Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

A few of the weapons have an asterisk (*) in the Pen column, this currently breaks the Pen calculation on the character sheet, giving a #VALUE error.

To work around this, simply delete the * in the Pen column on the Equipment sheet.

I'll ensure this is fixed in the lookup data in the next release.

on the modern CS the lift and carry titles over the weights are the wrong way round, just a reminder that the weight reduction wep upgrades don't appear to have any effect on the weight of the weapons

also the modern CS has 4 blank boxes under origin path when using DH with no backgrounds

Great spot on the weight limits Dharkus, that bug has been there for quite a while. Also my check on the equipment sheet for being encumbered was using the lift limit, not the carry limit.

Memetix said:

Also my check on the equipment sheet for being encumbered was using the lift limit, not the carry limit.

Ah, that explains it! I was scratching my head wondering if there were some obscure rules I had missed, something along the lines of power armour not contributing to carried weight or something.

The reason I got so stuck on the carried weight issue was that in my group the players were suddenly carrying whole arsenals around, and it was getting quite ridiculous. Then I found this little snippet in RT and DW (and so I consider it canon for DH as well):

Under normal circumstances, characters in Rogue Trader do
not need to precisely calculate how much they can carry.
Common sense can serve as a guide for most purposes. In
general, most characters can reasonably carry one main
weapon (such as a boltgun, lasgun, or flamer), plus one or two
secondary weapons (such as pistols or melee weapons), plus a
few clips
of extra ammo and several pieces of miscellaneous
equipment in a backpack, satchel, or similar container. On the
other hand, it would not be at all reasonable for a character
(even a very strong one) to be walking around with three
different heavy weapons and several thousand rounds of
ammo for each, or for a character to have a backpack with
one of everything from the equipment section in Chapter 5:

(emphasis mine)

So now the rules are as such:

You can choose 1 main weapon, without restrictions. As long as you can physicalle carry it, knock yourself out.

You can choose 1 sidearm, either Pistol or 1-handed Melee. If this weapon is "small" (no hard rule here), you can choose another of equal or lesser size. (Chainaxe is not small. 2 knives are fine. Laspistol and bolt pistol is ok, too, I guess)

How to reflect this on the sheet?

I see a few options.

The simplest is just to have some check-boxes next to the weapons on the char-sheet, which allows you to mark which is "Main", "Sidearm" and "Not currently equipped".

The other would be to handle this mechanically on the Equipment page. Allow the choice of 1 Main weapon, and 1 Sidearm, and then perhaps 1 more if the total weight of the 2 chosen weapons are less than X, or if spare carrying capacity is sufficient.

Similarly, allowing for unlimited gear to be "equipped" is also "wrong", even if the character is strong enough to carry it. (By the way, the dictionary definition of "several" is "being more than two but fewer than many in number or kind".)

One reason I have started enforcing this rule is it makes for a much more interesting game when the characters have to PLAN for their missions, and carefully CHOOSE which gear they bring. So when they suddenly face a steep drop, they can't all say "I whip out my climbing harness, grav chite and grapnel from my backpack", and then later they during different circumstances whip out gas-masks, isotropic fuel rods, rebreathers, auspexes, multi-tools, stummers, forgery kits, etc etc etc. You get the idea. Why would they carry all that stuff on a routine crime-scene investigation anyway?

Much more fun to hear them squeal and say "Dammit! I should have brought my climbing gear today".

unfortunately that only applies to RT and DW - maybe you could have an option to do this on the house rules section

how would i enter a custom wep upgrade - my GM has just ruled that the extra grip is now 'no stock+pistol grip' and reduces the weight by 1/3 along with the other things extra grip did

also it wasn't the carry limit that i spotted - it was the fact that the weight reduction upgrades didn't reduce the weight and that on the modern CS it says Lift, Carry, Push when it should say Carry, Lift, Push - the values below are in the correct order tho

I like the idea of a "sensible" approach to weapons/gear carried as opposed to "The rules say I can carry that much weight" approach.

