Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader


The background the disciples of Thule as detailed in the inquisitors handbook is missing the skills when selected.

The Disciple of Thule skills will be fixed in the next release - thanks HappyWanderer

Badlapje - I can't find anything in the rules that suggests you gain the multiple arms trait when you gain Multiple appendages mutation. Can you point me at the rule (or errata) please?

The Elite Advances section used to be free text entry and you can still type in anything for the name and description. As you say, the short cut pulldown menu only contains Talents (or traits you can purchase as a career advance). You can simply type in the trait you want if it is not in the list. If you want to see a list of the traits in the sheet, unhide the "Fixed Data" sheet, they are listed at the top left of the sheet.

I will move the "A machine of flesh" choices to the mutations sheet in the next release. If I try to use the values entered on the Talents sheet I end up with circular formulas. This mean that if you have a genetor, you will have to move your choices from the talent sheet to the mutations sheet once you have loaded the character.

I'm struggling to find a good solution for ammo at the moment. I will ensure that the clip size changes due to weapon upgrades are reflected on the Ammo sheet.

Memetix said:

Badlapje - I can't find anything in the rules that suggests you gain the multiple arms trait when you gain Multiple appendages mutation. Can you point me at the rule (or errata) please?

Hm, you are right. I tend to look up mutations at this site , i guess it's something old that's there. Makes sense to me that multiple appendages should give that, but then it's not there. I'll send in a question to FFG about it.

Also in the errata they removed multiple arms from the options of a machine of the flesh so you were right not to include it.

Heh heh, I just transferred my character from paper to the spreadsheet today and what do you know, once I had entered all my advances I had xp left over that I had missed. Awesome.

WS+5, thankyou very much.

Thank you for this very handy tool, I just went through the process of putting my character on it and I was very impressed by the ease of use.

That said, I have two relatively minor things to note: One is that under Officer on Deck, it says +10 to command on starships, +5 on fellowship tests with Void Born. Unless something's changed in the errata recently, I think it's just +5 to command on board starships. The other issue is that for whatever reason on the modern CS, it's not listing penetration values for some weapons, in my case, Power Sword and Plasma Pistol (standard and Ryza). This is on v5.96

Thanks again for the awesome tool!

Hotfoot - I wonder if there are 2 versions of the the Inquisitor's Handbook. On page 21 of my version of the book it defines "Officer on Deck" as per the sheet.

The Pen bug on the Modern CS will be fixed in the next release. Thanks.

Zakalwe - I'm glad you've enjoying it.

Good work so far.

A question : A lot of items that were missing and the sugestions that I've sugested on this thread on page 27? When the missing items will apear in the excel sheet?

Another question when the upgrades for armor will apear in shop and we would be able to customize our armor as we can customize our weapons? Depending on the item the bonus that the item give will be added to the player sheet as you added for the weapon upgrade.

Maybe put a field that the player can choose between flip belt,teleporter,jump pack,harness, hover board,items like that. Because those items are game changing for players.Depending on the item the bonus that the item give will be added to the player sheet as you added for the weapon upgrade.

At shop we can have lists of servitors,constructs,servo skulls that the players own and depending on the item the bonus that the item give will be added to the player sheet as you added for the weapon upgrade.

Do you mind in the future to add for rogue trader,dark heresy if the player has acquired pets(through pyhicher power or through acquisition) and the ability to see the modified stats of the character (modified by the pets for example the gyrinx cat should add stats modification for the player that befriended it).

Thank you for the patience,understanding and the wonderful dedication to this product.

Actually, it's not the Inquisitor's Handbook I'm pulling it from, but rather Into the Storm, for Rogue Trader.

Additionally, the talented feat one gets from Prestige (again, RT), does not seem to work as talented, but as a free "Skill +10". Other Talented feats seem to work as normal.

40k Career has a problem for the archmilitant at level 1 I found lots of Trade skills. When looking at the advances in the Rogue Trader book I didn't find those skills? Is this a problem?

I've been rather busy with other projects lately so I haven't had a chance to look into the last few issues reported.

