noticed that after I shopped for equipment and then went to equip the character, the items I selected at the store were not visible in the equip sections if the worksheet and would not let me select items from them.

Can you assist us Red Leader; can you assist us?

Merry Christmas as well!

I have just created a Blood Angel character, shopped for some random equipment and then tried to equip it and it all works for me (using Excel 2007) so I'm afraid I don't know what to suggest. In the shop, did you enter the values in the owned column? This should auto-populate the value in the carried column. Only equipment in the "carried" column of the shop appears in the dropdown lists on the Equipment sheet.

teramaze said:

The starting Skills Common Lore (Imperial) and Scrutiny is listed on the skill area and checked in the skill section but does not show up on the skill sheet and everything I have tried to fix the problem have not not worked. these are both for the deathwatch game settings.

Thanks for reporting this bug - I've finally got around to taking a look and there was indeed a bug in the skills sheet - it will be fixed in the next release.

nichopol said:


First of all thank you for making this.

When I make a psyker and level him to become a scholar materum, I can not choose the talent: Psychic power.

This should be available according to the core rulebook.

Can you fix this please?

Thanks, you are right - the psychic power talent was missing from the this level - fixed in the next release.

If you hadn't already worked it out, you can add it as an elite advance in the mean time.

Version 6.05 is now available for download here .

It is a minor release and addresses all the outstanding bugs reported recently in this thread.

  • Display of talent list in open office
  • Rank 5 Rogue Trader skill list
  • Implemented effects of rapid reload talent
  • Host-Bound pre-requisites
  • Knife as a melee weapon
  • Missing skills on character sheet
  • Missing psychic power for scholar maternum rank
  • Improved support for Wyrdling mutation

Thanks for all the hard work Memetix, I've found it really useful for banging out pregen characters for one-shot games.

Do you have any plans to include Black Crusade chargen in the sheet?