Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Version 5.84 is now available for download .

It includes

  • A new Gear Summary sheet - showing all items bought from the shop along with their description and weight
  • A reformatted Talent Summary sheet - giving more space for starting talents as these are shared with the talents gained from gear/cybernetics and were causing overflow errors in the previous release.
  • When skill bonus from an item/cybernetic are permanent, the bonus is automatically added on the skill sheet. i.e. An auspex scanner is a conditional bonus to awareness because you only get it when you use the item, an auger array cybernetic gives the bonus permanently
  • Fixes to the damage bonus calculations for melee and thrown weapons.

very sweet, thx once more Memetix :-)

thor2006: didn't forget those, just was strapped for time so i decided to post those that i knew quite well.

1. There are some problems fro version 5.84:

1. Select a start path then select almost all possible cybernetics. There will be multiple problems:

a. Bonuses to awareness from augur array,unatural inteligence and maddness from cortex implants,unnatural strenght bonus(from are not present in character sheet and for unnatural strength it does not compute the correct carry/lift/push values),bonus to athletics from bionic locomotion,sprint from bionic heart,iron jaw from blackbone bracing,etc..

b.too many cybernetics and error Data overflow too many skills and talents.

Badlapje said:

very sweet, thx once more Memetix :-)

thor2006: didn't forget those, just was strapped for time so i decided to post those that i knew quite well.

Did you find any errors?

Sorry folks - I broke the powers sheet in the last release.

It was an easy fix but I was in the middle of implementing Power Armour Histories so I need a bit more testing ....

Release 5.85 can be downloaded here .

New in this release

  • Fixed the power sheet (broken when the talent summary sheet was altered in the last release)
  • Added Power Armour Histories from Deathwatch and Rites of Battle
  • Fixed skill bonuses for some cybernetics
  • Added auto-calculation of unnatural characteristics multiplier
  • Fixed a few entries in the shop where the weight and cost were in the wrong columns!
  • Something for NikNik (can you find it?)
  • Added AP for bionic arms/legs

Hmmm! I am intrigued... having a look now. :)


"Join the Steel Panthers, together we are stronger"

"Join the Flesh Sons, suffer not the unclean to live"

Brilliant! :)

I also noticed the Strength bonus is now correct with 'Thy Strength be Legend' armour history, yay!

Augur Implants adds +20 Awareness

So, I'm guessing it was the Chapter Names? :)

Definitely the best release yet.

I don't know if I'm misinformed or not, but shouldn't a character's Wounds increase as their Toughness bonus increases?

For instance, in Rogue Trader I take an advancement of Toughness on my Navigator at character creation, taking my total Toughness from 35 to 40. Seeing as how his Toughness bonus is now 4, and he's from an Imperial World, and I rolled a 3 on a 1d5, shouldn't his Wounds be an 11 instead of a 9?

Also, do Wounds increase over the character's life when Toughness is increased?

EDIT: The reason I ask is because I haven't found an answer in the books, and your character sheet doesn't seem to increase Wounds when Toughness is increased.

It's ... a grey area that has been debated before. But in Dark Heresy and Deathwatch, the only way to increase your Wounds is to buy Sound Constitutions, so the precedent is set that with Rogue Trader it works the same way.

When you create a RT Character, you use the Toughness Bonus at that time of creation as a base, and from then on use Sound Constitution. This can, however, lead to sadly ridiculous results (imo) where you get a character with only 6 wounds at creation.

Due to this, and the lack of explicit ruling in the RT book or errata (iirc), there are some people who let an increase in Toughness Bonus ALSO increase the RT Character's Wounds. As Wounds are ultimately the worst form of defense, nothing really breaks by using this (house)rule.

Using this sheet you would be better off just increasing the Wounds manually if you wanted to do it that way.

MisterPhoton said:

I don't know if I'm misinformed or not, but shouldn't a character's Wounds increase as their Toughness bonus increases?

For instance, in Rogue Trader I take an advancement of Toughness on my Navigator at character creation, taking my total Toughness from 35 to 40. Seeing as how his Toughness bonus is now 4, and he's from an Imperial World, and I rolled a 3 on a 1d5, shouldn't his Wounds be an 11 instead of a 9?

Also, do Wounds increase over the character's life when Toughness is increased?

EDIT: The reason I ask is because I haven't found an answer in the books, and your character sheet doesn't seem to increase Wounds when Toughness is increased.

It's pretty clear in the other core rule books that toughness increases do not affect wounds. At the end of the day, the sheet does represent my interpretation of the rules and is not gospel. I remember also finding reference to starting wounds not being affected by toughness increases from the initial xp you get to spend, so the sheet works off the rolled value and homeworld bonus only.

To add extra wounds, you'll need to add sound constitution as an elite advance (possibly multiple times)

I am having issues with creating a Metalican Gunslinger. I enter all the stat rolls, select Scum and Metalican City homeworld. I have tried adding Metalican Gunslinger both before chosing starting options and after, both ways remove all starting skills and talents for being a Scum. I know I lose the Rank 1 options, but I thought you still were suposed to keep your starting skills and talents when selecting an alternate rank. Did I miss something or is this a bug?

That does sound like a bug - thanks for reporting it.

From which book is the Gunslinger? I'll look up the details .....

Inquisitors Handbook

Yep, IH. I know at one point it worked fine. I jumped a few revisions so was recreating a character I had in an older version when I noticed this issue.

It seems that there are 3 alternative ranks from blood of martyrs (sister .....) that all replaced rank 1 skill and talents. I no longer have access to the book to prove that, so if someone can confirm this I would appreciate it.