The implementation is down to the GM however so I don't want to "hard code" it into the sheet. If you are taking the "sensible" approach I suggest each character prints off the gear summary sheet and marks the "carried" column as appropriate. The sheet is designed so that you only equip the items you are carrying (equip meaning you mark it as carried in the shop and equipped on the equipment sheet).

As for Custom upgrades, there is currently no way to change the weight of items manually. I will add a Weight adjustment cell that will allow the user to enter the weight of their custom gear (positive or negative).

Memetix, for the Deathwatch i've noticed some things missing:

1. if you select Battle Damage as your deed at character creation you get to roll twice on the history table of the power armour. However, the sheet currently doesn't allow you to roll twice on the same table (though it is perfectly viable that this should occur). It forces you to roll on one of the three you didn't roll on the first time.

2. I notice there's no sheet for squad mode and solo mode abilities. When playing with a space marine that's a pretty important thing to have, is it possible to implement this in the sheet?

3. is it possible to give an overview like in the sheet provided by FFG of what the different implants do a space marine starts with?

4. at current it is not possible to choose a space marine's Acid Spit ability as a weapon to be equipped on the equipment sheet. Can it be added? Would be nice to have it on there :-)

Badlapje said:

Memetix, for the Deathwatch i've noticed some things missing:

1. if you select Battle Damage as your deed at character creation you get to roll twice on the history table of the power armour. However, the sheet currently doesn't allow you to roll twice on the same table (though it is perfectly viable that this should occur). It forces you to roll on one of the three you didn't roll on the first time.

2. I notice there's no sheet for squad mode and solo mode abilities. When playing with a space marine that's a pretty important thing to have, is it possible to implement this in the sheet?

3. is it possible to give an overview like in the sheet provided by FFG of what the different implants do a space marine starts with?

4. at current it is not possible to choose a space marine's Acid Spit ability as a weapon to be equipped on the equipment sheet. Can it be added? Would be nice to have it on there :-)

I'll ensure that the Battle damage adds 1 to the number of Marks for your armour. Since this is a Rites of Battle Background I've assumed it must use the rules in Rites of Battle on page 153 for selecting the Marks. It states that "you should only roll once on any given history table for a single suit of armour".

The squad/solo mode abilities are all summarised on the DW Mode sheet. This also has a summary of the Implants so that should cover points 2 and 3 above. I'll add Acid split to the equipment sheet drop down.

aha, seems i missed a lot. Thx for that!

Version 5.96 is now available for download here .

Firstly, I'd like to say thanks for all the feedback recently - I've tried to address all the issues posted to the forum.

In this release ...

  • Addition of Poor weapon quality to choices on equipment shee
  • Room for 4 more traits on the talent summary sheet (to avoid data overflow problems caused by gaining traits from mutations)
  • Made Navis Primer a Core item
  • Fixed Famulous Protegy
  • Fixed Sons of Dispater
  • Removed the +2 bonus to body toughness from Bionic Respirator system (Now only granted by bionic legs/arms/heart - what was I thinking!)
  • Swapped the Lift/Carry weight limits on the character sheet.
  • Show as overburdened on the equipment sheet if over the carry weight (was lift weight)
  • Reliquary items in the shop grey out if Blood of Martyrs in not available (was using Rites of Battle)
  • Added cell for Custom gear weight allowing you to manually adjust the carried weight field if required.
  • Fixed a bug on Text CS for displaying talents list.
  • Added Unarmed, Beak (Kroot) and Acid Spit (Deathwatch) to list of available weapons to equip on equipment sheet.

