Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Love your sheet, thank you so much for making it and keeping it updated.

Question though. Have you not gotten around to adding in chapter advances for Deathwatch? I've got the latest version, and am not sure if I've buggered something up or if it's not been implemented yet.

I will be able to give better feedback once it is OpenOffice compatible... too poor for MSoffice :(

Looks like you are really dedicated to making this an impressive game aid! Hats off to you, sir!

"Buying" the Cybernetic implant "Bionic Locomotion (Good)" does not give the Sprint talent.

Is this a bug, or just a missing feature?

FinAeros - as far as I know I have implemented Deathwatch fully but I may have missed something or introduced a bug in a recent release. What exactly do you mean by Chapter Advances?

FoxPhoenix - As far as I know, the sheet works in OpenOffice 3.3 with the exception of the macros. This affects the load/save buttons and the font/colour changes on the Character sheet and Ammo tracking on the Ammo sheet. The rest should work as expected - if not, please let me know. As an aside, has anyone tried the sheet in LibreOffice?

Darth - you are right, I missed that one - thanks.

How do you work with the weight of ammo?

As far as I can tell it is determined by the choice of weapons you have available, but is all ammo considered to be for your heaviest weapon? How much Ammo do you "equip"?

Ammo - weight.

Officially each clip is 10% of the weight of the weapon. I take an average weight of all your ranged weapons and then multiply this by the number of clips you own and divide by 10.

This is best I can do without requiring you to assign each clip to a gun. For most cases I hope the above approximation is good enough.

While on the subject of weight, Power Armour should not contribute to carry weight.

Quoted for your Convenience (Rogue Trader Core Rulebook pg. 139)

"For all types of Power Armor, the weight of the armor does not count for calculating the wearer's normal carrying limit."

Which makes sense, as the Heavy Power Armour weighs 150Kg and could not be worn by anybody otherwise :)

Regarding clip-weights: You could allow a data field pr eqipped weapon to hold # of clips for that gun.

You wouldn't then have an exact record of clips for guns you own but are not carrying, but then you don't have that now anyway. The reason this might be an issue is if you own for example an Assault or Auto Cannon which would drive the weight of your ammo up quite a bit.

It would also allow Evil GMs to keep track of just how much ammo you brought with you when your shuttle was shot down over that feudal world...

Version 5.87 is now available for download .

New in this release

  • Added 3 Alternative career ranks from Salvation demands sacrifice (Demagogue, Infil-Traitor, Saboteur)
  • Fix for display of melee weapon upgrades on Modern CS
  • Added text only character sheet for easy export to other applications
  • Added Sprint talent for bionic legs
  • Ensure Power armour does not count towards carried weight limit

Very nice!

A Feature request from one of my players: It would be nice to be able to sort the Talents alphabetically on the print-sheets. Is this doable?

Also, another cybernetic missing bonuses: Scribe-Tines do not give +10 to Investigative skills.

First off, very nice! This will greatly aid in running a smooth game! Thank you very much!

I noticed what might be an error, though. I created an Astropath, and one of the Origin Path options I took was Tainted -> Mutant . The dice came up 53 and the result was Wyrdling . From my reading of that mutation, he should start with a Psy Rating of 3 and four Techniques. Instead, the sheet generated the requisite character with a Psy Rating of 2 and two Techniques, as normal. Either this is an error on the sheet, or I should have done something somewhere else to make it work, or this is an errata of which I am unaware.

Keep up the good work! I'm loving this!

ishldgetoutmore said:

First off, very nice! This will greatly aid in running a smooth game! Thank you very much!

I noticed what might be an error, though. I created an Astropath, and one of the Origin Path options I took was Tainted -> Mutant . The dice came up 53 and the result was Wyrdling . From my reading of that mutation, he should start with a Psy Rating of 3 and four Techniques. Instead, the sheet generated the requisite character with a Psy Rating of 2 and two Techniques, as normal. Either this is an error on the sheet, or I should have done something somewhere else to make it work, or this is an errata of which I am unaware.

Keep up the good work! I'm loving this!

Sadly the effects of mutations are not handled automatically. You need to make the adjustments manually by adding Psy Rating 3 as an elite advance, remember to put your willpower bonus in square brackets at the end, i.e. Psy Rating 3 [3]

I was looking to see how hard it would be to automate them but there are several mutations that can affect multiple characteristics and the current interface is just not set up to cope.

Well, thank you for the sheet in any case! I like that you made it customizable!

I am unable to find the groxwhip from the rogue trader core book.

Keep up the good work! gran_risa.gif

Also unable to find Synskin (pg 141 Rogue Trader Core)

Version 5.9 is now available to download here .

Rise of the mutants.....

  • Full support for mutations (Different effects for Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader)
  • Full support for Navigator mutations (starting and gained from powers)
  • Full support malignancies and disorders (Battle Trauma in Deathwatch)
  • Added skill bonuses for scribe tines
  • Added Hell gun pack pack and updated Ammo sheet to cope with hot shot packs

Enjoy ...

cd8dman said:

I am unable to find the groxwhip from the rogue trader core book.

