Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

I personally wouldn't give +2TB for the Respiratory System, as there is much more to your body than your lungs. Gut-wounds are particularly nasty. Unlike replacement limbs, this still leaves lots of weak flesh to be churned up.

I've implemented the affects of the bionics based on the "owned" column of the shop, rather than the "carried" column. That means if you have a bionic respiratory system but don't think you should get the +2 TB then simply leave the Owned column as blank and put a 1 in the carried column. Hopefully this gives the best of both worlds.

Version 5.95 is now online, download here .

In this release ....

  • Sort talents alphabetically on character sheet(s)
  • Halve weapon range for certain upgrades (compact, extra grip)
  • Added Astartes Melee upgrades (Mono/Chain) to shop
  • Adjusted character sheets to show toughness per body location (these locations are affected by some bionic replacements)

hi - the changes to weight and range of weapon upgrades in DH have worked well, however would it be possible to implement the changes to the equipment sheet as atm it looks as if the weapon upgrades haven't done anything if you only look at the equipment sheet, also a weight column wouldn't go amiss on the weapon usage and armour tables - also would it be possible to make it possible for the quality of an item to be changed to below common - the poor quality does exist for a reason - for example if you search for an item but fail the test you might have been only able to find a poor verison of it or you might choose the poor version as it's cheaper

Memetix, how do i select the power armour history atm? Is it implemented already?

Badlapje said:

Memetix, how do i select the power armour history atm? Is it implemented already?

On the equipment sheet - once you have equipped your power armour, the history section appears below the "Shopping" area.

Aha, i was looking for it in the shop. Thx!

Minor errata:

The chapter trapping Sun Solf ought to be Sun W olf

In the latest version of your file as archmilitant with heavy weapon training(SP) the autocannon apears as not being able to be used(as I don't have training). While in version 5.9 the same selection allows to use the autocannon. Why?


Why an archmilitant cannot use helguns he has from start Basic Weapon Training(Universal) that includes Basic Weapon Training(Las)?

thor2006 said:

In the latest version of your file as archmilitant with heavy weapon training(SP) the autocannon apears as not being able to be used(as I don't have training). While in version 5.9 the same selection allows to use the autocannon. Why?


Why an archmilitant cannot use helguns he has from start Basic Weapon Training(Universal) that includes Basic Weapon Training(Las)?

Items in the shop are greyed out for 2 reasons, if either is true then the item is greyed out. These are

  1. The character must have the right weapon proficiency
  2. The weapon must be available in the setting (i.e. You can't use Astartes Weapons in Rogue Trader)

If your DM allows weapons from other sources then you can simply ignore the fact it is greyed out in which case you can simply filter on Available = Yes.The two examples you have given use weapons from the Dark Heresy setting, not Rogue trader. There is a Hellgun in Rogue Trader (Lucius pattern I think) but I presume you picked the one from Dark Heresy by mistake.

Memetix said:

thor2006 said:

In the latest version of your file as archmilitant with heavy weapon training(SP) the autocannon apears as not being able to be used(as I don't have training). While in version 5.9 the same selection allows to use the autocannon. Why?


Why an archmilitant cannot use helguns he has from start Basic Weapon Training(Universal) that includes Basic Weapon Training(Las)?

Items in the shop are greyed out for 2 reasons, if either is true then the item is greyed out. These are

  1. The character must have the right weapon proficiency
  2. The weapon must be available in the setting (i.e. You can't use Astartes Weapons in Rogue Trader)

If your DM allows weapons from other sources then you can simply ignore the fact it is greyed out in which case you can simply filter on Available = Yes.The two examples you have given use weapons from the Dark Heresy setting, not Rogue trader. There is a Hellgun in Rogue Trader (Lucius pattern I think) but I presume you picked the one from Dark Heresy by mistake.

With the same character characteristics in version 5.9 the autocannon and helgun could be selected.

Both the autocannon and hellgun are from war zone specific. I see no reason why a rogue trader could not acquire items in the war zone specific. At the very list put a check box like you put for the Inqusitor Handbook.

Thor - you are right I did change the way highlighting is done. I believe that the older version was bugged and it should not have shown items as available in the shop if they came from a different setting to the character. This is now fixed.

The items you mention from the War Zone are detailed in the Inquisitor's handbook and as this is a different setting (Dark Heresy) to your Archimilitant (Rogue Trader) they are now greyed out. As I suggested in my previous post, if your GM is OK with this, then you can purchase them in the shop ignoring the fact they are greyed out.

Navis Prima needs to be moved into Core, as its applicable to Rogue Trader, in addition to The Void.

Is there any way to get Equipment descriptions to show up on the character sheet?



Mister Photon - thanks, I'll reassign it.

Darthjr - No there isn't but you can print the gear summary sheet.

Sons of Dispater background isn't applying correctly (no skills)

I think Famulous origin option 'Genetic Defect' isn't applying -1 wounds and -5 Toughness.


Could you put the items in the shop that could have been taken by the player (have the necesary skill) but it is from another setting? I asked this because it will be nice to diferentiate between the items you don't have skill and the items that you have skill but is from a wrong setting.

NikNik - thanks - fixed in the next release

Thor - The column labelled "Available" in the shop should be labelled "Proficient" - I will fix this in the next release. If you filter on this you will only see the items for which you are proficient. The ones shown in grey will be from other settings. Does this give you want you need?

Memetix said:

NikNik - thanks - fixed in the next release

Thor - The column labelled "Available" in the shop should be labelled "Proficient" - I will fix this in the next release. If you filter on this you will only see the items for which you are proficient. The ones shown in grey will be from other settings. Does this give you want you need?

Yes thank you for your help.

For a rogue trader archmilitant I select enforcer light carapace armor ,heavy stubber,power sword from the shop and when I go to the equipment page to equip tab and try to equip them they could not be equiped. All the items are not greyed but I can select them.

I have no problem when I import an old character from previous versions but when I save my character on version 6.95 and load back the same problem apears as above.

thor2006 said:

For a rogue trader archmilitant I select enforcer light carapace armor ,heavy stubber,power sword from the shop and when I go to the equipment page to equip tab and try to equip them they could not be equiped. All the items are not greyed but I can select them.

I have no problem when I import an old character from previous versions but when I save my character on version 6.95 and load back the same problem apears as above.

Can you email me the save file please? I'll take a look to see what is happening.

Memetix said:

thor2006 said:

For a rogue trader archmilitant I select enforcer light carapace armor ,heavy stubber,power sword from the shop and when I go to the equipment page to equip tab and try to equip them they could not be equiped. All the items are not greyed but I can select them.

I have no problem when I import an old character from previous versions but when I save my character on version 6.95 and load back the same problem apears as above.

Can you email me the save file please? I'll take a look to see what is happening.

Can you send me where to find the your email,please.

Its at the bottom of the Instructions sheet .... I don't like to publish it here to avoid spam.

Memetix said:

Its at the bottom of the Instructions sheet .... I don't like to publish it here to avoid spam.

I've sent you a mail at the your mail address.

I've selected a grenade launcher(Mezoa) to equip my character (Saris) on the equipment tab and on the character sheet tab it apears with #Value.