I haven't found a good solution to displaying the updated range/clip size/weight of weapons on the equipment sheet if they are affected by applying weapon upgrades. The final values do show correctly on the character sheet(s) and I've added a comment to the Range column to say as much.

not quite sure what's happening with the weight of my items - i have the following:

weapons + armour

angelus carbine with fire selector with GM ruled weapon upgrade that is basically extra grip but reduces weight by a 1/3 not to a 1/3 or it's original weight ((11*2/3)+0.5kg) = 7 5/6 =7.83333...kg - clip size 3 (x3 for fire selector)

Promethium destroyer 2.1kg clip size 5

compact stub automatic (1.5/2kg) =0.75kg clip size 9 (*1/2 for compact - for simplicity =4)

magistratum carapace 16kg

ammo - as far as i understand it for DH (pg 142): Ammo weight is not listed; however, should it be important to know how much ammunition weighs, consider a weapon’s full clip to weigh 10% of the weight of the weapon itself.

so each individual 'bullet' item (may be a bolt shell, a bullet or 1 shot worth of a fuel pack) weighs: (weapons original weight *0.1)/clip size of bas weapon (as any upgrades are unlikely to affect the weight of the ammo) so the weights of the items below should be as described after

20 bullets for the sp gun = ((1.5/10)/9)*20 = 1/3 =0.333... kg

14 bolt shells for the bolter = ((11/10)/3)*14 = 5 2/15 =5.1333...kg

3 fuel (basic) for the flamer (3 full clips = 15 shots worth) =((2.1/10)/5)*15= 0.63kg

total weight for that should be 7.8333+2.1+0.75+16+0.333+5.133+0.63=32.78kg - the sheet shows 43.0kg owned and equipped 47.6 (dunno how i'm carrying more than i own - maybe it's assuming i'm carrying 4.6kg of stolen items?!?!)

equipped should be angelus carbine + compact stub auto +destroyer+mag carapace+ ammo of weapons if they're fully loaded (1/10 of base item weight)

=7.833+2.1+0.75+16+1.1+0.21+0.15= 28 43/300 =28.14333...kg

fixing this would be great although i realise it might take a while - it took me bout 10 mins to work out weight of the 3 weps + their ammo using excel

unfortunately this doesn't solve the problem that's arisen as i was assuming ammo was weightless when trying to get my items under my carry weight so i've either got to spend 750 xp on +10 to either S or T, get worse, cheaper guns, or be permanently encumbered (with a T of 31 this would mean i was fatigued most of the time) - or the heretical option - not tell/remind my GM that ammo isn't weightless!!

If you can email me your .rtc file I'll happily take a look at why you have more weight equipped than owned.

Firstly I think I should point out that ammo in the shop is bought per clip, not per round. i.e. if you put a 3 in the owned column that means you have 3 clips of ammo. I'll add a comment to the sheet to make this clear.

I have tried to keep things simple and not require users to specify how much ammo they have for each weapon. This means the ammo weight calculation is a guestimate. It will come up with the right answer if you have the same amount of ammo for each weapon.

Basically it works out the average weight of all your ranged weapons and takes 10% of this giving the average weight for a clip of ammo. It then multiplies this my the number of clips of ammo you have to give the final answer weight for your ammo. Weapon upgrades are ignored, it uses the base weapons stats.

I got a little request about your spreadsheet. In some (in the meantime) far far away versions of your spreadsheet, the advancements-table listed if and how many "free" Talented [Any] elite advances your character had available, because of getting duplicated Talents during creation, next to the elite advances table. Is it possible to reimplement this (and maybe make it on/off-switchable, because it's no native rule for Dark Heresy but is for Rogue Trader and Deathwatch, too afaik, to prevent troubles)?

Madner Kami said:

I got a little request about your spreadsheet. In some (in the meantime) far far away versions of your spreadsheet, the advancements-table listed if and how many "free" Talented [Any] elite advances your character had available, because of getting duplicated Talents during creation, next to the elite advances table. Is it possible to reimplement this (and maybe make it on/off-switchable, because it's no native rule for Dark Heresy but is for Rogue Trader and Deathwatch, too afaik, to prevent troubles)?

