There are actually quite a few traits missing, in fact nearly all of them. Traits are in the RT core rulebook on p. 364-368. Here's what's missing, or at least in the elite advancement section:
Auto-stabilised, Bestial, Burrower, Crawler, Daemonic, Dark Sight, Hoverer, Fear 2-4, Flyer, From Beyond, Multiple Arms, Natural Armour, Natural Weapons, Phase, Quadruped, Regeneration, Size (Miniscule, Puny, Scrawny, Enormous, Massive), Sonar Sense, Soul-bound, Sturdy, Strange Physiology, The STuff of Nightmares, Toxic, unnatural senses, warp instability, warp weapon
From Its it's missing: lostock augmentation trait (p84), instinctual understanding & shamanic powers (p87), writ of authority (p104), unholy insight (p105), binary cortex (p106), sanctioned xenos (p108)
Disciples of the Dark gods: Untouchables p29