Thor - I do have the list of missing equipment and I will get around to it, however I do prioritise bugs above data entry. All the missing items can be added into the custom gear manually until such time as I add them to the shop.

It is not my intention to keep the shop fully up to date, I actually added it because someone else had done all the hard work with the data entry!

Can you point me at the rules for the jump pack, flip belt .....etc?

I'll take a look into those other bugs tomorrow.

Memetix said:

I've been rather busy with other projects lately so I haven't had a chance to look into the last few issues reported.

Thor - I do have the list of missing equipment and I will get around to it, however I do prioritise bugs above data entry. All the missing items can be added into the custom gear manually until such time as I add them to the shop.

It is not my intention to keep the shop fully up to date, I actually added it because someone else had done all the hard work with the data entry!

Can you point me at the rules for the jump pack, flip belt .....etc?

I'll take a look into those other bugs tomorrow.

What about Egarian crystal weapons (found in Edge of the Abyss page 23), Aether Blade (Edge of the Abyss page 79), Hollow Atlas (Edge of the Abyss page 140),The eldar items( witchblade , rune armor , wraithcannon , Lure of the expanse page 132).

I'll try to add all the items(harmesses that will give character bonus) starting from Rogue Trader ,then Dark Heresy next post and then Deathwatch.


Don't have rules but description and would be just selected and offer no bonus that the ones from description of the item:

Grapnel , Grav Chute (Core page 144).

Have rules :

Jump Pack (Core page 144 - Flyer(12)), Flip Belt (Into the Storm page 136 Hover(6)+20 Ag tests), Glidewing (Into the Storm page 136 Flyer(12) +10 to test to use the Glidewing best craftmanship), Power Board (Flyer(15)- Into the Storm page 137), Teleporter Pack (Into the Storm page 140).

That is only rogue trader. Tomorow I will add the items from dark heresy.

Here are the items from Deathwatch :

The items at pages 28,120 of the Emperor Protects .

The items at pages 5,126 of the The Mark of Xenos .

Don't have rules but description and would be just selected and offer no bonus that the ones from description of the item:

Astartes Harness (Core page 171), Modified Jump Pack (Rites of Battle page 34), Astartes Grav Chute (Rites of Battle page 144)

Have rules :

Astartes Jump Pack (Core page 171 - Flyer(12)), Wings of Saronath (Rites of Battle page 157 jump pack +20 Command +20 Fellowship for dealing with Blood Angels), Cingulum (Core page 170 +3 Parry or 3 WS on first attack roll or +3 to tests to prevent or regain cohesion) .

That is only deathwatch. Tomorow I will add the items from dark heresy(too many books and too scattered).

I have problems selecting the Celestian alternative rank for Battle Sisters.

I qualify according to the books requirements, but it does not appear as an available alternate rank. (Only the Repentia is available).

Is it a bug? Am I doing it wrong?

Darth - can you email me your .rtc and I'll take a look.

Version 5.97 is now available for download here .

I've addressed the following issues.

  • Re-instated the "Talented [any]" prompt on the Advances sheet.
  • Added notes about buying ammo in clips (on the shop sheet)
  • Moved the vindicare suit to the armour section and applied the dodge bonus if equipped.
  • Fixed the dropdown menus for some alternative ranks
  • Show adjusted clip size on the Ammo sheet
  • Moved Genetor mutations to the mutations sheet (Note: existing Genetor characters will need to manually update this section after loading)
  • Added missing skills for Disciples of Thule
  • Fixed the missing weapon penetration values on the Modern CS
  • Ensure Ascended psychic power buyback costs are correctly reflected if bought as an elite advance
  • Fixed Rogue trader motivation "Prestige" - now gives "Talented [X]", not just the skill
  • Fixed Melee weapon display on the Text CS

I have also updated the "40K Careers" pivot table tables to fix the skill lookup problem and include the Infil-traitor, Saboteur and Demagogue ranks.

This can also be download from the link above.

the elite advances daemon vessel and the excorsised don't appear on the elite advances at all

very sweet, thanks :)

I've noticed that not all talents and traits are reflected anywhere, and instead are done 'under the covers', such as traits for homeworld, etc. It seems as though it would be good to at least display them on the character sheet.

