Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

There are actually quite a few traits missing, in fact nearly all of them. Traits are in the RT core rulebook on p. 364-368. Here's what's missing, or at least in the elite advancement section:

Auto-stabilised, Bestial, Burrower, Crawler, Daemonic, Dark Sight, Hoverer, Fear 2-4, Flyer, From Beyond, Multiple Arms, Natural Armour, Natural Weapons, Phase, Quadruped, Regeneration, Size (Miniscule, Puny, Scrawny, Enormous, Massive), Sonar Sense, Soul-bound, Sturdy, Strange Physiology, The STuff of Nightmares, Toxic, unnatural senses, warp instability, warp weapon

From Its it's missing: lostock augmentation trait (p84), instinctual understanding & shamanic powers (p87), writ of authority (p104), unholy insight (p105), binary cortex (p106), sanctioned xenos (p108)

Disciples of the Dark gods: Untouchables p29


By your opinion what is the recomended career path for eldar in Rogue Trader(as you have house rule an eldar player to be)?

It appears that bionic limbs now add 2 AP as well as +2 TB on their locations.

I seem to remember that the +2AP was introduced because the sheet did not support location specific TB scores, but now that it does this double-counting is wrong.

I suggest removing the AP bonus from bionics.

A few more things as I was playing around:

The best quality Synthetic Muscle Grafts give a -10 to all Agility tests, not to the character's Agility score.

When power fists are combined with users who have unnatural strength, the strength bonus is not doubled, but rather treated as one step higher of unnatural strength. x2 becomes x3, and so on. Currently it gives an effective x4 bonus.

There should be a good and poor quality Mind Interface Unit, with different bonuses to different skills.

Darth - I believe the sheet works correctly, however I suspect that the problem you are seeing is occurring when you load a character with the old +2 AP bonus applied. The save file only stores the final values so these are being imported.

Can you try unequiping the armour (using the unequip button as this resets the formulas) and then re-equip it to see if this fixed your problem?

Thor - thanks very much for the equipment descriptions - I'll take a look when I have access to all the rule books (I only have the core rulebooks for RT and DH, I have to borrow everything else from my play group!).

As for Eldar - I have never used them so I don't have an opinion. If you check back in the thread you can see who it was asking for it to be implemented, maybe you could get some feedback from them.

Badlapje - thanks for the trait list. It's not top priority, but I'll put these on the to do list ....

Memetix said:

Badlapje - thanks for the trait list. It's not top priority, but I'll put these on the to do list ....

cool, no rush. And you'll probably decline again, but if you want i can buy you a source book to complement your collection (or i can just transfer that amount of money to a paypall account). I'm pretty sure that some of the other users of the sheet are willing to do so too. I don't expect anything in return, no special consideration or whatever. I'm already extatic with the work you do, and your new releases come out at a rate that i find astonishing. It's simply a way of saying thanks.

Here are the items from Dark Heresy ( without the latest book Daemon Hunter ):

This are also the items that you've missed from dark heresy and I didn't remind you of them:

Missed Dei'Phage Hand at page 14,Medispex Servo-skull page 22,The Scapula IV page 32 Black Sepuchre (book)

BM Reaver page 8 from Arastus Affair .

Destructor and Terrorfex page 89 Purge of the Unclean .

The Glass Assassin page 13,14 from the The Glass Assassin .

Relics from Blood and Martyrs pages 127-130.

Mega Armour page 103 Creature Anathema .

Combat Carapace page 126,The Calixian Black Grimoire page 192 Inquisitor Handbook .

Divination Foci page 48,Spindlethorn Sieve Blade page 152,Combi-Weapons page 153,Cameleoline Combat Armour page 154,Gill Filter page 156,Crown of Wonders,Yu’vat h Resonance page 211 The Radical Handbook .

A Book Unbound page 217;Bloody Seal,Silver Key, Greyskin Psalter,A Shattered Pauldron,A Xenoflesh Mask, An Onyx Statute,An Unknown Portrait,A Primitive Doll in a Glass Jar,The Gilded Widow page 218 ( Disciples of the Dark Gods )

Don't have rules but description and would be just selected and offer no bonus that the ones from description of the item:

Line Ascender ( Radical Handbook page 157),Grav-chute( Ascension page 146),Aerial Pinions( Inquisitor Handbook page 152),

Have rules :

Seraphim Jump Pack( Blood and Martyrs page 121 - Flyer(12)),Spider Pads( Radical Handbook page 158 +30/+10 to Climb Tests),Spine Pick, Faldon Kise( Inquisitor Handbook page 104 +10 Climb Tests),Axe-Rake( Inquisitor Handbook page 126 +10 Climb Tests also a weapon)Jump Pack( Inquisitor Handbook page 164 Flyer(12)),Grav-Flux Harness( Disciples of the Dark Gods page 48, Unnatural Speed (×2); +10 Dodge; Unnatural Strength/Agility (×2) for the purposes of leaping, climbing and tumbling only;if damaged 50% chance for 1d10 E Shock Damage to user),Clip/Drop Harness(+30 Climb Tests page 147 Core ) .

Where are the following backround packages:

1. Denounced and Condemned( Radical Handbook ).

2. Survivor of the Red Cages ( Tattered Fates page 67)

Where are the following alternative packages:

1.Forsaken Priest,Heretek Savant,Imperial Diviner,Malefic Scholar,Maltek Stalker,Mortiurge,Sin Eater,Tainted Psyker,Warp Dabbler,( Radical Handbook ).

