Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Memetix said:

Thanos said:

hi again... two things more.

first.. in version 5.85 under Equipment.
If I equip an BOLT GUN an choose BEST QUALITY... it automaticly adds +2 to damage on your sheet.
But a best qualitity weapon only adds +1 to damage and +10% to attack rolls and never jams or overheats.
I think that is a bug.
is it possible make the sheet automaticly add "+10% to attack rolls (and never jams or overheats if it is a ranged weapon)." in the weapons special slot when best quality is selected?
When you "buy" a gun under SHOP would it be possible to have a dropdown menu like you have for "qualitity", but for the various attachments like reddot or a scope. And the have it shown on the weapon in the character sheet with the various modifieres in the weapons special slot.
Again thank you for at wonderfull sheet.
And I hope you can use the feedback

Thanks ..... I'll ensure Blackbone bracing adds +2 to UNARMED melee damage, along with benefits for Street Fighting and Unarmed Warrior/Master Talents

From the above list.

  1. The damage bonus for best is now +1 for melee weapons (it was +2 for all weapons)
  2. It already does this (on the final character sheet)
  3. Good idea - one I'm currently working on for the next release.

It should be able for the same weapon to choose multiple attachments. The same for armor and improvements.

Just to be annoying the Deathwatch rules for Bionic Hearts adds +1 TB to the torso, not +1 AP as in Rogue Trader.

Tangentially, since Bionic Limbs add +2 TB to their location, perhaps a feature request may be to have Armour and Toughness calculated per location. Please. :)

No bugs to report or features to request, just wanted to give a standing ovation!

aplauso.gif *claps enthusiastically* aplauso.gif

Truly this sheet is an amazing work of ... art? Well, it is amazing.

The Armour Plating Talent for Magi should, but doesn't currently, add +2 AP to all locations..

Is there a method I'm not seeing to swap an ascended career into Interrogator? I see the note saying 2000xp + GM approval, but no way to swap it in while character Career was Magos.

It should be as easy as selecting Interrogator as an alternative career path.

My sheet doesn't have any reference to an Armour Plating Talent - so I'm not sure what it is or where it comes from ..... can you point me in the right direction please?

Bionic Heart ..... Having different TB for different locations sounds like a pain ..... I'll stick with +1 AP for now and add it to the wish list.

Hi :-)

About #2
It does not on the "modern" sheet... and still it leaves out some things in "normal" sheet.

Armour Plating - Rank 158 Magos Trait. The Armour Plating Trait applies +2 AP to each location.

The Magos I was toying with was never able to take Interrogator as an alternate rank. Bug?

Just tried using version 5.85 in open office to create a deathwatch librarian. There's a problem with the xp recognition: it indicates that i'm at rank 16 right at creation and gives me 12800 XP to use. It also doesn't detract any xp spent (eg. on talents).

Does it work with excel?

Thanos said:

Hi :-)

About #2
It does not on the "modern" sheet... and still it leaves out some things in "normal" sheet.

I'll fix the modern sheet, I can't see what is missing from the other one though.

Ranged - Never Jams
Melee - +1 damage, +10WS

Ranged - Reliable (or removes unreliable)
Melee - +5 WS

Badlapje said:

Just tried using version 5.85 in open office to create a deathwatch librarian. There's a problem with the xp recognition: it indicates that i'm at rank 16 right at creation and gives me 12800 XP to use. It also doesn't detract any xp spent (eg. on talents).

Does it work with excel?

Just tried it for all career options: it's only the librarian that has problems with this. All others start correctly at rank 1.

nikink said:

Is there a method I'm not seeing to swap an ascended career into Interrogator? I see the note saying 2000xp + GM approval, but no way to swap it in while character Career was Magos.

Tech-priests cannot become Interrogators or Inquisitors (see list on page 28 of Ascension rule book). Currently I have this coded as Magos cannot migrate - this is slightly wrong so I'll fix the logic - however a Magos must have been a Tech-Priest, so a Magos cannot switch).

Thought you may have coded that way.

My reading is once you have switched careers via Ascending you are no longer your old career. Any Ascended career may switch to Interrogator with the GMs permission and 2000xp - including Magos. From Interrogator you can switch to Inquisitor with GMs permission and more xp. Thus with some 4000xp surcharge and the GMs permission twice you can finally get a Magos Inquisitor if you wish.

I'll take a look at the Open Office issue once I've completed the weapon upgrade's I'm working on at the moment.

cool, thx :)

Memetix said:

Thanos said:

Hi :-)

About #2
It does not on the "modern" sheet... and still it leaves out some things in "normal" sheet.

I'll fix the modern sheet, I can't see what is missing from the other one though.

Ranged - Never Jams
Melee - +1 damage, +10WS

Ranged - Reliable (or removes unreliable)
Melee - +5 WS

While what you have here in the post is correct, on the Modern CS there are damage bonuses being added to ranged weapons.

