Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Excellent! A rather impressive delivery time, mate!

Memetix said:

Version 5.91 is now available for download .

It includes

  • All changes from the Deathwatch Errata 1.1 including the new weapon statistics
  • Fixes for Rogue Trader mutations
  • Addition of Groxwhip to shop
  • Addition of "Improvised" weapon to shop
  • Fix for weight calculations for some weapon upgrades

You know the Deathwatch weapons statistics errata(value and ROF) are not compulsory so can you add a check so we can keep the old values. Thanks.

Perhaps the Deathwatch Errata weapons could be listed along with all the Non-Errata versions, but called '(Errata Pattern)'? :)

Thor - The weapons stat blocks are optional - the default is to use the errata but this can be changed on the Character Generation sheet.

NikNik - I'd need to be convinced about that one. As I read it you'd be using one set of stats or the other. Obviously you can override any of the weapon details on the equipment sheet, so if you really want to you could mix and match, but I think having both option in the "shop" would be really confusing.

Just something I came across: The starting wounds for a noble born DH character should be 1d5+8, not 1d5+4.

Well, I'm just throwing the idea out there really. :)

It could be the case that some groups use the modified Xenos stats but leave the Imperium stats untouched, or vice versa. Some might even use both sets of stats concurrently as different patterns as I joked.

If there is not already would you mind seeing about limiting the sheet to just one system or another. My Rogue trader players keep trying to get Death watch gear, kinda bothersome.

Also i cant find the section for Mechanicus Implants

Well, you can filter the types of gear available by their source (what book it's from), so you can simply filter out those you wish not to appear. And implants are grouped under Cybernetics in the shop.

Cjalw1 said:

If there is not already would you mind seeing about limiting the sheet to just one system or another. My Rogue trader players keep trying to get Death watch gear, kinda bothersome.

Also i cant find the section for Mechanicus Implants

In the next release I will ensure that all shop items from invalid settings are greyed out, along with those from books where you have set the "allow" option on the character generation sheet to "No"

In the mean time I'd suggest you recommend to your players that they use the auto-filter on the Setting Column

so what's the full feature set (don't really wanna read 28 pages of posts) - thinking of using it for the next game i play/GM

dharkus said:

so what's the full feature set (don't really wanna read 28 pages of posts) - thinking of using it for the next game i play/GM

Take the last update from the previous pages is the latest version.It is still work in progress.

Very nice new upgrades :)

One remark: the navigator mutation "strangely conjointed limbs" doesn't always give you the talented (contortionist) talent. If you don't have that skill yet you gain it as a trained skill rather then being talented in it.

Also, given that one of my gm's now allows for a DH retcon to my navigator character i've noticed that one can quickly run out of space in the elite advances section. Is it possible to expand this section, even if not on the char sheet itself, at least in the tallent summary and the advancement worksheet?

@Darkhus: it's basically the best charsheet out there for DH/RT and DW. Just try it out and you'll be blown away ;) At this point i don't think that there's much to be added to the sheet, unless if it were commonly used houserules.

Good luck with the new game dharkus, if you choose to use this spreadsheet, then please pass on your feedback. It all makes for a better final product.

Basically the sheet supports all the material from all the core rulebooks and most of the material from the supporting books. Most values can be manually over-ridden if required but the sheet automates most things. It works best in Office 2007 and later with macros enabled. This allows you to save any characters you create so that as and when I produce new releases you can import them into the new release without needing to re-enter your data.

A new release with a few minor fixes and support to enter the items carried (as a subset of those owned) will be available within the hour.

Version 5.92 is now available on dark reign and here .

It includes

  • The option to identify how many of each item you own is actually carried. All carried items appear on the character sheet. All owned items are summarised on the Gear Summary sheet.
  • Fixed starting wounds for DH Noble born character (was using RT rules previously)
  • Fixed implementation of the Psy Rating + 1 talent (Ascension) to give 1 major and 2 minor powers.
  • Added option for Navigator mutation "Strangely jointed limbs" to grant either Contortionist Skill or Talented [Contortionist]
  • Grey out items in the shop if not from the current setting (RT,DH,DW) or disallowed from option choices on Character Sheet. Allow shop to be filtered on this value (Enhancing and replacing previous "proficient" filter).


