Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Version 6.02 is now online here .

  • Fixed Compact weapon upgrade
  • Added force fields to equipment sheet and both character sheets
  • Fixed interaction between unnatural strength and weapons like power fists that add double strength to damage. These now add 1 to the unnatural multiplier if appropriate.
  • Fixed prerequisites for Feared by the Warp
  • Added Talented [pilot - personal] to the strike squad rank 8 advances

Routa-maa - I no longer have access to the Daemon hunter book and I realised that I didn't address the last issue you raised (Purgative Master). Could you (or someone else) explain the effect it is supposed to have please?

Lemme see serio.gif

Purgative Master
The Grey Knight knows the Astral Aim psychic power in
addition to other powers he may know. A Purgation Squad
Grey Knight also treats the Rank requirement of Heavy Weapons
as two lower than normal

Here you go Memetix happy.gif

Hey Memetix. Only thing now noticed when have been playing little bit more with psykers from RT that noticed that you haven't included Naduesh versions of force weapons.

Some things I noticed when trying to recreate my current character:

Trials and Travails: A product of upbringing - rivals - rival ()

This is missing the peer talent that is also gained. It can be added as an elite advance, of course, but I'm thinking that isnt really the point. :)

The Dark Sight trait doesn't give a -10 penalty in areas of bright light, it is the Nightstrider mutation that does that.

Heightened Sense gets listed twice on the character sheet.

The Sturdy trait doesn't list a benefit on the character sheet.

The Sprint talent doesn't update movement rates on the character sheet.

Making up a separate character it looks like either the wyrdling mutation isn't working on astropaths properly or I don't know how to make it work. Considering that this bit is probably really complicated or difficult it likely isn't a big deal.

I don't think the Sprint Talent *should* modify the movement rates on the sheet, as it can only be used every second turn at most without causing fatigue.

I have found a few errors and things that might need to be addressed.
1. Right Place, Right Time give a +10 to Pilot (personal) not the Advancement +10 the Pilot (personal) that the program is given me for free right now.
2. This might be an error or I do not know where to find it in the program. The Mark VI Corvus Amour that gives an + 10 to agility, it is not adding to the character and therefore it is not modifying the based movement. If this is in there could you tell me where.
Nice program

Don't know if it's hard to implement in the sheet but notices that when you select psychic technique in the sheet it takes the 200xp when in the Errata it says

“Either through training or natural development, the Explorer has learned an additional Psychic Technique. Once this Talent has been selected, the Explorer must select one new Psychic Technique in any Discipline he possesses that possesses an xp cost equal to or lower than the xp cost of the Talent. Then, the Explorer spends xp equal to the cost of the Technique selected (if the Explorer cannot spend this xp for any reason, he may not select this Talent). Note: this Talent is unique in that the Explorer will not spend the xp cost listed in the Advance Tables of his Career in order to purchase it, but the xp cost of the Technique itself. The xp cost listed in the Advance Tables is provides solely to determine which Psychic Techniques may be selected via that particular Talent.

So selecting, for example, Short Range Telepathy it should only deduct 100xp not the 200xp.

Thanks for all the recent feedback, I should get some time this week to address the issues.

Can someone point me at the rules for Naduesh Force weapons?

Memetix said:

Thanks for all the recent feedback, I should get some time this week to address the issues.

Can someone point me at the rules for Naduesh Force weapons?

Naduesh Foirce weapons can be found in Into the Storm p.126. On p.127 there is rules how it works for non-psykers and how psy rating affects weapons damage and penetration.

Very minor problem: the ship's role Omnissianic Congregator is available only to those with the Forge World origin. It should also be available to any Explorator.

Darth - thanks - in the next release

Route-maa - I've added the Naduesh force weapons to the shop and updated the costs of the Psychic Techniques

Teramaze - I've added the +10 Ag for the armour. I don't really understand the problem with the Right place, Right time trait. Could you expand please?

Coldshard - still working on your points ... I agree with NikNik regarding Sprint, however the other issues are all valid.

Hopefully I'll get a release out over the weekend or early next week.

Version 6.03 is available on Dark Reign and here .

It is a minor release that addresses the issues raised recently on the forum and via email.