Thanks for the update! :)

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems like the damage for the Rogue Trader Shuriken Pistols is off, it is listed as 1d10+4, when in Rogue Trader it is listed at 1d10+2.

And, as another relatively minor thing, the telepath ship roles from Into the Storm don't seem to become available for Astropaths.

For Rogue Trader in the new version appears the Eldar as a playable character. Where in the rogue trader books do the Eldar as PC appears?

In the DH section it seems I cannot advance in level and even if I selected phy level 2 I cannot select phy level 3. What is the problem?

I'm very confused the reduction of XP from the overall total from ItS background options. The first paragraph seems to pretty clearly state that the XP for each must be from the starting XP from character creation, not that it counts against you for rank purposes, thus cementing the fact that it must be done at character creation, not later on if the player feels like it. At no point does the book state that a character will take that much longer to reach the next rank, implicitly or explicitly. The same is true with the wording in the Inquisitor's Handbook, and I really don't know where it is in Deathwatch's Core Book, but the same is true in Rites of Battle. The verbiage specifically says that talents, skills, and attribute modifications do not count towards advancement, not that the XP does not count towards the total XP spent. The point being that if you duplicate a skill or talent that is on your list, you don't get to count the XP it would have cost you again (i.e. double dipping), and that if you boost an attribute above what could normally be achieved, you can still buy four advances. Basically that the skills and talents received are themselves free, it's the package that costs XP, and that XP must be spent from starting XP, which both prevents overabuse of the system (no more than 500 XP can be spent on backgrounds), but it also stops characters from abusing it because too much spent on backgrounds prevents them from buying normal list advancements for the first session. But allow me to illustrate my point.

To quote: (Into the Storm, pg.17)

"...each selection costs a limited number of experience points. This cost is deducted from the character's starting experience."

"Any modifications made to an Explorer due to taking these new choices does not count as an Advance for the purposes of increasing in rank, nor do increases or reductions count toward the improvement of a Characteristic through normal means"

The specific word here is "Advance". An advance is a purchase of a skill or talent from a given rank. It is not XP. You use XP to purchase advances, it is not itself an advance.

And to further quote: (Inquisitor's Handbook, pg.17)

"Background packages have an xp cost, which must be paid from your starting experience."

"He also marks off 200 xp (the package's cost) from his starting xp and goes on to spend the rest of his xp normally."

Again, showing that spending xp on backgrounds is like spending normal starting XP, not that this XP disappears into a black void.

Please, either take this out or add an option to ignore it. I was wondering why my XP total was lower than it should be from my normal notes. More to the point, this ultimately makes it so that characters who take alternate backgrounds (and who pay the price for it, I might add, given the penalties many of them have) lose out on overall XP.

I'll try to respond to the points raised since the last release.

Thanks for the feedback.

  1. I'm not sure what Daemon Vessel orExcorcised are ... but they can be typed into the Elite advances (you don't need to select from the menu). I'll add them if you can point me to the rules.
  2. I'm not aware of any Talents that are dealt with "Under the cover". Certainly some origin paths grant effects such as bonuses to skills and these are dealt with without recourse to creating a "trait". If a background mentions you gain a trait I have tried to implement it as a trait. Tetnak - if you could let me know which traits you think are missing, please let me know.
  3. Shuriken pistol and ship role will be fixed in the next release.
  4. Eldar are implemented as a web enhancement (see the comment in the Allow Web enhancement house rule). This has been in the sheet for a while now. Thor - I'll need more information to help with your Psy Rating issue. Maybe you could email me your .rtc file with a short description of the issue.
  5. Background packages ..... I guess this one is open to interpretation Hotfoot. When I read the phrase " does not count as an Advance for the purposes of increasing in rank" I understand it to mean that the XP spent on the background package doesn't count as XP spent. Even after reading your excellent post, I'm unsure how to interpret this phrase in a different way. I'm happy to continue the discussion and see what others have to think on the issue. There was some conversation about this point earlier in the thread. If there has been an official clarification I'd love to know. In the mean time, if you want a workaround, add the cost (i.e. 200xp) to the "Other" cell in the XP Spent section on the Advancement sheet at give yourself another 200 xp in the XP gained. I'd be happy to adjust the current House rule option regarding background XP to affect all background packages, not just the IH ones. At the time of implementation I could not find the rule in IH to match the one in ITS, hence the house rule.