The current list of bugs has been addressed in the new release along with the addition of weapon upgrades and ammo to the shop.

All upgrades will adjust the final damage/pen/clip size/range/description as appropriate. Assignments are made on the equipment sheet and saved with your character.

Version 5.86 can be downloaded here .

As always, your sheet is awesome. Two minor items:

1. I noticed most Astartes grenades don't say "Astartes". The Krak grenade did however. The only reason I noticed it is when I went to find Astartes Frag Grenade, it took me a moment to realize that the Astartes Krak Grenade was the only one labeled that way. Not a big deal, just noticed.

2. The link at the bottom your blackmoor page has a label to a Final Fantasy page. I assume this is supposed to be Fantasy Flight. Also, not a big deal as the link itself is correct.

Memetix said:

The current list of bugs has been addressed in the new release along with the addition of weapon upgrades and ammo to the shop.

All upgrades will adjust the final damage/pen/clip size/range/description as appropriate. Assignments are made on the equipment sheet and saved with your character.

Version 5.86 can be downloaded here .

How to assign upgrades to a desired weapon?


Nevermind I selected an upgrade as duplus rounds and the weapon does not halve the reload time. Why?

When selecting sanctified weapon upgrade the Weight for weapons give the error #Value!

The overcharge pack upgrade for las weapons does not exist.

The targetting monocle must be moved from gear to upgrade.

Can you add the deamon weapons and dark tech that you skipped from the radical handbook?

2.Lots of dark tech options like occult artifacts,daemon weapons,immateria ward(radical handbook) missing(pages 175-196)

3.Disciples of the dark gods page 48,51,73,74,119-121 items missing.


4.Vore weapons(page 35,36 Creature Anathema)

5.Items that the player could gain from Light of Terra could be added.

You buy weapon upgrades on the shop sheet and then assign them on the equipment sheet, new columns will appear after the quality/hand entries.

The drop down menu will need to be scrolled up as it appears to be blank but actually isn't.


Would like to be one of the many to say I love your sheet.

I have noticed that with the mono upgrade, it doesn't add the pen to the modern sheet. (not sure about the other upgrades sorry)


Your sheet is fantastic. I previously used Ordo Malleus.dk's character generator , but it doesn't support Ascension. Being that I do all of my gaming online using Maptool and the incredible Dark Heresy Framework by Wolph42 , I need a way to get characters that I manage using your sheet into a format that works for importing into the Dark Heresy Framework. The DHF supports importing characters in the format that Fantasy Flight uses when they print them in the books. Ordo Malleus.dk now supports exporting to this format using the Export to Text button on their pages, an example output can be seen here.

If you don't game online with friends, then this might not seem like a big deal to you, but for us who do it would be a massive time saver. At any rate, I'd just like to toss my hat in here to ask for this feature. Even without, thanks for making my life as GM far easier! Your character sheet really is terrific.

Mattron - thanks for the bug report - I found the bug with the Modern sheet - it only shows the weapon upgrades for Ranged weapons, not melee. This will be fixed in the next release.

ScytheMonkey - that sounds like a good idea, I will take a look in the next couple of days at what would be involved.

As always - thanks for your support.

scythemonkey said:


Your sheet is fantastic. I previously used Ordo Malleus.dk's character generator , but it doesn't support Ascension. Being that I do all of my gaming online using Maptool and the incredible Dark Heresy Framework by Wolph42 , I need a way to get characters that I manage using your sheet into a format that works for importing into the Dark Heresy Framework. The DHF supports importing characters in the format that Fantasy Flight uses when they print them in the books. Ordo Malleus.dk now supports exporting to this format using the Export to Text button on their pages, an example output can be seen here.

If you don't game online with friends, then this might not seem like a big deal to you, but for us who do it would be a massive time saver. At any rate, I'd just like to toss my hat in here to ask for this feature. Even without, thanks for making my life as GM far easier! Your character sheet really is terrific.

I have been working on a simple export feature and would appreciate it if you could help me with testing. Can you send me an email and I will send a copy of the sheet for you to try out. The format of the export data is not too clearly defined and the only real test will be to import some of your characters.

I've noticed something that may be a bug. I created an Astropath in Rogue Trader. One of his Origin Path selections was Tainted and of those options I selected Mutant . The mutation I rolled was Wyrdling , which, from my reading, should start the Astropath off at Psy Rating 3 and with four selectable techniques, but instead I got Psy Rating 2 and two techniques.

Does anybody know if this is the proper ruling on this combo? Is there a way to do it I'm not aware of? Or is it something that needs to be coded properly in the sheet?

And by the way, this sheet is AWESOME! Many thanks for this fine product, which has helped immensely with playing the Rogue Trader game!

I haven't coded in any effects from mutations.If these grant stat increases or talents you'll need to adjust these manually. In the case of Psy Rating 3, add this as an elite advance with your willpower bonus in square brackets i.e. Psy Rating 3 [3]

Hopefully this will sort out your astropath's starting powers.