Keep up the good work! gran_risa.gif

Good spot - I missed that one ..... subskin armour is in the armour section however.

Wow! This is awesome as usual. Thankyou! :)

Several days with no update? I will interpret that to mean you missed my request for alphabetically sorted Talents on the print-sheets happy.gif

Replying to myself again... must be going bonkers...

You have a lot of work ahead of you my friend, with the release of the new DeathWatch Errata happy.gif

It includes an optional set of weapon stats, a completely different, parallel set of tables that I think most groups will use. I think it would be a good idea to have a selection on the Character Generation tab as to which set of tables to use.

Darth Smeg said:

Several days with no update? I will interpret that to mean you missed my request for alphabetically sorted Talents on the print-sheets happy.gif

I did take a look into this and it is trivially easy with macros but really difficult without. Since I'm keeping macro use to a minimum I'm afraid I won't be sorting the list at the moment.

The bug list is down to 0 and the wish list is 1 item (Open Office macros - there is a new release of the product die in the next couple of weeks, so fingers crossed).

Silly of me to assume I could take a break - the Errata will indeed keep me busy.

Memetix said:

Silly of me to assume I could take a break - the Errata will indeed keep me busy.

DarthSmeg likes this.

Good utility so far. Hope you will implement the DW erata changes.

I have found multiple errors:

1. When I selected the brute mutation for a rogue trader class while at the character description the mutation name appears but the +10 to strenght and toughness doesn't appear. What about the mutation that appear from the character generation path do you take in consideration.

2. When selecting sanctified weapon upgrade the Weight for weapons give the error #Value in the equipment tab!

I would like to offer some suggestions (sorry to bother you) :

1. Can you the same for upgrades for the armor as you did for upgraders for the weapons.

2. What about servitors,cyber familiars,pets.

3. In the harness slot can you make the ability to select the desired harness(harness,jump pack,teleporter pack,etc) you have aquired?

4. Can you add a slot for shields in the armor section for the equipment.

5. For Rogue Traders can you add the items that you can aquire from the Light of Terra(page 82 Lure of the Expanse)?

6. The targeting monocle must be moved from gear to upgrade.

7. Lots of dark tech are missing :

a. The lens of seeing. page 175 radical handbook.

b. Bone flute page 176 radical handbook.

c. The forge of nightmares page 176 radical handbook.

d. Libellus Appello (The book of names) page 177 radical handbook.

e. Mech spider page 178 radical handbook.

f. The Glory of the Emperor in the Light of Dawn page 178 radical handbook.

g. Anguish,Gore Thirster,The Whispers of Delight page 180 radical handbook.

h. The Lash of Bitterness,Midnight,The Mace of Judgement,Rot Giver page 181 radical handbook.

k. Hesht:Granter of Vengeance,The Scepter of Ten Thousands Moons page 182 radical handbook.

l. The Spear of Countless Eyes page 183 radical handbook.

m. Dangerous enhancements for Callophean Phy-Engine page 190 radical handbook.

n. Immateria Ward page 192 radical handbook,Warp Amulet page 119 disciples of the dark gods,Parasite doll page 119 disciples of the dark gods.

o. Servitors for the radicals like golephs(page 196 radical handbook),ashen tear assasins (page 51 disciples of the dark gods)

p. Malefic codex page 120 disciples of the dark gods

q. A normal deamon weapon (we can choose atributes) page 120-121 disciples of the dark gods and page 179-180 radical handbook.

8. Vore Weapons missing (page 35-36 Creature Anathema)

9. Exotic weapons missing like grav flux harness,cerebral anihilator,berserker thorn page 48 disciples of the dark gods.

10. Books and other items like Crimson Beastiares (page 73 disciples of the dark gods),nightweave silk(page 74 discilples of the dark gods) missing.

11. Drugs like deluvial tincture(page 73 disciples of the dark gods),Zamarkand Rose(page 74 discilples of the dark gods),Zamarkand distiled petals(page 74 discilples of the dark gods) missing.

12. Weapons like Hrud fusil(page 74 discilples of the dark gods),Fra'al Glass Knife(page 74 discilples of the dark gods) missing.

13. Missing Pentagramatic Wards(page 120 disciples of the dark gods) missing.

14. Did you add chaos tainted powers that the radicals could use from the radical handbook page 170-172 and page 117-119 disciples of the dark gods?

Thor - thanks for all the excellent feedback.

I have tracked down the 2 bugs and they will be fixed in the release with the Deathwatch Errata 1.1 changes, should be later today ..... I will add the other items to the wish list.

In the mean time please be aware that any weapons not in the shop can be added manually on the equipment sheet.

Version 5.91 is now available for download .

It includes

  • All changes from the Deathwatch Errata 1.1 including the new weapon statistics
  • Fixes for Rogue Trader mutations
  • Addition of Groxwhip to shop
  • Addition of "Improvised" weapon to shop
  • Fix for weight calculations for some weapon upgrades