Memetix said:

I'll try to respond to the points raised since the last release.

Thanks for the feedback.

  1. I'm not sure what Daemon Vessel orExcorcised are ... but they can be typed into the Elite advances (you don't need to select from the menu). I'll add them if you can point me to the rules.
  2. I'm not aware of any Talents that are dealt with "Under the cover". Certainly some origin paths grant effects such as bonuses to skills and these are dealt with without recourse to creating a "trait". If a background mentions you gain a trait I have tried to implement it as a trait. Tetnak - if you could let me know which traits you think are missing, please let me know.
  3. Shuriken pistol and ship role will be fixed in the next release.
  4. Eldar are implemented as a web enhancement (see the comment in the Allow Web enhancement house rule). This has been in the sheet for a while now. Thor - I'll need more information to help with your Psy Rating issue. Maybe you could email me your .rtc file with a short description of the issue.
  5. Background packages ..... I guess this one is open to interpretation Hotfoot. When I read the phrase " does not count as an Advance for the purposes of increasing in rank" I understand it to mean that the XP spent on the background package doesn't count as XP spent. Even after reading your excellent post, I'm unsure how to interpret this phrase in a different way. I'm happy to continue the discussion and see what others have to think on the issue. There was some conversation about this point earlier in the thread. If there has been an official clarification I'd love to know. In the mean time, if you want a workaround, add the cost (i.e. 200xp) to the "Other" cell in the XP Spent section on the Advancement sheet at give yourself another 200 xp in the XP gained. I'd be happy to adjust the current House rule option regarding background XP to affect all background packages, not just the IH ones. At the time of implementation I could not find the rule in IH to match the one in ITS, hence the house rule.

1. Did look about my post about the harness add-on for rogue trader and deathwatch?

2. In regards with the pshy ranking i figure it out how to assign them and it does not appear to be a problem.

I think part of the issue might be the perceived commonality of comparing alternate backgrounds to ECL from D&D, the problem being the benefit of the alternate backgrounds isn't quite the same as playing a dark eldar, I mean elf. ;)

To further clarify my point, I think the Starting Experience section on pg. 30 of the main Rogue Trader book should clarify. I'll quote for context, capitalization and emphasis per the book:

"Beginning characters have an additional 500 xp that they may spend to increase Characteristics, acquire or improve Skills, aquire new Talents, and so on. Chapter II: Career Paths describes the cost of these improvements, referred to as Advances, as well as what Advances are available based on your Career Path."

"When you have finished spending your initial 500 xp, your character's total xp spent should equal 5,000."

Were alternate backgrounds to change that number, it would have been explicitly mentioned, because it would be a relatively big deal. Instead, the books say that you pay for alternate backgrounds from the starting pool. The other matter is that this is a unique situation in all of the rules. Every single other expenditure of XP, from Elite Advances to Alternate Career Ranks to Elite Advance Packages to buying off Insanity Points counts as spending XP, not erasing it forever from your character sheet. Even the closest thing to an ECL calculation, playing Kroot or Orks, doesn't require this. My point being that all of the alternate backgrounds, from IH, ItS, and RoB all work the same way, and the XP annihilation should probably just be done away with. The language seems pretty clear to me, especially since they even repeat the capitalization of "Advances", clarifying the subject that the point is that you're paying for the background option, not the advances within the option, and that those advances do not in fact have a cost to prevent players from double-dipping and getting more XP spent than they actually have.

Memetix said:

  1. I'm not sure what Daemon Vessel orExcorcised are ... but they can be typed into the Elite advances (you don't need to select from the menu). I'll add them if you can point me to the rules.

Dark Heresy: The Radical's Handbook. Pages 64 - 72.