It was so long ago that I can't remember when that was - any chance you can let me know which version that might have been. I should have a backup copy somewhere.

Memetix said:

It was so long ago that I can't remember when that was - any chance you can let me know which version that might have been. I should have a backup copy somewhere.

Version 5.55 definitly had that function (however I don't know when this function was discontinued or if it had additional fixes lateron, since it, on a rare few occasions, showed a Talented [Any] when there shouldn't have been one).

Here's a link to one of my back-ups: https://rapidshare.com/files/3405715768/40K_RPG_Character_Sheet_5.55.zip

It looks like I accidentally overwrote the cell with the calculation for the bonus talented [any] when I implemented Rites of Battle.

I'll put it back in. I can't see any fixes in later releases than 5.55 so if you find out under what circumstances it gets it wrong, please let me know.

Memetix said:

It looks like I accidentally overwrote the cell with the calculation for the bonus talented [any] when I implemented Rites of Battle.

I'll put it back in. I can't see any fixes in later releases than 5.55 so if you find out under what circumstances it gets it wrong, please let me know.

Marvelous (o.-)b

If I stumble about that error (in future versions) again, I'll let you know. Right now I can't recall the settings under which it exactly happend, sorry (I vaguely remember an idiocy on my side regarding Battlefleet Calixis - Dark Heresy setting, that is - and me not realizing it added Basic (SP) by RAW for a long time and another one via toying with the "allow invalid background" homerule, where I actually could toggle the emergence of a free Talented [Any] by switching that setting on or off - but maybe I was an idiot with that as well). Anyways, there were so many fixes in the meantime, that it might be a non-issue by now anyways, if it even ever was *compliments*

I had a look. Tried rolling up a scum saboteur but it wasn't on the drop down list. However looking in the Advances tab I can see all three careers are there with the correct talents etc but none can be selected as alternate career options.

thehappywanderer said:

I had a look. Tried rolling up a scum saboteur but it wasn't on the drop down list. However looking in the Advances tab I can see all three careers are there with the correct talents etc but none can be selected as alternate career options.

There was a bug in the code that creates the dropdown menu for those alternative ranks. You may be able to work around it by typing in the rank name i.e. Saboteur instead of using the dropdown menu. It will be fixed in the next release.

regarding ammo - could u either put something specific in the shop ammo section to say that the amounts put in the carried section are full clips or change it to invidual items - for example 1 bolt shell would be 1 bolt shell not a clip of bolt shells (which is variable - what happens if u have a fire selector) and a fuel pack is just a fuel pack - this would be easier as that's how the pricing system works - prices are givin for individual bullets/item and individual fuel packs/clip - dunno what to do about the wieght tho - the current system u utilise penalises you if u have a heavy wep and then some smaller ones with more ammo for the smaller ones

Mentioning ammo: Since a weapon's modifications and according performance-altering talents are already reflected in the weapon's entry on the character-sheet, would it be possible, to also reflect the ammo choice from the ammo-sheet on said entry or, alternatively just add a munitions-selector to the modification-options on the equipment-screen?


i notice that several traits aren't in the dropdown list for the elite advancements. Multiple Arms, Sonar Sense, Binary Cortex and Regeneration aren't there for sure. In a quick check i reckon only the unnatural characteristics, fear 1 and hulking are there?

Also: the mutation Multiple Appendages isn't propperly integrated in the sheet. It grants the multiple arms trait which in turn gives you:

  • +10 bonus to toughness
  • +10 bonus to all skills that use strength for movement (such as climb and swim)
  • the use of the multiple attack action

For the traits gained from A Machine of the Flesh talent there also is no explanation in the talents section even though it appears there showing what you got (ie. sonar sense).

Would be cool if the mutations sheet also added the option to choose traits there, as there are also other ways of gaining a new trait (eg. transgenic grafting which one can buy in the shop).