Anyway, I've coded all rank 1 alternatives to replace the base starting skills - this is OK for the 3 Sisters but not for everyone else.

If you want to fix it in the mean time, unhide the Menus sheet, go to line 1356. Column F contains the formula with the mistake.
Change the last part that reads Advancement!$C$4="" and replace it with LEFT(Advancement!$C$4,7)<>"Sister "

Copy this formula down to row 1381 and all should work again.

I'll make sure this is in the next release.

Memetix said:

It seems that there are 3 alternative ranks from blood of martyrs (sister .....) that all replaced rank 1 skill and talents. I no longer have access to the book to prove that, so if someone can confirm this I would appreciate it.

Anyway, I've coded all rank 1 alternatives to replace the base starting skills - this is OK for the 3 Sisters but not for everyone else.

If you want to fix it in the mean time, unhide the Menus sheet, go to line 1356. Column F contains the formula with the mistake.
Change the last part that reads Advancement!$C$4="" and replace it with LEFT(Advancement!$C$4,7)<>"Sister "

Copy this formula down to row 1381 and all should work again.

I'll make sure this is in the next release.

Sorry to bother you. I selected an origin path and all the cybernetics that offer a talent. It still gives data overflow. There are more talents from cybernetics that will show but if you select all the cybernetics that give a talent it will say data overflow to many skills or talents and start to overwrite the last talents.

How can you pm a person on this forum?

Thor - you can email me, address is on the instructions sheet.

Thanks for reporting the overflow issue. I can't see any "real" character getting to that point so I'm not planning a fix as it stands. I have added space for 21 starting talents, 9 more than previously available. I suspect this will be good enough for most characters.

Possible bug report:

The Wound calculation for DH charakter sheets doesn't seem right: if you enter 1 as a roll (1d5) with Hive background you get 6 Wounds. Should be 9 according to DH Core if I'm not mistaken.

Apart from that: this tool ist effing amazing! The best chargen ever! And the shop ist genius. Can't even begin to imagine the amount of work you had to put into this. Thanks a lot!



Navigator Bug Alerts:

1. there's a bunch of starting skills missing which you can buy at current but which oughta be gotten for free:

  • CL Navis Nobilite
  • FL (Navigators, Warp)
  • Literacy
  • Navigation (Stellar, Warp)
  • Psyniscience
  • SL (Astromancy)

2. there's two starting skills missing which you cannot buy at current but which oughta be gotten for free:

  • SL High Gothic & Low Gothic

3. There's a starting talent missing: Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)

Explorator Bug Alert & Missionary Bug Alert:

1. the starting talents BWT Universal and MWT Universal do show on the character sheet but not in the talent summary

Rogue Trader Bug Alert & Void-Master Bug Alert:

1. same as for explorator but with PWT & MWT Universal

Astropath Bug Alert:

1. same as for above but then with PWT Universal

Seneschal Bug Alert:

1. same as above but for PWT & BWT Universal

The talent summary sheet strips out the weapon proficiencies as these are summarised on the character sheets. This is a design decision.

The wounds for DH characters is indeed a long standing bug, It has been using the wounds from the RT rules for home worlds shared between the 2 settings (Imperial, Hive, Forge). I thought there had been an errata to say this was the correct behaviour but I can't find it know so I'm tempted to set them back to a fixed value, and not dependent on starting toughness, for DH characters.

I can't reproduce the Navigator bug, it all seem to work fine for me.

I'll be adding Ammo to the shop in the next release ....

I have a request for an addition. Is there any way to have Psy Rating added to Force Weapons dmg and pen automatically?

First of all.

In the new version 5.85.. i love the new shop feature.

But i noticed a bug that the Blackbone Bracing implant give the proper talents (Iron Jaw & Bulging Bicip), but it does not automaticly add +2 to melee damage.

hi again... two things more.

first.. in version 5.85 under Equipment.
If I equip an BOLT GUN an choose BEST QUALITY... it automaticly adds +2 to damage on your sheet.
But a best qualitity weapon only adds +1 to damage and +10% to attack rolls and never jams or overheats.
I think that is a bug.
is it possible make the sheet automaticly add "+10% to attack rolls (and never jams or overheats if it is a ranged weapon)." in the weapons special slot when best quality is selected?
When you "buy" a gun under SHOP would it be possible to have a dropdown menu like you have for "qualitity", but for the various attachments like reddot or a scope. And the have it shown on the weapon in the character sheet with the various modifieres in the weapons special slot.
Again thank you for at wonderfull sheet.
And I hope you can use the feedback

Thanos said:

hi again... two things more.

first.. in version 5.85 under Equipment.
If I equip an BOLT GUN an choose BEST QUALITY... it automaticly adds +2 to damage on your sheet.
But a best qualitity weapon only adds +1 to damage and +10% to attack rolls and never jams or overheats.
I think that is a bug.
is it possible make the sheet automaticly add "+10% to attack rolls (and never jams or overheats if it is a ranged weapon)." in the weapons special slot when best quality is selected?
When you "buy" a gun under SHOP would it be possible to have a dropdown menu like you have for "qualitity", but for the various attachments like reddot or a scope. And the have it shown on the weapon in the character sheet with the various modifieres in the weapons special slot.
Again thank you for at wonderfull sheet.
And I hope you can use the feedback

Thanks ..... I'll ensure Blackbone bracing adds +2 to UNARMED melee damage, along with benefits for Street Fighting and Unarmed Warrior/Master Talents

From the above list.

  1. The damage bonus for best is now +1 for melee weapons (it was +2 for all weapons)
  2. It already does this (on the final character sheet)
  3. Good idea - one I'm currently working on for the next release.