I've spotted a bug in the last release. The drop down menu for your weapons on the Equipment sheet broke when I added the "Carried" column to the shop.

As soon as Dark Reign is back up (SQL errors at the moment), I'll upload 5.93 which fixes the problem along with the #VALUE error for the range of grenades based on your strength bonus.

I am sorry if I am asking stupid questions, but here goes nothing.

a) Is there a way to include quality in equipment? How do I do that?

b) Can upgrades be "put on" a specific weapon? If yes, how?

ie Can I have a best quality laspistol with a red dot laser sight?

Again, sorry if this has been asked before, I have not been able to find an answer yet.

Grimbold said:

I am sorry if I am asking stupid questions, but here goes nothing.

a) Is there a way to include quality in equipment? How do I do that?

b) Can upgrades be "put on" a specific weapon? If yes, how?

ie Can I have a best quality laspistol with a red dot laser sight?

Again, sorry if this has been asked before, I have not been able to find an answer yet.

The short answer is "Yes you can".

First ensure you have "bought" the items in the shop by typing a quantity into the "owned" column.
Then switch to the equipment sheet. In the weapons section, select the weapon you have bought (i.e. Laspistol). [Note - this drop down menu was broken in 5.92 but you can type in the correct value if you have this version of the sheet)].
The table should populate with the weapon's details (i.e. range/damage etc). To the right of that table you can select the weapon quality. To the right of that you can assign upgrades to weapons. First select the upgrade you have "bought" then a column will highlight in blue where you can assign it to a weapon.

Good luck.


You are my one saviour in Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader and Deadwatch when I want to create some memorable enemies for my games. Thank you for putting up this excellent character sheet. It speeds up the prosess a lot when I dont have to go all over the books to find different talents and stuff. And if I have some weaponry I need to check I just look from what sourcebook it has been taken.

Keep up the good work and thank you again for this work.

PS. Just wanted to ask have you ever thought about making ship list using this method? happy.gif

Oh my, stupid me - I should have looked more diligently. Probably I could have found it myself.

Anyway: Thanks a lot for your quick answer and thank you so much for the best excel charsheet on the web! Awesome job!

Routa-maa said:

PS. Just wanted to ask have you ever thought about making ship list using this method? happy.gif

Yes I did think about it, but there are already good ship sheets out there and to be fair, this one keeps be busy enough.

Memetix said:

Routa-maa said:

PS. Just wanted to ask have you ever thought about making ship list using this method? happy.gif

Yes I did think about it, but there are already good ship sheets out there and to be fair, this one keeps be busy enough.

Nuff said. At the rate FFG puts out DH, RT and Deadwatch books your work doesn't end in long time. Not to mention coming Black Crusade Corerules.

Though for the Day: He who lives for nothing is nothing. He who dies for the Emperor is a hero.

Memetix it seem that there is now propblem with the weapon upgrade list in equipment sheet. I see i have unpgrades to choose but it just shows blank list in dropdown menus.

Let's all be honest here. The only thing which'd make this sheet transcend beyond the Primarch level it is on now to the level of the God-Emperor himself (at least, for me as a gm), is to add a new layer of information to allow it to be used to make npc's of any race on which we have information now (and maybe also the N0_1 H3r3 abhuman supplement) lengua.gif

But the difference between those two levels is slim as it is. aplauso.gif

Routa-maa said:

Memetix it seem that there is now propblem with the weapon upgrade list in equipment sheet. I see i have unpgrades to choose but it just shows blank list in dropdown menus.

If you're using open office you need to press CTRL+ F9 before selecting the upgrade.

Badlapje said:

Routa-maa said:

Memetix it seem that there is now propblem with the weapon upgrade list in equipment sheet. I see i have unpgrades to choose but it just shows blank list in dropdown menus.

If you're using open office you need to press CTRL+ F9 before selecting the upgrade.

Using WIndows Office and worked fine before. But it's expected when there are some changes made.