  • Reduced rank requirements for heavy weapons for Purgation Squad
  • Fixed Gunmetal City starting traits
  • Fixed xp costs for Astropath Psychic Talents (uses errata rules)
  • Added Agility bonus granted by Mk6 Power armour
  • Added Naduesh Force weapons to shop
  • Added option to select peer group for "Product of Upbringing"
  • Added support for Wyrdling psychic rating and powers
  • Fixed bug with major power allowance granted by Psy Rating 4

Thanks for all the feedback.

The program is giving me the Pilot Personal +10 free when I take Right time and place. It should be a + 10 bonus to pilot personal. for an example I should be able to take the +10 personal pilot skill as an advancement, if i had AG 50 Pilot Personal + 10 and right time right place +10 for a total 70 for the the pilot personal. as it stand it works right now I can not taking the advancement + 10 so that my total is 60. I hope that make its clear.


There seems to be some kind of bug in Talents sheet. It shows that "Moving or deleting of cells has caused cell dysfuntion that does not compute or something like that" Dont know for certain as im trying to translate it and google translator give gipperish.

Also seems like Rank 1 Astropath Psychic Techniques are busted, should be able to choose technique alteast costing 200xp and they also eat starting XP where thay should be free.

Sorry i did notice this when my first post right time and place also add +2 to Initiative.

The Wyrdling Mutation is giving 2 Minor Powers even when using Rogue Trader, instead of granting 2 psychic techniques as it should.

Keep up the fantastic work! :)

Ooops - I've tried a quick fix for the Astropath bugs and updated the "Right Place, Right Time" to give a +10 misc bonus to the skill.

I'll take another look at Wyrdling tomorrow...

Version 6.04 is now online.

Memetix, is it possible to add Black Crusade to the sheet?

And if not to much hassle a houserule (optional) to apply the changes from BC regarding skills and unnatrual attributes to RT would be awesome!

Obvously I'm not Memetix, but I don't think converting this sheet to BC is anywhere near an easy job. Because all the rules are more or less, rewritten, there's no easy conversion. What I see would have to happen is a BC sheet tacked onto this one in its entirety. In which case, everyone would be better served by just having a separate BC sheet.

(Not that I wouldn't *love* to have this sheet include BC rules, but, y'know, just can't see it as feasible.)

i second the addition of BC to the XML, i use the sheet for all my RT, DH, and, DW games all 4 of them i am currently Dming.

There seems to be a problem with the forum web pages, the top of the page being a large white area making it difficult to post new messages. I have reported this to the webmaster.

In the mean time I've had a hard disk failure and sadly lost some of my recent work. I've become a "user" and downloaded 6.04 and will build from there. Black Crusade is a lovely piece of work and I only wish the system had been designed like this from the start. I suspect a major rewrite would be in order to implement the changes in the spreadsheet. Allowing the sheet to switch between modes feels like more work than I'm keen to take on even if I do attempt to implement the BC rule changes.

problem appears to be solved with the forum :)

Is there anything i can do that would make it easier for you to implement possible changes from BC? If it would make it viable for you to then implement the changes i'm willing to input all data on a spreadsheet in a format that you specify?

Thanks for the kind offer of help, I appreciate it and know how much some of you would like this to be integrated into the sheet.

I don't own a copy of the book, I've just had a skim through a friend's copy so I can't even start to think about what would be involved at the moment. I've also dropped out of my role-playing group for the winter due to other commitments so I can't easily borrow a copy of Black Crusade until I see them in a few weeks time.

The first step would have to be creating a list of changes in BC and then detail what these would affect in the current sheet.

Secondly, we'd need to agree how best to implement the changes (in terms of the user interface).

If you could pull that together and either post it here in the forum, or email it to me, that would be a great start.

Could also help if you need to make it possible to add BC to this work.

This sheet has been many times lifesaver when have to keep book of characters progression.

Came into mind when was tinkering whit few ideas for my DW character to one game could it be possible to (and I understand it could possibly need some work to do) separate the differend deeds or make few more droplist for multiple selections of differend deeds as they tend to .

And for everyone to know never use Android smartphone with Opera browser and try to post to FFG forums. The Machine spirits are not compatible and may have some random effects to the post.

Cool, i'll work on that and mail it to you, though it'll likely take a couple of weeks. Bit of a busy stretch coming up for me as well.