2. Drill Abbott,Calixan Witchfinder( Blood and Martyrs ).

3. Survivor of the Red Cages ( Tattered Fates page 67).

4. Black Priest of Maccabeus,Bonded Emissary,Calixian Xeno-Arcanist,Chaliced Commissariat Operative,Feral Warrior,Legate Investigator,Malfian Bloodsworn,Mechanicus Secutor,Metallican Gunslinger,Moritat Reaper,Reclaimator,Sister Oblatia,Templar Calix of the Scholastia Psykana,Tyrantine Shadow Agent ( Inquisitor Handbook ).

Where are the elite advances:

1. Sworn Radical,Daemon Vessel,The Exorcised,Mark of the Phaenonite( Radical Handbook )


3. Encarta Maleficarum page 55,Cybernetic Resurrect ion page 87,Nascent Psyker page 90 ( Inquisitor Handbook ).

What about the cell directives from Blood and Martyrs ?

If you wish you can borrow my pdf versions of the books I have to help you in your work. I have all but the latest dark heresy book daemon hunter.

the background packages and alternative ranks - at least the ones i've seen are there when you get to the right rank and/or are on the right career path

dharkus said:

the background packages and alternative ranks - at least the ones i've seen are there when you get to the right rank and/or are on the right career path

I've tried to follow the book for the conditions for the background packages,alternatives ranks and for all that were listed there I didn't find them in the latest version of the excel sheet.

Memetix said:

Darth - I believe the sheet works correctly, however I suspect that the problem you are seeing is occurring when you load a character with the old +2 AP bonus applied. The save file only stores the final values so these are being imported.

Can you try unequiping the armour (using the unequip button as this resets the formulas) and then re-equip it to see if this fixed your problem?

I made a brand new character (opening the sheet, not loading a character). First step, choose Shop and select Bionic Left Arm and legs. On Equipment sheet there is now a "2" on both legs, but not the arm, interestingly (the "1" for damage is still there).

Back to shop, buy Xeno Mesh. Equipping Xeno Mesh gives 4AP all over, and 6 for legs. Moving on to Character sheet, I have TB of 2 on head, right arm and body, 4 for other parts.

So no, it is not an import bug. This was done using v. 5.95 of the sheet.

Got it Darth - thanks for the pointers.

I've ensured (in the next release) that bionic arms/legs give +2 toughness (all settings)

Bionic Heart gives +1AP (Rogue Trader) and +1TB (Deathwatch) and grants the Sprint Talent (all settings)

Memetix said:

Got it Darth - thanks for the pointers.

I've ensured (in the next release) that bionic arms/legs give +2 toughness (all settings)

Bionic Heart gives +1AP (Rogue Trader) and +1TB (Deathwatch) and grants the Sprint Talent (all settings)

What about my concerns?

saddly not enough time, to read all up at the moment.
so sorry if i just repeat a point.

my Girls mentioned to me that 3 things couldn't be done at the moment correctly.
1. Transistion packages for Sisters of Battle/Hospitaller/Dialogus/Famolus
2. Choosing at rank 5 the Celestian
3 Advancing from Hospitaller to Palantine

per Heresy begets Retribution this is entirly possible.
sad thing is my skills at Excel programming are too dull to find the Problem with the celestian myself and hand over a solution.

still, thought might help to look it up.

Argh some Female Gamers are bloodthirsty beyond imagination....
well thanks in advance.

For the RT background package of Contaminated Environs you forgot to substract -3 Fel.

Brute Mutation does not give -10 to player Ag.

Rogue Trader Setting, the Lure of the Void Option: "New Horizons - Seeker of Truth" doesn't add the +1 Corruption Point (Into the Storm, page 22)

Hm, i notice that if i take Machinator Array with my explorator then i gain 2 wounds (i'm a Death World character). Is this correct?

Just got an answer back from Sam on this which is pretty clear:

Re: Fantasy Flight Games [Rules Questions] - Rogue Trader
Wednesday, 20 July, 2011 17:11
"Sam Stewart" <[email protected]>
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[email protected]
Hello xxxxxxxxxxxxx,

Once you have determined your starting Wounds based on your Toughness Bonus, the only way to increase your Wounds total is the Sound Constitution Talent. Increasing Toughness does not increase Wounds.

He forgot the feel no pain trait that gives + 5 wounds, but concerning the issue at hand: i reckon that it could be solved by having machinator array and any mutations gained add the increase as a bonus on the character generation sheet rather then as a background increase. Personally i would like the option to either increase the wounds manually or to have the original handling (as it is now in other words) be applied as i'll houserule for my games that any increase in toughness also increases your wounds.

just noticed that the dusk homeworld (DH) doesn't appear to count as a feral world for the sake of moritat assassin - it wouldn't let me choose moritat with dusk as a homeworld and i had to allow invalid backgrounds - when i did this it didn't give me the skills that u get free with the package, the advanced skill doesn't show up and the basic skills are still at halve stat on the character sheet, the modern CS and the in the skills tab i'm not trained in any of them

I hope the author keeps fixing these Issues and posting updates

Thanks for keeping the forum going - I've been busy with other things recently. I hope to have some time in a couple of weeks time to address the issues raised and maybe look at the new material that has been published.

ok - cool - no prob - obviously the earlier the better to fix the problems - but i hope you get less busy soon

@Memetrix: thank the Emperor for that sign of life! We thought you were dead! :)

wel, i reckoned he was just on vacation myself.

I've been working on some proscribed artificial intelligence software - don't tell the inquisition.

Oh I found that yoru shop is missing the Mk VII Aquila armour for space marines