Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

would be cool if you could add the stuff from Daemon hunter, specifically the Grey Knights :)

I'll try to get hold of a copy of Demon Hunter from a friend on Monday and add in the new character classes and then address the other issues raised recently.

I was hoping OpenOffice 3.4 would be available by now as I really want to get the macros for load/save working but there seems to be no news on a release date.

very cool, thx :)

How's the artificial intelligence going?

The PacMan competition closed last week, results will be published on the 1st September,

The early results looked hopeful - thanks for asking.

Cool :) I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Version 6 is now available on Dark Reign and from my home page .

In this release

  • Support for Grey Knights (as a new setting since it is not quite Ascension and not quite Deathwatch)
  • Support for all the background packages, alternative ranks and gear from Daemon Hunter
  • Fixes for "The Moritat" missing skills, Contaminated Environs (-3 Fel)
  • Cybernetics that add to toughness now subtract 1 wound to ensure the total wounds remain the same (If you have unnatural toughness I guess you'll still need to make a manual adjustment)

Having had a break from updating the sheet I was a bit rusty and I haven't done much testing so please post any problems to this forum (or email me).

Madner Kami - any changes to corruption or insanity due to packages or alternative ranks do not change or actual values. What does change is the phrase next to the Corrption or Insanity cells on the Character Generation sheet. i.e. when you take Seeker of Truth the phrase might change from 1d5 to 1d5+1. You have to change the value in the data entry cell manually (because it might have changed from 1d5 to 1d5+1d10 which would involve a dice roll).

Akil - I could really do with a copy of "your girls" characters in order to track down the problem. Could you possible save the .rtc files and email them to me please? (Email address is at the bottom of the instructions sheet)

Nuada_Obliage - The Mark VII armour is the same as the Astartes Power Armour in the shop.


I have an issue, If i use an explorator, use the :

1 - Forge World ( Int +3)

2 - CHild of Creed (will +3), Renegade (Dark Visionairy, Xenos)

3 --- > (_here is the issue_) Dark Voyage then I try to take a forbidden lore archeotech -- this does not seam to be taken in accoutn, I have a line in talents that says ( - Archeotech ) insteads of Talented Archeotech.

superb, thx a lot :)

Great stuff, sir! :)

Crisaron ....when you gain a skill more than once during character creation the rules suggest one of two things

  • You get the skill at +10 if you get it twice, or +20 if you get it 3 times!
  • You get the skill as trained and the talent "Talented [skill] "

I have implemented the first of these options in the sheet.

Having tried your example, if you look at the Skills sheet you will see you have forbidden lore [archeotech] at the +10 level.

If you want the talented option instead I suggest you add it as an elite advance (on the advances sheet) and untick the +10 on the skills sheet

for some reason it does not give me the +10 but it puts a " - Archoetoech" in the Talents and trait list at the same place as the Resistance (Fear) would have appeared.

Grey Knights - Cant select Astartes specific weapons

Seems like when you select backgrounds that use XP this is substracted from 5000 starting XP.

Example Voidborn - Unnatural Origins: Tainted by the Warp - Tainted - Darkness: Warp Incursion - Pride

After these selections my spent XP is 4700 not 5000 as it should be.

Routa - I'll ensure the Astartes shop items are available to Grey Knights

As per the rules, xp spent on backgrounds doesn't count towards your rank increases so what you are seeing is what I'd expect.
I know there are some people who interpret the rules differently to me however. preocupado.gif

Memetix said:

Routa - I'll ensure the Astartes shop items are available to Grey Knights

As per the rules, xp spent on backgrounds doesn't count towards your rank increases so what you are seeing is what I'd expect.
I know there are some people who interpret the rules differently to me however. preocupado.gif

OK. Was talking about some houserule options with my friend just now and I understand your point.

It's all in the Eye of Beholder

Minor update - version 6.01 now available on Dark Reign and here .

  • Added the weapon stats for all the Daemon Hunter gear
  • Added the Grey Knights specific gear to the shop
  • Fixed the Dark Visionary skill problem

The note boxes, instead of appearing when the right cell is hovered over, appear all the time.

Ladegard - that sounds like an option you have set in Excel and not something in the sheet itself.

In Office 2007 (the only one I have access to) you can change this setting in the "Review" ribbon under "Show All Comments"

The sheet is cool as it is.

Cheers for the great work!

What it doesn't support is the option to build high rank chars for ascension, where you don't have to follow one path in your career. But that would be asking too much I guess. As it uses lots of special rules. Probably too much.

Umbranus said:

What it doesn't support is the option to build high rank chars for ascension, where you don't have to follow one path in your career. But that would be asking too much I guess. As it uses lots of special rules. Probably too much.

It would be great indeed if we could mix classes indeed, but sadly so far FFG has not presented rules for this :(

I am not speaking about mixing careers but about the rules implemented in ascension for characters built for ascension (from rank 1 up)
With those rules you do not look at what you buy when and from which path in your career.

Those rules are much easier than having to buy up slowly through 8 ranks at char gen.

But as I said it is probably too complicated to implement.

Just wanted to clarify that I'm not talking about HR but about RAW.

Umbranus - I haven't tried the "top down" rules and as you say they differ enough from the standard rules to make it difficult to implement within my sheet.

As things stand I'm not considering a proper implementation but I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the what the sheet does offer.

Honestly, in my experience, using this sheet makes it so much faster to build up to Ascension through 8 Ranks that there's no need for the alternative method. The alternative method produces results somewhat weaker over all anyway, based on the couple of times I've made comparisons.

Had some trouble with weapon upgrade yesterday. Had chosen Compact from Shop Screen and in Equipment screen just Showed #Value in Upgrade menu. Could circumvent this by typing the name Compact in there but still If you could check this.

Also couldn't choose for Grey Knight the Feared by the Warp Talent although I had Focus of the Justicar talent. Also Strike Squad Grey Knight didn't have Talented [Pilot] in 8 rank advancement. Grey Knight Psychic Training 2 rank, Psychic Power: Nemesis Hammerhand seems to have Psy Rating 3 Prerequisition in your sheet and in Daemon Hunter Book have no Prerequisition.

Also Purgation Squad Grey Knight Purgative Masters lowering effect to heavy weapons doesn't seem to work.

Keep up the Good Work Memetix aplauso.gif

Thanks Routa-maa, I've found and fixed those issues, they will be included in the next release.

Memetix said:

Ladegard - that sounds like an option you have set in Excel and not something in the sheet itself.

In Office 2007 (the only one I have access to) you can change this setting in the "Review" ribbon under "Show All Comments"

****, that must have turned on during the last patching. You are completely correct.